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Today's rambling: What? There's more?
Written on Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003 at 6:48 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The first coupla paragraphs were originally my "Later note" in the previous entry. I didn't think I'd be writing another entry today, but behold! More has happened to me! And if I can learn how to type again, I'll share everything with you! But first, the paragraphs from last entry...

I feel all warm and fuzzy. *chuckles* Well first off, let me explain that Geoff never talks about me around Mom. Like, he just never mentions me. So anyway, Mom called me this afternoon and told me that she "saw my man" today. :P She said that he'd been on his way out (he worked night shift again) when a Jethro Tull song came on the store radio. So he walked over to her (I guess she was in one of the aisles or something) and said, "This is Amber's new favorite band"...or something like that. Anyway, Mom was all taken aback by the fact that he actually mentioned me, because she swears he never talks about me. "I think he misses you," she confided.

Awww... ^_^

My original 'Later note' didn't get posted because Diaryland was very stupid to me! I hate how if you accidentally hit the 'back' button or a link or something, and then try to hit a button to get back to your entry, it's no longer there. Even EZboard keeps your stuff in the little message box so that if you hit back or forward, it's still there. C'mon Andrew, get with it! Hehehe....

Right, so then I went to my DJ meeting, and now I'm back. Remember Tyrone, and how nobody had told me that he was no longer my cohost? Well, Mel was talking to me tonight after the meeting about when I could and could not do the show, and who should walk up but Tyrone. Now, I'd only ever caught a glimpse of this guy before. Never actually met him, never heard him speak, nothing. So imagine my surprise when this tall, burly-looking guy opens his mouth and an almost feminine, near-lisping voice comes out!

I'm not going to have any trouble getting along with this guy. He was so easy to talk to, I don't think he likes rap (or at least, he's okay with not playing R&B-ish stuff during the show), and he even laughed when I told him about the tribute I made to him. In fact, he was cracking up. So you know you can't dislike a guy who has these fundamental qualities. ;) Anyway, he'll be with me on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I'd prefer to have someone on Mondays and Wednesdays so that I can go to my regular Health classes, but I'll survive. The nice part about going on Tuesdays and Thursdays is that I only have to walk as far as the science building, rather than all the way across campus. The only building farther than Chapel Theatre is the Dana Still(s?) building, which is this randomly-placed building one street down from the theatre. :P

Did I mention that Geoff thought of me when he heard the Jethro Tull song? ;) *laughs* I feel so silly talking about that kind of stuff in here. I mean, I'm always telling what happened and blah blah, but if anyone's ever noticed, I don't usually say what I FEEL about the situation. I'll be like, "Oo, I felt so special" or something like that, but I've only recently been getting over my hesitance to relate my actual feelings in that respect. It's easy to talk about being irritated or angry about something, or about being happy over a certain event. But opening up about warm and fuzzy emotions such as love? Not exactly as easy. Partly because it's all rather new to me and I wasn't aware it was possible to BE warm and fuzzy like that, and partly because I don't want to annoy the people who read this. I know, the latter reason is stupid. I'm still not QUITE able to grasp the concept of "this is MY diary".

But then...certain things should probably still be kept private, right? I mean, even though this is a diary and it's been quite therapeutic for me to write things in here, I wouldn't want to gush about every single little thing that happened in my personal life. I'm not an exhibitionist, after all. ;) It's a little too easy to be open and honest in this atmosphere, because you can't physically SEE the number of people who read what you've written. It's kind of like radio: you feel more free to say things than you would if you were talking to a huge group of people in an auditorium (or wherever). Some of the things I've written in here would probably be highly embarrassing to tell someone face-to-face!

At any rate, there was my tangent. I think there was more to it, but then the DJ on this oldies station started talking and my train of thought derailed. Egads, now the Pine Sol lady is talking! She is so annoying! Can't they get a better spokesperson?

I should go get my shower and head off to bed now. It's so sad. I'm going to bed at granny hours or something. I've just been so tired! And I think I've been getting a decent amount of sleep. Well, by medical standards I'm getting enough. Today was worse than the other days, though. And my 'power nap' today had absolutely no power in it at all. Remind me that it has to be an hour or less, and it would be better if I was just laying there dozing rather than full-out sleeping. Is that the secret to power-napping? Because I got an hour and a half today, and I was so exhausted that I pretty much just crashed out. But when I woke up, I felt worse than I did BEFORE I went to sleep! : So no more than an hour from this point forward. Unless I can somehow get like FOUR hours or something, ha ha...

Seriously. The recommended sleep period is 'at least 7 hours' according to my Health book. If all I got was 7 or 8 hours, I would quickly burn out. I need at least 9 or 10 (leaning more toward 10). If you calculated the amount of time I sleep, you'd probably discover that that's what I've spent 3/4 of my life doing! But yet I need that sleep. If you tried to make me go on less, I just couldn't do it. I've had people try to tell me that you DON'T get sleep in college, but I can't function like that. I wish I was one of those people who could go to bed at 9 or 10 and wake up around 8 in the morning. Except then I'd be wicked bored for even more hours of the day instead of the usual number. See, at least when I sleep into the afternoon, I have that much less time to be bored. :

I've found a new liking for the song "Happy Together" by the Turtles. I used to not like it (when I was younger it was because the song was used in a Golden Grahams commercial, and overexposure made me hate the song), but just recently I've really begun to enjoy listening to it. I was just reminded because the song is on right now. :P I don't much care for one of the guys in the group though, because he's kinda condescending. The Oldies station back home had this big concert one summer, and they interviewed each of the acts. The interviews were broadcast live over the radio, and the one guy from the Turtles was being so snide and whatever! It was like, "Umm, hate to tell you this, buddy, but you're not exactly a real popular band anymore. If not for these little concerts, you'd be stuck doing county fairs like Gary Puckett." :P

Anyway, that's all for me. I need to go shower and all that good stuff. And you're welcome for the unneeded information. ;)

NO FRENCH UNTIL MONDAY! WAHOO! (The teacher scares me, hehe)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!