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Today's rambling: Tartuffe! And Prince Wendell
Written on Wednesday, Nov. 13, 2002 at 11:12 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The stress is over...I think.

After spending about 10 or 15 minutes (maybe even 20) sobbing hopelessly last night, I decided that the only option left to me was to just go to my professor and ask for her help. I know her to be a nice woman, but then again...I also know her to be a strict woman who emphasized at the start of term that she was not a woman prone to emotions. As such, I have been deathly terrified to expose my weaknesses to her. But on the other hand, I reminded myself, how is she going to understand your problem if she doesn't even know you have one? If she sees you in class without your essay, she'll chalk it up to laziness or apathy on your part, rather than incapacitating fear.

So today I went to see her.

Kevin and Lauren had been joking that I should start crying, just to get some pity points. However, crying in front of people embarrasses me quite a bit, and so I was trying very very hard to control my emotions...especially since I didn't think a crying fit would help my cause with this woman anyway. But of course, being the overly-emotional person that I am, the moment I really tried to start explaining myself my face crumpled in that ugly way it has. I'd only gotten as far as telling her that I didn't know what to write for my paper! She replied with, "Well that's not good," and as I leaned over to take my notebook from my schoolbag, I just broke down.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" I whimpered feebly, trying to stifle the tears. To my surprise, I heard:

"Don't be sorry," in a very kind sort of voice. She even gave me a tissue! :P From there, everything went really well. She gave me back my Reading Report (which was an 86..quite a bit higher than the grade on my first Reading Report!), then asked me if there was anything in my commentary that I thought I could use for a topic. In the end, I ended up choosing something else that not only has enough support in the essays we read, but also a topic that I'm interested in. I think I'll be able to get this done now! :P The only sucky part is that I'm going to Pittsburgh with Lauren and Amanda this weekend, and the essay's due on Monday. I'd cancel out on the trip if it weren't for the fact that Amanda's mother bought me a ticket to see "Harry Potter"...which would make it VERY rude of me to not go.

Apparently, when Amanda's brother found out that I'm 21, he was all gung-ho on the idea of me going out drinking with him and his friends. Whether that's actually true or not I don't know, but it was somewhat interesting nonetheless. She tried telling me that I have to sleep in his room with him as well, but I know she's lying on that one. At least, I'd like to hope so! ;)

Tonight, I went with Lauren and Kevin to see the university's production of "Tartuffe". It was in this really intimate little theater in the back of Marwick-Boyd, and the set was really cute. Just three seats down from Kevin (which was 4 over from me) sat the guy whom Lauren and I have dubbed "Prince Wendell". He's in the same "Intro To Theater" class as Lauren, and we suspect that he was at this play tonight because it's required of everyone in that class. At any rate, he looks like a younger version of Prince Wendell (from The 10th Kingdom, in case you were wondering), which means he's quite handsome. Well, in the views of Lauren and I, anyway. ;) He also seems to be the very quiet, brooding sort, hehe...Quite romantic in the poetic sense, yes? I'm going all Wuthering Heights, even though he's not dark like Heathcliff. :P

Lauren tried to get me to go over and talk to him, but he zoomed out of the theater well before us...not that I would have had anything to say anyway. It's one thing to go up to a complete stranger and say, "Are you for sale?" and quite another to go up to someone you'll probably see again and spout some random bit of nonsense! It struck me as funny that she wouldn't go up to him unless I did, though. Of the two of us, she seems to be the more outgoing one.

Pam's got a bunch of people next door in her room, it's after 11 o'clock at night (which means quiet hours have been in effect for an hour), and they are making a LOT of noise. If I was trying to sleep, I would definitely be getting pissed off. As it is, I'm mildly irritated. But I think they've left now, so hopefully things will quiet down. Oo, yes, I think they HAVE left because Pam IMed Kristen and apologized for the noise! Kristen had been about to yell at them earlier, but she saw Pam and told her to tell them to shut up. :P That's mah roomie!

Oo, I forgot to say that Lauren and this other theatre major are going to try for...shoot, I forget the official term, but it's this thing where they'll suggest a play to whoever's in charge and if it's approved, then they get to do all the auditioning and the general overseeing. Lauren told me a few weeks ago that if she actually gets to do that, I'm allowed to audition! *giggles* I've never acted in my life before, and I'm sure I wouldn't be very good, but just the thought of trying out would be kinda cool! Assuming it's something I could get into, anyway. I'd like to play the part of a saucy wench. *giggles*

Okay, that's it for me for the evening. I still need to take a shower, and I really need to get to bed. Of course, Jam picked just this time to sign on...but if I say hello then I'll be drawn into conversation ('cause who can resist chatting with Jam? ;) ), and I can't afford to stay up later! *hugs for her Jam* Sorry dear, I promise I'll chat the next time I see you!!!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!