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Today's rambling: Le Petit Prince
Written on Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003 at 11:27 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Didn't get my exam grade back yesterday, either! *pouts* This is very disappointing. And I didn't get my "you have a package waiting for you at the Mail Center" slip until around 5-ish, so I couldn't go get Le Petit Prince until today. But now here it is, sitting all pristine and shiny next to me...and after skimming through a couple of pages I realized that I'm going to need to keep babelfish on almost constantly for some of these words. *chuckles* Yes, I read the book in 12th grade...but that was back in '98-'99! A lot of time has passed since then, hehe! Well, enough that I've forgotten half these words, anyway! Still, it's very spifteh.

I've decided that I'm skipping COM 100 today. It's entirely too cold out today for me to walk all the way across campus, sit there for only half an hour, and then come all the way back. If we were going to be there for the entire hour, then I'd probably go. Or y'know, if the weather wasn't so bitterly cold...I almost didn't make it to Health this morning. The wind was so cold that I was getting a really bad headache. Y'know how when you eat ice cream too fast and you get that brain freeze feeling? It was like that, only it wasn't going away. And I had to tug on my ears after I got into the building because they felt like they were being pinched or something. It was a painful experience, and not one I care to repeat for only half an hour of a class which has been easy thus far. Granted, we haven't had a test yet, but I can get the small amount of notes from Jess, hehe...

French class yesterday was a scary experience. Miranda wasn't there, as I already wrote, but neither were John or Emily! I think they both stayed home because it was snowing and windy and just generally very icky. But that left me without anybody, and we always have a period of 'talking with a partner' during class, so I was in a panic all throughout that hour and 15 minutes. :P At first it was okay, because the professor was just talking...but then she made us do another one of those group stories (where one person says one sentence of it, then the next, and so on). This time, I was one of the last people to go (as opposed to being third the day before), and I got my usual nervous flare-up, with the heart-pounding and the stomach spasms (oh yes, those are the best). But then things turned out okay at the end. Here's how it went:

Our storyline was that this girl was going on a date...but the story was from the girl's point of view. Therefore, we had to say things like "He came to pick me up at 6 o'clock," blah blah. Well, after describing what the guy was wearing (apparently, he came dressed only in a blue shirt because no one ever described the rest of his attire), Madame was like, "Okay, now what was the girl wearing?" So she gave the next student a prompt for the beginning of the sentence: "Moi, je portais..." Well. This student was a boy. And so he had to say "Moi, je portais une robe bleue" ("I wore a blue dress"). Got an amusing mental image from that one, and thankfully it gave me the perfect idea for what I would say when it was my turn. And, as though she'd been reading my thoughts, the girl before me even set the whole thing up! She used imparfait for "we talked" instead of pass� compos�, so in essence she was saying "we were talking"..which would require a "when something happened" to come after it.

Okay, I know I'm not making sense. Let's just say that her sentence, combined with mine, fit perfectly. So she said "we were talking," Madame told her that she'd have to have a "when such-and-such happened" after it, and then came my sentence: "Nous avons vu un homme qui portait une robe rouge."

The professor smiled at first (one of those automatic, "Yes, you conjugated correctly!" smiles), then frowned in bewilderment and repeated, "une robe rouge?" in that tone of voice that says, "I think you meant something else!"

"Oui," I replied complacently. At this, the teacher burst out laughing and said (in English), "A cross-dresser!!"

I didn't expect the next reaction. A bunch of the other students in the class burst out laughing, too! I was all embarrassed, hehe, but at the same time I was glad my sentence went over so well. There were only two people after me, though, so one girl said "we were scared" and the next one said that the couple went home or something like that.

So back to today. I totally blew Josh off at breakfast this morning. Y'know, Scarecrow Boy? I'm trying to get him to just stop associating with me, period, but unfortunately I'm not going about it in the right way. I should just outright tell him I don't want him near me anymore, but I can't. So instead whenever he manages to ferret me out, I just give him brusque answers and then walk off. This morning, I was all happy that I'd gotten from Humanities to the dining hall without him finding me ('cause on Monday he tried walking with me on the way to Humanities)...and as I was pouring myself some orange juice, I hear his annoying nasaly voice saying, "Hii Amber..."

I scurried away after telling him that I had to hurry, and saw Kevin and this other girl sitting by the window. Hallelujah! thought I. But they were only there for another ten minutes. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Josh walk up and kind of hover hesitantly around this one chair that had Kevin's schoolbag on it, but I didn't look up (which would invite him to sit down), and neither did Kevin. So Josh took the table next to us. As soon as Kevin and the other girl (I know her name, just not how to spell it) left, I grabbed up my stuff and moved to another table where my usual breakfast partner was seated. See what I'm talking about? I'm being really mean here! I just know all this bad karma is going to come back to kick me in the bum later on. Probably while I'm on my way to French...oy, it's a little after 11, which means I am now officially skipping class. I feel so dirty...the bad karmic waves are just multiplying, heh...

And if that wasn't enough negativity, now I'm talking with Frank on AIM and I'm getting rather annoyed by him, too. It's not that I'm a conversation hog. I talk about myself all the time in here, obviously, but in normal conversation I don't tend to talk about things that happen to me all that often because I'm afraid it's making me sound selfish or conceited. Even if I find the story to be interesting, if I've already said too much about myself (or about one particular topic), I tend to let it go unsaid. But then there are those people (Melissa was one of them) who have absolutely no problem going on and on about the point where they can't even listen to a topic that doesn't have to deal with them. Melissa would say something about herself that would prompt me to be like "Oh yeah, one time this thing happened to me..." and so she'd give a distracted "Yeah...but, um..." and go right back into stories about herself. Without fail.

Lauren does this, too. Not with as much frequency, thankfully, but often enough that I tend not to talk to her that often about my personal affairs. And then there's Frank. Frank is not only boring and very prone to gross exaggerations, but he's also self-centered. The other day we were talking, and I tried to get in a little story about something that had happened to me. Hadn't even FINISHED the darned thing before he gave a response that led into him talking about himself. At any rate, it was just really irking me. But he's gone now, and I wasn't even curt with him!

Yet again, the Health teacher (they've switched, so it's the guy now) felt the need to point out how terrible high school health class is, and how every single one of us is un-educated about Health-related topics. That irks me, too. 'Course, in this case I'll take any excuse possible to complain since I detest the class, but that's alright. Thanks to moving around, I've had Health in 7th, 10th, and 12th grade...might have even had a little bit in 9th, but I'm not sure. Anyway, while I certainly don't know EVERYTHING there is to know, I like to think that I know more than he's assuming. Just because health education in western PA schools is crappy (apparently) doesn't mean that everyone in that room is from western PA! Bah. I'm just going to be elated when that class is over with. Waste of my time...

Pam is trying to butter me up. I think it's because she wants my Humanities notes. Normally I'd get on her case about it, but she has bronchitis so I guess it's a good thing she wasn't there. :P *cries* Everyone is getting sick around this wretched place! Hurry up and get here, February 28, so I can go home and get away from the sickness! :P

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!