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Today's rambling: Hurt-free bandages!
Written on Saturday, Dec. 28, 2002 at 6:20 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

For lack of anything really interesting to talk about, I'm going to post two (of many) thoughts I've had about this whole silly cloning thing.

1) The idea that this 31-year old woman technically gave birth to herself is just too freaky.

2) Mini-Me, anyone? THAT would be freaky, too, once this kid grows up and looks exactly like you once did...

So yeah, that's about it. Other than all the ethical complaints that just about everyone else has voice already. I don't think any creature should be cloned, period...excepting maybe if some critter was going extinct because of man's already-mentioned stupidity. But even then I don't know that I'd agree with it, 'cause playing God is just asking for trouble.

Oh, and that cult-ish group of folks? Well, they provide entertainment value if nothing else...You'd think if they were going to come up with a cloning industry, they'd be a little more creative than "Clonaid". Sounds like some kind of new antiseptic bandage.

I'd said two paragraphs ago that that was it, didn't I? ^^;; What can I say? Once I get started on this stuff, it's hard to stop ranting. I'll leave it alone...for now. Bwa ha ha...

By the by, I didn't know that Nelly sang that "It's gettin' hot in here" song, hehe...I was so disappointed, since I can't stand that guy. :P I mean, I never really LIKED that song--that is, it's never something I'd willingly buy or download--but it was actually something I could tolerate if it came on the radio. And that friggin' line ALWAYS gets stuck in my head whenever I hear it. X_X But to know that he sings it...and then to see a tiny clip of the video? Rap stars can be such skanks. *wrinkles nose in distaste*

Someone's tryin' to call and I don't care! I'm not answerin' it, hee hee...But maybe I'd better post this before something evil happens and I lose everything I've written. I didn't write in Notepad for the first time in ages 'cause I didn't expect to write past my second thought about the whole cloning thing. *chuckles* I really have nothing else to talk about, though, so I guess I'll go waste some time until it's 7 or 8...Then I can go to bed. :P

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!