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Today's rambling: Two-in-one
Written on Friday, Dec. 27, 2002 at 4:26 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

This first bit is what I wrote out yesterday...down at the bottom is a teeny bit that I wrote today. :P Now, without further ado...

Soooo, the power finally came back on around 11 o'clock last night. By that point, of course, our 11-pound ham was ruined. I think that's what angered me most about the entire day, because I detest wasting food. It would be one thing if they were just scraps or something, but that was a huge ham! Enough to feed a family much larger than Mom and I, anyway! And now it's sitting there waiting to be thrown out. I realized last night that it would've been quite nice to have had a wood stove or something. Funny how dependent our society is on electricity!

I have to say I'm thankful, however, that the power came back when it did. There are still places in this apartment complex that don't have power...and the news reported that many places won't get their power back 'til Saturday or even Sunday. They've started up two emergency shelters, just in case there are people who have nowhere else to go. Considering how cold it's been lately (well, obviously it was below freezing yesterday, if snow was falling), I'm sure there'll be quite a few people there. So I'm thankful that even though an insane amount of food was wasted here, at least we've got our power back. It was coooold in here last night without the heater!

Tomorrow, I have to go in to work with Mom at 5 am. X_X And I'll be doing it again on Saturday. Wouldn't bother me AS much if it weren't for the fact that tomorrow I have to work with Linda (from the salad bar) for most of the morning. I can't stand her. She's a two-faced gossip-monger, and the less I have to do with her the better. I hate superficial people like that. What enjoyment can one get out of acting all nice to someone to their face and then completely ripping them apart behind their back? At least if I don't like someone, I let them know. It probably doesn't sound any better, but I'd rather know who my enemies are from the start then put trust into someone that'll just humiliate me later.

Had a dream last night in which I ended up meeting her house on one of Jupiter's moons. :P I thought it was the neatest thing that she lived out there, and she wasn't the only one, either! There was a whole neighborhood of people living there! It was really weird. Their television only played programs up 'til a certain time, and after that the whole thing went off the air. I don't know why, but I thought I'd mention it anyway. *chuckles* I remember I'd gone there because I was looking for my remote-control car, and I was padding really softly around the house with her because I didn't want her mother to wake up and yell at her for having people over so late. >_< But she woke up anyway and was like, "Oh, hello!" and then it turned out that we'd met before! Weird stuff. As I was getting ready to go home, Casey gave me this big blanket and told me to wrap myself up in it, 'cause otherwise I'd get burned going back through Earth's atmosphere. And she also gave me this thing...It was one of the laser guns we use at work to scan pricetags (so we can order product), not that I expect anyone else to know what those are. *giggles* At any rate, Casey told me to push the trigger button just as I was going through the ozone layer. I remember being scared to go back, even though I must've gone through all that already if I got to her!

After that, I kept telling everyone that I'd been to "one of the Jovian moons". Is 'Jovian' even a word? LOL...

Well, phone service has gone out again, so I guess I won't be able to post this! It was out pretty much all night, and then it only came back on around 6 or something like that. Maybe a little earlier, but not much. And now it's gone out, so I'm left with nothing to do...again! Oh well, at least we've still got power! I'd rather have power than phone service (even though I can't stand this boredom)!

I can't wait to get back to college. :P I'm thinking about suggesting a weekly 'French study' thing to Miranda. She's always in the library anyway, and I'm afraid that this whole 'intensive French' thing is going to be a bit tougher than last semester's class, lol! And I think learning a new language should be made into something fun, so the whole group study thing should be cool! Hehe...And of course, I can't wait to start up my Comm classes again. Comm 100 doesn't promise to be anything good because the professor spends the entire time talking about his homeland in Israel (and hate crimes and all that), and then tests us on the stuff from the book (he's actually been put on probation because of this; apparently, he's not allowed to actually fail any of his students). I guess that means I should read the book and ignore his lectures, ha ha...

Even though I don't really like history, I think my US to 1877 class will be interesting. 'Course, all my friends are going to be in it, so that helps. ;) What I'm really nervous about, however, is my radio show! Now that I'm obligated to do it, I'm not so sure I want to anymore. *giggles* Kinda wish I'd only offered to do one or two days a week instead of all 5...but then again, a morning show would be kind of stupid if it was only a few days a week instead of every morning! Who'd remember to only tune in those certain days? I just hope I can get perky enough to be a good morning show host, hehe...It would help if I had a cool crew of people to work with! Wonder if we could get that 'Traffic' room put to use again...I guess I'd actually have to find someone willing to get up that early, though! :-

Okay, the phone line...has just disconnected me again. GAHHH! Just as I was about to post this, too! What're those phone guys doing out there, anyway? Guess I'll go back to playing solitaire. I remember when Mom, Dad, and I used to have a solitaire contest going on. This was back when we were living in Massachusetts, but we'd always write down our highest score and see who could get the highest. I think I won once, hehe...Good times, good times!

It's apparent that the phone lines won't be back up tonight, at least, and I have to get to bed. Thus, I'll just have to save this and post it later!

And now for today's entry...

Not much to say. Worked at the salad bar all day long, I smell like stale frying grease (it's soooo gross), and all of my usual chatting buddies were in wretchedly grouchy moods. Thus, the entire day was boring. Geoff assumes he'll be there 'til late tonight finishing off the end caps, and I couldn't even persuade him to take two minutes so that I could hand over the book I'd bought for him. Finally, as I was leaving I found him and Ernie talking in one of the aisles, and so I thrust the object at him. He apologized for not having had the time earlier, asked if I'd be working more next week (he has off tomorrow and Sunday), and then told me...

That he wants to try and get his vacation in before I leave.

*peers* This is the part where you all go "OooOOOOOooooo." ;) Actually, my reaction was more of a "Hmm, that's kinda neat, not that it does me any good...unless, of course, he wants to zip off to Maine with me or something. That would be nice." :P

At any rate, that's all I really have to share. I got my grades in the mail today, and unlike their online counterpart, this little missive had "Dean's List" typed at the bottom. Now, I already knew I was on it, but just to see it typed there all official-like...well, it rocked my casbah! Let's just hope I can do it again next semester!! :oD

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!