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Today's rambling: 6-hour shift
Written on Saturday, Nov. 23, 2002 at 9:50 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

What a day! :P

I got out of bed a little bit before noon 'cause I'd been hoping that the guy who does the 12-3 show on Saturdays wouldn't be there (lately, he's skipped out on a couple of his shows). If he wasn't there, I figured I'd run down and do that show (because it's an Oldies show and I love Oldies) before Pam and I subbed in for Jess's show. But of course, he showed up. ;) So I wandered down to the dining hall and had brunch.

Pam and I went in to do the 3-6 show, and unfortunately AnnoyingJess was there. She's this other DJ trainee who is SOOO annoying and pretty much everyone at the station hates her. She'll sit in the studio for like 8 or 9 hours at a time, doing nothing but getting in everyone's way and acting like she knows more than everyone else. I cannot stand her. And she was there yesterday when Pam and I subbed in for another DJ's show, too!! >_< This was the one weekend she didn't go home. It just figures.

So anyway, Bill Adams came in not too far into the show and informed us that we'd be broadcasting the women's basketball game at 5pm. He showed us how to do it, blah blah....Let me just say that that was quite an experience. And it was rather boring, too. Basically, the only reason we had to sit in the studio was because occasionally the announcers would be like, "Okay, we're going to go into a short break, blah blah" and then we'd have to play two 30-second commercial-y things. At half-time, we got to play a few songs. We started off the show with the ability to talk to the announcers through a "Talk Back" function, but Bill eventually had to disconnect that cable because for some reason, it was creating this horrible humming sound over the air. I say 'for some reason' because the "Talk Back" button didn't broadcast over the air; it just allowed us to talk privately to the announcers. I'm not exactly sure why it interfered with the sound, but oh well. Things got really interesting after that, because we couldn't tell the announcers when they had to go back on. Instead, they had to listen to the radio and judge for themselves. I started cracking up during the second game (men's b-ball), because during this one long song I could hear the one guy going, "This is, like, the longest song in history." See, we could hear THEM, they just couldn't hear us. Anyway, I was amused by that.

Toward the end of our shift, this short ugly kid came in. Pam asked if he was subbing in for the next DJ, and then I guess she told him about having to broadcast the college basketball games because he and his weedy little friend suddenly turned and almost left. Pam was like, "Hey, get back here!" so they stood there while we discussed whether we could show them how to do this stuff. Meanwhile, Ugly Guy was swearing up a storm, which was really getting on my nerves. Finally, I just told Pam that I'd stay during the next shift, and we could send those two guys home. Pam said she'd stay with me, so we told the guys to just go. Ugly Guy came back into the studio to get his things, still grumbling swear words. He said something about being duped into subbing, and Pam (in her joking way) said, "Peace out, dawg."

I don't know what it was about that comment that prompted this, but Ugly Guy was like, "What's THAT supposed to mean?" We thought he was joking. Pam informed him that she was joking. "Yeah, but what's that supposed to mean?" He was getting SO pissed off and like jumping on Pam's case! When she said it was just slang, he said something really rude...I can't even remember what it was anymore, but I did not appreciate it. I probably would've ended up saying something to him, too, but to be honest I was scared of him. This guy was the sort that would bring a gun in and shoot you if you pissed him off enough. I'm not exaggerating. The fact that he was so explosive was proof enough of his instability. AnnoyingJess tried telling us that he's actually pretty cool, and I was like, "No, he's not. He's a dickhead, and that was proof of it." She only likes the guy....well, I can't say why because I'd probably be yelled at for it. So moving on...

After AnnoyingJess left (soon after Ugly Guy and Weedy Friend), Pam ran up to the Student Center to get some food. Bill called, and I told him about what had happened. We found out that Ugly Guy's real name is Jon, and if Bill remembers I think he's going to have a bit of a chat with the ugly one. I mean, what that kid did was totally uncalled for. I still wanna punch him whenever I think about it. :P

Bill is such a cute man. ^_^ Not in the "I've got a crush on him, I'd like to date him" sort of way, but...I can't explain it. He's just so friendly and absent-minded, you can't help but like the guy. I'm glad he's the advisor of NBS and the radio station (AND the TV station), rather than some old grouchy person (like my former advisor)!

I guess that's about it. I met Kevin's girlfriend today at brunch...she is REALLY cute, and she seemed really friendly too (from what little I got to talk to her...I was sitting at another table with Ashley). When they walked out, I saw them throw an arm around each other and I just got this little motherly smile on my face, hehe! It was really cute. I feel bad for Amanda, though, because her date (this guy named Evan) turned out to be such a JERK! He made it sound like this was a pity date (as in, out of pity for Amanda), and they only ended up dancing one slow song together. The rest of the night, he was off dancing with other girls and she was left with the dateless girls (and Kevin and Melissa). Kristen and Tom told me last night that by the time they'd left, Evan had his tie wrapped around his head and he'd taken off his dress shirt. X_X

I still have all my Writing homework to do. Tomorrow, I have to focus on finishing that Reading Report. If I can get that done, then I really don't care about the much. I have four more that need to be done, and I couldn't talk to Kevin about it today because I didn't want to bother him about it while his girlfriend was there. I felt so awkward talking to him while she was there, as though she might have gotten jealous that he's always with girls or something, you know? It's retarded, and I don't think she's like that at all (which is GREAT), but I'm so used to girls getting catty and jealous about their boyfriends that I don't like taking chances! She's leaving tomorrow morning, though, so I'll just call him up or something and ask him if he can clarify the instructions. I won't even bother with Lauren because she understands less than I do...when she actually DOES the homework.

I think I have French homework, too. In fact, I know I do, because we've got a quiz on Monday and that means we need to hand in workbook pages as well. Zut, alors! If I was a smart girl, I'd get to work on that right now. But I'm going to push that off 'til tomorrow, too. *giggles* I never claimed to be a PERFECT student! ;)

During Eric's show today, he played the full version of "Nights In White Satin". The intro music is so beautiful that I actually shivered. I don't even know what it is about those particular notes, but they just have such vivid imagery attached to them! So of course I had to bring out my "Days Of Future Passed" CD and listen to that. I'm listening to it again now, and I suspect I'll be listening to it more tomorrow and Monday. Hehehe...This is definitely my favorite Moody Blues album...which is sad in a way, because I think it was actually their most popular album and I hate going along with the popular crowd. ;) But obviously it was made popular for a reason! I can't wait to get "Seventh Sojourn" because it has "New Horizons" on it and that is an absolutely gorgeous song, too.

I love music. ^_^

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!