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Today's rambling: Competition is ugly
Written on Wednesday, Dec. 04, 2002 at 10:46 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

And I thought my competitive streak was ridiculous.

Cat and Erin across the hall are making a cute little thingy for their door. It consists of red construction paper to act as bricks, a box wrapped in brown construction paper for the mantel, some green garland stuff that, when zigzagged, looks like part of a tree (that's on the edge of the door)...It's not done yet, but it's going to be really cute when they've finished. Apparently, so did Nicole and Suzanne at the end of the hall...because they decided to copy.

They kept coming up to Cat and Erin's door to see what was going on, and then they'd go back to their own room...considering that everything on their door is suspiciously similar to what the two girls across the hall from me are doing, how could they not be copying! The only thing I can say in order to give them the benefit of the doubt is that maybe they had all their pieces together beforehand and were just coming up to Cat and Erin's door to see how similar the two were going to be. Because their door is finished, apparently, whereas the 'copied' door is not. But Cat and Erin are incensed about the whole thing, and it would certainly irritate me a little bit to know someone copied off of my ideas!

This door-decorating thing is supposed to be fun. If there are any prizes awarded, it'll be something simple like a candy bar or something along those's not like we're going to win vast amounts of money. It was just created to help us all get into the holiday spirit and have some fun, but apparently some people don't know what 'fun' is. That's what always irritated me during gym classes at high school: volleyball, which I have a blast playing, was made miserable because none of the guys could regard it as being fun. They'd always block me and the other overweight-ish girls from getting the ball because apparently we were too fat to be able to move fast enough. They acted like petulant little kids and I HATED it. That's why I wish physical education would be eliminated entirely from school. Yeah, it would probably contribute to that 'obesity epidemic' doctors are all crying about, but there are always after-school sports. Leave the active stuff for people of like minds, so that we 'unfit' ones don't have to go through that humiliation.

*huff, puff* Yeesh, I like going off on tangents! So anyway, back to the whole door decorating thing...Our door is definitely not going to win. Jen and Erin (we've got two Erins, hehe), who live next door, got Pam to help them. Pam's an art major, and as a result they've got these 3D ocean waves curling off the door, with Santa and his reindeer surfing. I'm jealous because it's so adorable! If any door is going to win, there's definitely will. Even though it took me several hours to make the elves and the angels, no one's going to think about that...and it probably doesn't look like it took me all that long to make them, since they're just pieces of construction paper glued together. What they don't realize is how anal I was about everything, hehe! Even Lauren, when she was over yesterday, was making fun of me because I was "so precise". :P Oh well, it was still fun anyway! And I think Kristen and I are going to use these same decorations next year just because we worked so hard on them...but maybe we'll put up a background behind them next time. ;) Or maybe I'll just take my little elf home and put him on my door during Christmases!

I think I'm going to go take a shower. I was trying to wait on Ashley (that's a whole big thing I don't feel like discussing in here tonight), but she's still on the phone and I can't wait for her any longer. She should've just decided to do this tomorrow or something. So yeah, I'm going to post this, finish up anything I haven't dealt with yet, and then go to bed. I need sleeeeep.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!