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Today's rambling: I shagged Aragorn.
Written on Thursday, Jan. 09, 2003 at 6:27 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

It's hard to believe that two Sundays from now, I'll be going back to college! I feel like I've been here FOREVER, and that it's taken forever for vacation to be over. For the most part, I'm looking very forward to going back. Work is so tedious and boring that I'll enjoy not having to deal with it for another month or so. But on the other hand, I've gotten all comfy living here again, so I'm sure I'll be upset for a day or two once I actually go back! It would be nice if I could make a little more progress with Geoff, ha ha...but then again, I have to say that I really DID make a big step last Saturday night. It would just be nice to work on it a little more, hehehe...

I still can't believe how assertive I've become in that respect. It amuses me.

Anyway, I ended up sleeping 'til after 2 pm today, and I was still so tired when I opened my eyes that I lay there 'til 3 just dozing! And then when I woke up, I had a huge headache. X_X I wish I could be the sort of person that sprang out of bed while it was still morning, felt all bright and refreshed, and then was ready to go to bed at a normal time every night. Even when I do go to bed at decent times (like 8 o'clock or whatever), I still end up sleeping 'til the afternoon! I don't know what it is. I think I need metabolism boosters or something.

Speaking of metabolism...remember a long while back when I was extolling the virtues of that Body Solutions stuff? *giggles* They went out of business. I only found out because one day I was in the grocery back room with Mom and she had a memo saying to get rid of all the Body Solutions stuff. They went out of business because it was found their products didn't actually do anything to make weight drop off.

Well DUH. I knew that from the beginning! I was talking about it with Janette last night, and I've said it in here before, too. The stuff itself did absolutely nothing. It was just aloe vera and some flavoring. But it was an aid to help in self-discipline, if that makes sense. Forbidding yourself from eating 3 hours before bed (which is what we should all be doing anyway), all that stuff...Yes, it actually DID help me lose a few pounds. But it wasn't because of any special ingredients. :P Anyway, that's enough for my rant. ;)

Lately, I've been feeling much better about my body. Then again, I felt better about it after I read that article for Writing...maybe it's just phases I go through. ;) But for the first time, I've actually got people--guys, at that--who think I look terrific just as I am right now, and I never realized before what a HUGE self-esteem boost that is. My mom has told me forever that I look fine, but of course it's different with parents. I don't appreciate it any less, because I know there are some parents out there who don't give their children such compliments, but at the same time I can't help thinking, "You HAVE to say that because you're my mother." So to have people tell me I look nice, knowing they're under no obligation to do so...It feels very nice. :) Now, if only I could grow more hair, I think I'd be pretty content. :P

Tomorrow, since I didn't get to ask John if he wanted me in food service I'm going to work with Mom. ^_^ It'll be a very nice change of pace, because she works in HBC (Health and Beauty Care) and General Merchandise, so I'll be wandering all over the store. The down side to this is that customers will be asking me where stuff is and I have NO idea (thanks to the store's rearrangement last year). But it'll be nice not to worry about refilling the salad bar constantly at lunch, or smelling like stale deep-frying oil...I'm sure John'll get on my case a little bit, but I don't care. In the summer, I'm thinking about switching over to doing tags. Tina, the pricing clerk, was saying that I could work overnight and get SO much stuff done, and I'd like to give a few nights of overnight work a try. It would be so relaxing to wander about the store without any customers bothering me! And I wouldn't have to wear my uniform, and I'd get to associate with all the night crew folks... :P Well, it'll be a nice change. I can't do the same thing for very long, or I get bored and miserable. I need a frequent change to my routine. That's why when I finally get out of college, I'm not going to stick with one career. I plan on changing every few years, just to keep things fresh!

I think dinner's ready. Not really looking forward to it, as it's meatloaf and I detest that stuff, but at least it's food. Since I woke up so late, the only thing I ate was a small honeybun. We're having mashed potatoes too, though, so that makes up for the wretched 'main course'. :P Sometimes, I wish I could eat breakfast foods all day, hehe...

Ugh, I'm getting SO sick of all the hype about our local football team. They haven't been to the SuperBowl since sometime in the 1980's, so of course all the fans are...well, fanatical about the fact that these guys are in the playoffs. The news has been broadcasting all sorts of stories about it tonight, including this one about an older couple who're so OBSESSED with this team that their entire house is practically wallpapered with various team paraphernalia. Did I even spell that right? Anyway, the woman said that when her son got married, she even wore a dress with the team's logo on it. And she wears articles of clothing with their logo on it EVERY DAY. Some of the stuff she makes herself! That's just so tacky! You don't see me wandering around wearing Moody Blues or Queen stuff every day, do you? The occasional diary layout dedicated to them, but that's normal. But I assure you, Diary, my room has more wall than wall coverings...and those wall coverings are pretty paintings of non-musical things. ;)

Anyway, Mom just came in to tell me dinner's ready, so off I go! My tummeh's growling already at the thought of it!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!