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About Me

Today's rambling: Friday Five
Written on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003 at 11:33 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I found a link to that Friday 5 site, and even though I've seen some of their questions before, this was the first time I was actually interested enough to want to respond. *chuckles* So here we go. All about jobs...because y'know, I like to talk about my job in this diary. ;)

1. Where do you currently work?

At a small-ish grocery store chain that is now owned by the large and evil Slaveway (aka Safeway).

2. How many other jobs have you had and where?

Umm...Only two, technically. I worked with my father one summer, archiving files in the basement. Boring, but it was air-conditioned and I got to have my own desk. ^_^ I really loved that desk! It was situated right underneath a window, and I have this picture of it with a vaseful of yellow lilies situated on the windowsill, the morning sun glinting off the petals...It was a relaxing sort of job! No stress because it was too boring to CAUSE stress! :P Oh yeah, and the other job! I worked for Super Fresh, a grocery store owned by the infamous A&P. *chuckles* That job sucked. Big time.

3. What do you like best about your job?

Geoff. Ha ha! Seriously, it's the social interaction that I like best. Not with the customers, 'cause they're all rude, rich yuppies. But most of the other employees are fun to talk to...the guys that work in the grocery/frozen food departments are the best, though! I've opened up a lot since working there.

4. What do you like least about your job?

The work? :P And the customers. I probably wouldn't mind it as much if I didn't have to cater to dumb people. The moment they walk into the store, they're like, "Where's such-and-such?" Now, if they were going in just for that item, I guess it would be excusable for them to ask. But half the time they walk out with a cart full of it's just laziness on their parts!

5. What is your dream job?

Of course, I'd still love to be an author. But I don't have the self-discipline required to actually finish a story! X_X Other than that, I don't really have a set career. I want to be able to change every few years, to keep things exciting. Considering that your career tends to become your life, I'd like to make sure it's something I enjoy!

Augh, I couldn't just stop at one, so here are the 5 from Friday, January 3rd. Well, four of them at least...I got rid of the fifth one because the weekend is over. :P

1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind?

I've got a thin gold bracelet, a necklace with a heart-shaped pendant, and three rings (one is this really pretty amethyst ring, the other is my class ring with alexandrite...or a simulated alexandrite, anyway...and the other is this silver thing I made in 8th grade). Occasionally I wear earrings, but I usually forget. :P

2. How often do you wear it?

All the time. The rings I take off when I'm working, though, because they tend to get caught against things. :P And I always take my jewelry (except the bracelet) off when I shower. I don't know why.

3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where?

Two piercings in each ear. Not that it matters, since I always forget to put anything in them!

4. Do you have any tattoos? If so, where?

None. Nor do I plan to ever get any.

There we go. I've had enough of that. ;) It's after 11:30 now and I really should go, so that I can get my stuff packed up and ready to go for tomorrow. Blehhhhhh...I don't feel like packing. And unpacking will be even more tedious!

I keep getting whiffs of Geoff's clothing, and I'm not quite sure why, since he's not exactly anywhere nearby. I think I'm going crazy. Either that, or our fabric softener actually IS the same as his and I've just never noticed the similarity before...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!