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Today's rambling: Feelin' Down
Written on Saturday, Jan. 18, 2003 at 8:27 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Today has been a really blah, depressing sort of day. I think it's because I know I'm leaving tomorrow. And yeah, I know just a couple of weeks ago I was all excited to get back, but now I'm not! Well, I am--I certainly don't want to keep working at the store!--but at the same time I'm not. Everyone's probably going to roll their eyes about this one, but I'm mostly upset about not being around Geoff for a month. And even I realize that that's just STUPID, but I can't help it. It's just the way I am!

So let's see...Woke up late in the afternoon and got one of my usual headaches. Took a shower and, as usual, had to keep turning the faucet knob thingy because the water kept cooling down. There's a reason for my being glad to get back to Clarion: my favorite shower stall always has wonderfully hot water that never cools down. ^_^

An hour or so later, Mom and I went out so that she could return a pair of pants. I got some earmuffs (because according to my little weather gadget, it is COLD up at college right now!), and I tried to find a pair of dress shoes but of course they didn't have anything large enough for me. I need to go to an actual shoe store to find something that goes up to size 11, apparently. And yet here I'd been, thinking that stores were finally realizing that women's feet came larger than sizes 8 or 9! So I'm a bit disappointed about that. I got frustrated with the earmuffs because they were all coiled up, and I couldn't get the darned things to straighten out! Then when I finally did, the plastic bits hurt my head. So I settled for a pair of dark blue things without the coily plastic headband part.

And that was it, really. Mom ordered dinner (can you guess what it was?), and then we sat out in the living room watching TV for a little while. We were watching E! just because we had nothing better to do. That channel makes me sick, really. All they do is gossip about people, and talk about superficial things like a certain celebrities clothing or hair or jewelry. And that Joan Rivers wench? What right does SHE have to judge someone's style when she looks like a walking advertisement for why cosmetic surgery is bad? Shouldn't she be dead or something by now? Even with all that surgery, she looks like she's ancient. And her daughter's not so great, either. They're all just ridiculous people.

Once I used to join in
every boy and girl was my friend.
Now there's revolution, but they don't know
what they're fighting.
Let us close our eyes;
outside their lives go on much faster.
Oh, we won't give in,
we'll keep living in the past.

Random song lyric moment. :P I think I just drank too much water. What does it mean when the label on bottled water says it's "ozonated"? It brings to mind an image of water flying through space or something. Guess it must be good for water to be ozonated, though, or else they wouldn't do it, right? Hehe...Maybe it doesn't do anything, but all the rich yuppies must have ozonated water because 'ozonated' is a big word and it makes them feel more important. :P

Gah, I hate feeling so bleh! I think it must be remnants of my happy cells emptying out. And it wasn't even as if I'd held any real expectations for yesterday! Basically, I did everything I'd wanted to: hang out at the apartment, say hi to Tim, get one last hug in with Geoff before I had to leave...It's getting to the point where I'd like to just STAY there with him, and I'm quite sure that that's a dangerous sort of longing. So maybe it's all for the better that I'll be going away, so I can get rid of that feeling.

Anyway, I don't really have anything left to say, so I guess I'll just post this and go listen to the song I just downloaded.

Okay, I left for awhile and then decided I wasn't really done. Except I only have one rant in my head to write down, hehe...And that was brought on by this thing I read at that diary reviews thingy (I'm sure you probably know where it is...if not, it's not important). The other day I was checking up on messages at the 10th Kingdom message board I frequent (or used to frequent, anyway), and this one guy--who I haven't been able to tolerate for awhile--has a message posted saying something like, "Guess what, I'm bisexual! I just figured it out, blah blah, I hope none of you have a problem with it, because being smallminded is very ignorant." Now, I couldn't care less about the fact that he's bisexual. To each his own, and it's good that he got that straightened out. But the last bit really irritated me. Well, I guess the whole post did, really. First he comes out with "HEY, I'M BISEXUAL!" as if we're all supposed to toss confetti and drink champagne in his honor. It would be like me going in there and saying, "HEY, I'M STRAIGHT!" And then the latter bit, where he's like, "I hope you don't have a problem with it"...That part would have been fine on its own, but then he adds that defensive ending as though he's trying to fight off attacks before they even come in! For whatever reason, the people on that board really like him, so I don't know what he was worried about. I've always thought he was annoying, because of his need for attention. The kinds of stuff he would post really got on my nerves, and I was so glad when he finally left for whatever reason! But then he came back. X_X And I guess he'll keep updating us as he travels on his path to self-discovery. Maybe HE should get a diary.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!