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Today's rambling: My brain is dead.
Written on Monday, Nov. 25, 2002 at 4:26 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I am SO tired.

Had I not had all that Writing stuff to do, I would have taken a nap after I got back from CIS. But I didn't have that opportunity. And now it is about 4:20, and all I want to do is lay my head down on my French book here and take a power nap.

This is what it's going to be like next semester. Only hopefully next semester I'll get to bed before 12:30 at night. I am so dead right now that it's taking effort even to move my fingers. Maybe I will take that little nap...and who knows, maybe the powers of osmosis will allow me to absorb the information contained within the book. :P I know osmosis only works with water, but I could get lucky couldn't I?

While I'm in this sleepy haze, I'd just like to say that it's a shame that Kevin's shorter than me, younger than me, and taken. Because he smells nice. :P

Anyway, I have a meeting of The Clique--oops! I mean, The Union Committee--tonight at 5, and I don't particularly want to go. However, Kristen and I are determined to make the rest of the meetings because we want to find out if we'll be invited to that banquet Candi told us about at the beginning of the semester. Our theory is that it's only for members of the clique, which means that the grand majority of us won't get invited. Y'know, at the beginning of the semester, I was surprised at how few people actually signed up for the various committees. Now I know exactly why no one wants to do it, and it's because if you're not part of The Group you get stuck with the lackey jobs and then all the credit goes to The Group. It's sickening. I hope they all spontaneously combust. Right here in the middle of campus. During a snowstorm. I'll bring the marshmallows to toast...

I'm going to go now and see about that nap. Even though I have to leave in about 20 minutes, I can at least lay here and doze off...maybe drool a little on my books... :P

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!