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Today's rambling: The Genuardi's Tales
Written on Monday, Jan. 06, 2003 at 7:54 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

In an ode to The Canterbury Tales (which I don't even like), I have started my own, entitled "The Genuardi's Tales." No, they will not be anywhere near as well-written as Chaucer's work, but nonetheless I expect they'll provide entertainment for my fellow coworkers. Only some of them, though. As a few of them are going to make unsavory appearances, they won't get to see this masterpiece. ;) I'd like to finish it as quickly as possible and give it to Kirsten as a cheer-up, but it's kinda hard to write in rhyme. Especially as I've never been much of a poet. But even before I started writing down the first few lines last night, I've been thinking up little bits and pieces in my head for the past week. Here's the very wee bit I have so far:

In a mythic land was a kingdom fair;
It's name: Genuardi's, for those who care.
This land had shires, big and small,
With noble lords to rule them all.
And though some of them were none too bright,
The way they ruled was just and right.

While larger kingdoms from all around
Sought to bring Genuardi's down,
The kings themselves--all nine--agreed
That family values were the people's need.

*bows* Thank you, thank you. From there, I intend to tell of the downfall of this kingdom, by the invasion of the evil known as Safeway. And then the prologue will be over and I'll have The Baker's Tale, The Merchant's Tale, The Nobles' Tale...Oh yeah, if I can actually get that far, it will be great fun. I'm going to have to change that latter one, though. Basically, I want it to encompass Dave, Kirsten, Nicole, and all of them. In a royal hierarchy, I imagine they'd all be around the same rank (though of course Dave's the highest), but I'm starting Nicole off as a handmaiden. Heehee...

I have a strong desire to change my layout again. It's not that I particularly dislike the one I have now, it's just that I want something different! Part of me would like to do another adaptation of a Moodies song, but none of the other lyrics are bringing up such strong ideas for pictures and things. So I'm thinking instead that I would like to embrace my inner hippie and make something nifty and retro. Or maybe something exotic and French. Unfortunately, I have no ideas on how to do the latter, so that'll have to wait for some other time.

I finally caught up on all my posting at Hogwarts, so I feel relieved about that! It's kinda funny how once you start on one post, the others are easy to finish. The hard part is just starting one of them. I guess I won't be seeing Lola's character at all anymore, since she's joined a new elite group of LOTR-ites. *grins teasingly*

Hey guys, I finally got to talk to Tiff! *laughs* It's good to know she hasn't been abducted by those aliens the Raelite folks are going on about. Heeheehee...Of course, she'll probably never want to think about Princess Leia again, but that's a small price to pay for friendship, right? ;)

I have to work from 5-1:30 tomorrow, which is both good and bad. Bad because I have to wake up so fraggin' early (which means I should go to bed right about NOW), but good because it means I'll get to see Geoff. Ha ha! For all of like 2 minutes, since I'll only be able to talk to him long enough to say hello and good morning. I'm so upset that he wasn't able to get that week of vacation before I went back to college. EJ's taking HIS vacation next week, apparently. Grrrr!

"You've Got Mail!" Shut up, little AOL man. It's just spam. And pornographic spam, at that. You'd think people would have better things to do with their time then send out mass emails that no one reads anyway. Do they get some kind of commission from this? Like, 5 cents per email or something to make it worth their while? Or do they just figure, "Hey, I'm sure SOMEONE's gonna want to see this terrific site!" I wonder what color the sky is in their world of delusion...

Okay, I've said my bit for the day. I think I'll go see what's happening elsewhere in Internet Land. Or maybe I'll start searching for layout ideas! The possibilities are just ENDLESS!

P.S. Hrmm...even though I'm not up on this recent LOTR craze, lookie at my Elvish name: Elbereth S�regon. Kinda boring, really. And I'm too lazy to give you a link, ha ha...My Hobbit name is Lobelia Brockhouse of Loamsdown. So from now on, you shall all call me Lobelia. I'm more of a Hobbit than an Elf anyway. Except my feet aren't hairy.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!