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Today's rambling: I could be a Shakespeare play.
Written on Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 at 11:49 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Macbeth had Banquo as his foil. I have Cynthia.

Oh yes, bright bubbly snobby Cynthia, who just HAD to pick the same major as I and seems to be everywhere I am. She was in my group at orientation, and I just can't seem to shake the wench off of me. The worst of it is, even though she acknowledged my presence during orientation, she just glances coolly at me and then lets her gaze slide away now. I wouldn't have such a strong dislike for her if she at least stopped her snobbery and y'know, talked to me once in awhile. Last semester, when she'd chosen TV and I'd chosen radio, I thought "Wow! Finally, I'll be rid of her!" But this morning, as I was getting ready for my show, I noticed a sheet taped up on the studio window. On this sheet was a short list of names of folks who wanted to go through DJ training this semester. My arch nemesis happened to be one of them.

AAAUUUUUUUUUUUGHHHHH, I say! Little Miss "I'm Gonna Be A SupahSTAH!" just go away!! Let me be alone! *weeps bitterly*

*deep breath* Okay. I guess she won't really keep me from being successful or anything. The real reason I detest her so much is that her phony bubbliness is construed by most adults to be genuine, "you're pleasant to be around"ness. I feel like The Little Prince in some ways, not understanding "les grandes personnes." Whereas I can see through people like Cynthia, they seem incapable of it--and so people like me, who are genuinely good (or at least, I like to think I am) go unnoticed because they're not the sort to just flaunt themselves the way Cynthia types do. I remember at orientation, she got there way before the others (I would have been there early, but I got lost, heehee) and had nearly her whole schedule done up. The pudgy woman in the Communication office was all like, "Oh, she's such a cute girl!" and kept going on and on about how wonderful this girl was. I was really put out at first, until I realized that that woman was a bit like Cynthia. At least, she was flighty and kinda superficial...y'know, like those older women who spend their days gossiping in grocery stores?

But yeah, it's not that I want to be THE best, I just wish I could have my own opportunity to shine without Cynthia getting in the way and flaunting herself shamelessly.

It amuses me, however, how she went straight for the job that would let her be in the spotlight (i.e. in front of the camera) and I went for something where I'd be more 'behind the scenes'ish. Guess that says something for our personalities, hehe...

Anyway, it's time for COM. Thus, I'll finish this later!

Okay, it's later (half an hour later, hee hee), but I have to study for my French exam now. I am SO nervous about it! I'm not sure I know this stuff! And we have to write another mini essay for it...aieeeee! Keep your fingers crossed for me, everybody!

I read a story on the radio this morning about investigators in the Philippines who found a severed leg, wrapped in a plastic bag, in a trash bin...outside a McDonald's. I know it's gruesome, and definitely very gross, but come on. That location just cracks me up. I warned listeners not to eat at that particular McDonald's for awhile, hee hee...Sorry. Sick humor. :P

Talked to Mom last night, and she told me that Geoff hadn't gotten out of work until 9 am (after working since 10 pm the previous night), and so it was unlikely that I'd be hearing from him. And sure enough, I didn't hear a word from him either on IM or via the telephone. Mom had put the idea in my head that I should call him at work, and at first I was actually going to make myself get up earlier to do so...but in the end, I kept my alarm set for the usual time of 4:30. :P I woke up on my own about 15 minutes early, though, so I grabbed Kristen's phone (which is cordless) and hastened down to the bathroom to talk. *chuckles* Quiet hours last until 10 am, so I wasn't about to talk out in the hall and wake someone up. ;) He didn't even know who I was at first, lol! Guess it was a bit of a surprise to hear me calling at that odd hour of day. Blah blah, one of us is going to call the other later tonight, since he has off. :P Not sure if it'll be him calling me or the other way around, but if I hear nothing by 9 o'clock then I'm calling him...even though I can't afford the phone bill, hehe...

By the way, in case anyone thought I was being cheap, using Kristen's phone, she didn't get charged anything. See, I'm a considerate sort! Hee hee...

Okay. Even though it's not going to take me more than 20 minutes (if that), I'm going to study a little bit more for French. As long as I get the vocabulary memorized and such, I should be okay. Hope so, anyway!!! The Humanities test was easy, so maybe I'll get lucky and my second exam of the day will be easy as well!

Oh! I nearly forgot...remember how last Friday I was bemoaning the fact that the DJ who came on after me was so good--and it was only his first show? He came in this morning with a head cold, and I don't remember how we got on the subject but I said, "I tuned in for about the last hour of your show last Friday. You were really good." He thanked me and all, and then I giggled and added, "I was all jealous, like 'That was his first show and he's better than I am!'" After a moment, he told me that before coming to college he'd been in this amateur improv troupe, which is something that can definitely help in this field! I'm not good at improvising. So anyway, that's his secret. And he ended his show today with "A flute without holes is a stick...but a donut without holes is a danish." :P Wonder what his saying for NEXT week will be, hehehe!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!