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Today's rambling: I can't stand him!!!
Written on Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002 at 6:36 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Would you like to know what I'm irate about now? Sure you would. You're always so kind to me, Diary!

Alright, so remember that thing with Frank last night? Well, he likes to whine to Mom about the 'problems' he and I are having. I guess she's his mother too or something. Anyway, he told her today that there's 'something wrong' with me and that I was 'cutting him short' last night (before I just completely disappeared). First of all, how can you cut someone short over the friggin' INTERNET??? It's impossible! You've got a whole big window in which you can write what you have to say, and then unless you keep typing, it's the other person's turn to speak! But that's not even the point. The point is, I WASN'T EVEN YELLING AT HIM LAST NIGHT. For flip's sake, can the idiot not even take ADVICE from people??? He's so damn over-sensitive that anything you say that's not in agreement with him is considered as a personal affront! I am SO tired of it! I swear that I did everything to make sure that I was coming off sounding as non-confrontational as possible. Practical, yes, but not offensive. Yet apparently that wasn't enough, because poor little Frankie needs people to coddle him like a frickin' BABY at all times.

I, at this point, detest him. I don't ever want to speak to him again, and quite honestly I can see why most people don't like talking to him. I wish I'd never met him, and when I come back to work during vacations I don't want to have anything to do with him. I want him to stay COMPLETELY out of my life since it's apparently impossible to talk to him in a normal manner.

To top off all of that loveliness, I have a French lab due tomorrow. In order to complete it, I need to go to the Language Lab and get them to tape Chapter 5 for me. I was under the impression that they give people chapters 4 AND 5, so I didn't bother stopping over there at all. Well, guess what? I don't have Chapter 5 on this tape, which means that if I want to finish this lab I'll have to run over to Davis Hall right after CIS tomorrow morning. So much for getting as much as possible done tonight. I am so stressed out.

It's almost funny, though. In high school, it wouldn't have really fazed me if I didn't have my homework in. I've been doing all my homework this year, which is VERY impressive for me. For some reason, it feels so much worse if I don't get homework done here...and it probably does have quite a bit more weight than it would have in high school. Bah...I haven't even gotten a B on anything in French yet, and I know that if I do, I'll get really upset about it...which sounds TERRIBLY pathetic, as I've always been irritated with kids who're like, "Oh, if I get a B on this I'll be devastated!" It's just that I've been doing so well, and my perfectionism is really starting to get worse. If I'd gotten a B right off the bat on something, then it wouldn't bother me as much, but now it's like I'm competing with myself, trying to keep myself up in the high-A range. I won't be able to do that all 4 years of college. I know that. But yet I still have this compulsive need to get all A's right now, or else I'll be really disappointed!

I think I'm going to skip out of Earth Science as soon as we take our map quiz. I'm only going to bring a pen with me, and then I'll sit in on the lecture for a really short while. Then, after a few minutes, I'll just get up and leave. But since I don't have anything with me, maybe he'll think I'm going to the bathroom or something...LoL...I know I'm technically allowed to leave at any time I want, it's just that it feels so wrong! But I have to get started on this Writing stuff, and I don't want to be awake any longer than absolutely necessary. Besides, I'm sure I won't miss out on too much if I'm not there tonight.

Guess I ought to post this and get ready, since in a few minutes I have to head down to science. Bleh...I will be so glad when this semester is over!!!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!