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Today's rambling: Cohosts, woohoo!
Written on Thursday, Jan. 30, 2003 at 12:30 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Tyrone is quite the interesting character. He actually said he liked the song I always play at the beginning of my show...which is "Come On Get Happy" from the Partridge Family! *laughs* There are only a few things that got a little irritating for me this morning, but it was nothing that made me want to kick him out of the studio or anything. Today was his first day on the air, so I realize he's still got a lot to learn. The one thing that kind of got to me was the fact that he talks so softly on the air. I mean, I could barely hear him while listening in person...I can only imagine what it must have sounded like to the people out in Radioland!

But in general, it was a lot of fun. It was great being able to talk with someone and interact with them! Like at one point I was reading the weather (he finally made me do it, hehe), and he accidentally called the station WCU3 (instead of WCUC). So we started calling it that for a little while, and my roomie happened to be listening at that point. When I came back to my room after History, I found a note from her that said, "You two are crazy! WCU3?" Hee hee...Wonder if anyone else was listening. I was being sort of wacky after reading the weather...Saw a car go by outside, so I was like, "Hey! Car that just drove by! Are you listening to WCUC?" And then Tyrone brought up the fact that Chandler and Gemmell tend to play our station so I said something like, "Hey you! Yeah, the one by the French toast!" :P Just random stuff that I might not have done if I'd been by myself.

The best part was that the music he was picking (I programmed the first half of the show, and he did the second) was stuff that I didn't mind listening to! We both need to learn how to program stuff outside our usual genre, but that's alright. If anyone's actually listening at that time of day, they can darn well call in and request something different! ;) Tyrone played two Spice Girls songs in a row. I'm telling you, this is great stuff. Amusing, yes. But great nonetheless.

He was calling me his lovely cohost and 'the queen of WCUC in the morning' all morning. *grins* I know no one else would call me that, but it was kinda flattering nonetheless! He's so non-threatening...the best kind of guy!

I'm not sure what I'm going to do next semester. Hot Guy Ryan is going to be the new station manager (because Mel is graduating), and I'm going to be the new Music Director...but do I want to keep doing the morning show, or would I rather get a night or weekend show? No matter which one I got, I would play classic rock type stuff. Mel's show has one hour of classic rock in it, but I think I'd do the entire thing as a classic rock show. And because it would only be a once-a-week show, I wouldn't have to worry about running out of songs! :P But on the other hand, I'm sort of getting into the swing of doing this every day. If I only got to do it once a week I'd kind of get that high during the show, and then afterward I'd be all bummed because I had to wait an entire week before I could do it again. I can't do a morning show AND a night/weekend show, of course. That would just be greedy. Oh well, I've got an entire semester to worry about that!

Waffling right now about whether I should go take a nap or something. I don't have any more classes today since French was canceled, but I'm not feeling terribly tired right now. On the other hand, though, I'll probably get tired later!

On the phone with Kevin now...

And now I'm not. :P If Lauren agrees, the three of us are going down to the station tonight to record my new promo. Bwe he he...

I was actually getting into the History lecture today when 10:45 rolled around and class ended. : We were learning about the Massachusetts Bay Colony and, of course, the little Jamestown settlement. Proof of my ignorance, here...I didn't really realize that the Jamestown folks were all about gold, gold, gold. They didn't care about building permanent buildings (like churches or whatnot), they didn't care about families--in fact, the people there were predominantly male--I just didn't really think about it. I guess if I'd thought back even to Disney's "Pocahontas" (a movie which I loathe, by the by), I would have realized that they were, in fact, an exploitation society. I knew they got in fights with the Indians, I just...I don't know. Now that I'm sitting here thinking about it I see that I did actually know a lot of that stuff. Maybe it just didn't click before. The point is that I was actually interested. Big shock for me. Moving on now...

I don't think I have anything to move on to. I just called home, thinking Mom was at work and I'd leave her a message kinda telling about Tyrone, but it turns out she was home! And I woke her up...which is VERY odd, considering she never sleeps that late. But she was 'catching up', as she put it. At any rate, I told her to go back to bed, hehe...So I'll have to tell her the story later.

On Saturday, I get to move to the next month--and the next city--of my calendar, which is Aveyron. I already looked at all the pictures in the calendar, but there are little blurbs for each place, too...and I've made myself hold off on reading those. Not sure why, but I guess it gives me something to look forward to each month. *giggles*

Oh! Has anyone seen the banner for this one diary...I think her name is Robin Lee Hatcher, or something like that? She's a Christian novelist, which rather intrigued me. Anyway, I followed a link from her diary to her website, and now I'm itching to buy this one book that she wrote. After reading the exerpt, I got really interested in it! I've never actually read a book that was in the Christian genre, so it'll be kind of neat to branch out. The sci-fi/fantasy genre isn't doing much to interest me anymore.

Umm...that's it. I really can't think of anything else to say. Unless you'd like to know that I plan on going to lunch around...Oh! I could go with Lauren and Amanda around 2, if they're going! Wow, maybe it's a good thing I wrote that blurb after all! :P

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!