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Today's rambling: I'm a winner!
Written on Friday, Jan. 10, 2003 at 5:17 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I was already in a better mood this morning because I knew I was going to get to work with Mom all day rather than slaving away in food service. So I meandered to the back, put my apron on and stuff, and was generally feeling very content...when to my surprise, Geoff pushed a u-frame into the back room. I had to fight the impulse to lunge at him and give him a big hug. *giggles* Anyway, Mom wandered off to start work and Geoff and I chatted for a few minutes. He brought up the fact that I was leaving soon, and then I asked, "Will we get to hang out again before I have to go back?"

Anyway, assuming he remembers, we'll be going out on Monday. :P He said it would be in the afternoon, though, which of course made me want to pout. *chuckles* I was hoping for a whole day, not just a few hours! But I guess I shouldn't be silly, right?

Safeway is having this new sweepstakes for the next 7 weekends (or something like that), where customers can win cars and home entertainment systems and all this other stuff. I can't help but wonder (being the cynical person that I am) if these prizes are just defective merchandise the manufacturers wanted to get rid of...kind of like the General Merchandise we sell on a regular basis. :P Only 7 cars are being given away to employees, and considering there are like 2,000 some-odd stores in this company, I would say that it's a very slim chance that any of us will win. Employees have different bonus cards than the customers...well, they work exactly the same, it's just that the machine knows if it's an employee or a customer. But you wanna know the funny part? Since I signed up for my card well after the initial craze, I got a customer card (without realizing it until later).

For about a month or two before Christmas, employees got 5% off their purchases if they used their card. So I used Mom's, as hers is an employee card. But now that this silly sweepstakes is going on, I've decided that I'm going to see what happens if I use my card. Will I actually win anything? And if I do, will I actually get it, or will they forbid me from getting it? I'm inclined to believe that they'll take the prize away, saying that I cheated...Ooo, and if they're REALLY mean, they could fine me or something! But I don't think they'd go that far. :P I really DO think they'd take my prize away from me, though. But they didn't take TODAY'S prize away from me!

Yes, that's right folks! The first time I used my card, and I won...a half-gallon of store-brand apple juice! WOOT! *peers* Hey, I like apple juice! But today it was apple juice. Tomorrow, I might win myself a Mustang convertible. *nods knowingly* Oh yes, it's just a matter of time. And then I'll raise a holy fit when the Slaveway gods come down upon me and demand I give my toy back. "Hey!" I'll protest. "I wasn't clocked in when I bought this stuff! Technically, I am a customer right now!" Hehehe...

I bought these Clean & Clear oil-absorbing cloths today, and let me just say that I was literally amazed by how well they work! *laughs* I know I sound like a really cheesy infomercial, but I'm serious! They're terrific! And I have disgustingly oily skin, so if they work for me then they've gotta work for other folks as well. I had my doubts at first, because they feel like small squares of plastic-ish stuff. But my face is all nice and oil-less! Well okay, technically now it's starting to get shiny again, but that's just because my pores mass-produce this gross stuff. Anyway, I'll stop now. ;)

I also bought a bubble envelope today, so as soon as I collect more funds, I can ship stuff off! What fnu! <--"Fnu" - make sure you all add that to your vocabulary. It's quite a popular word.

GAH!!! If I hear that fraggin' "Fly, Eagles fly" song ONE more time, I am going to march down to wherever the team is staying and bust every one of their kneecaps. They won't be doing any flying after that, and people will finally SHUT UP about them going to the playoffs! There is life other than sports, people!!!

Yeesh...that was violent. LOL! I wouldn't even really know how to go about busting someone's kneecaps! I guess you just swing a solid object really hard at them? *shrugs* :P Suppose it's one of those things I don't really need to know unless I plan on starting a life of crime, right?

Speaking of crime, for some reason I actually want to see that movie "Chicago". I don't know why, because typically that's NOT my favorite kind of movie. Maybe it's the fact that there's singing in it, and after Moulin Rouge I kinda like the whole 'modern musical' sort of thing. Not when it's in cartoon form...I just think we should see more musical stuff. :P

I don't have anything else to say. Except that I get to work with Mom all day tomorrow! Unless John asks me to set up the salad bar or something (which I hope he doesn't). If he does, then I'll just take two hours or whatever, get that all out, and then go back to helping Mom. And Geoffrey'll be there after 8 or 9, so I might actually get to talk to him more than I do when I'm stuck in food service! Oh joy, oh rapture!!!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!