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Today's rambling: Communication is fun!
Written on Tuesday, Nov. 05, 2002 at 3:35 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

So far, I definitely think I picked the right major. Not that I expect all Communication courses to be as nice as Message Design, but at least I'm still interested in what I'm learning, right? Today, after handing in our big group assignment (I'll rant about THAT one later), Professor Freeman started on a lecture about Social Cognitive Theory. It involved two experiments: in one, we had to write continuously for 10 minutes while he played various CDs in the background; and in the second, we had to sing. :P

The first one was interesting. Being a visual learner, I knew that as soon as the music started playing I'd become so distracted that no amount of concentration would be able to keep me focused on what I was writing. So instead, I just wrote about each of the songs that came on. A couple were mostly instrumental-ish, but then "A Little Help From My Friends" came on and I started writing about how much I love the movie "Yellow Submarine" and how Jeremy is my favorite character, blah blah. That song faded out after a couple of verses, and then other ones came up. Anyway, it was fun doing that.

The second one involved the professor singing a little ditty for us (the lines of the song were up on the screen so we could read along), and then we had to sing it back to him (though he sang with us, so it's not like we had to totally fly solo). I think he must've been in choir or something in school, because his voice had a very choir-ish sound to it. But at least he could sing, and we weren't listening to the sound of dogs howling or something! ;)

The singing part was to teach us four steps of...well, I've forgotten the name now, hee hee, but yeah, it was interesting! I like that class. I hope I can have more classes in the future with him as the professor, because I like his teaching style.

What I don't like, however, is that dumbass kid Aaron. Remember me ranting about him before? Well, at our last meeting he'd decided to take home the Needs Assessment paper and 'rewrite' it...basically so he'd be able to say he contributed something. Well, he was late today, and THEN we found out that he'd written "Audience Analysis" on the top of the paper instead of "Needs Assessment"! He couldn't even remember what it was that he was supposed to write! I hope that the only thing he screwed up was the title, because if he turned the paper into an audience analysis, I'll be more than a little peeved. In fact, I'll be a LOT peeved. I was so tempted to march up to the professor after class and voice my disappointment in this kid, but then I'd probably be reminded that I should talk to the guy myself. Still, I think I might send off an email. All I want is to make it known that I don't believe he should get the same grade as the rest of us. Y'know, if he can't make it to classes and such that's fine. But TELL US, for goodness' sake! Don't just show up the following week and make up feeble excuses for why you couldn't make it before! He has all our numbers, so there was absolutely NO reason why he couldn't get in touch with at least one of us.

So yeah, I think I'll be writing an email.

I've got so much homework to do. One might ask why I'm sitting here writing out this entry if I have homework to do, but the answer is quite simple: I'm procrastinating. I've got to study for a map quiz that's taking place tonight at 7, and then I have to get my French lab done, and write up not only a rough draft, but a final copy of my Reading Report for Writing. Once this is all over, I'll be extremely relieved. Thankfully, I've got 2 hours tomorrow (well, technically 3 if I don't go to lunch) to finish up my stuff for Writing...but I'd like to be able to get as much of it done tonight as possible. Even if I could get the final draft done tonight, I could just review it tomorrow and see if there's anything I missed, and that would be great. But I'll worry about that later.

There's a meeting tomorrow night at the student center and it's about that Walt Disney World college program thingy. It's not an actual interview meeting, it's just to give us information and such about the program. Jess and I are both going to it, and I'm kind of excited. I don't know if I'll actually participate in the program, because I don't want to be in college any longer than I have to be, but the experience would be nice! I know a lot of people say that the employees at WDW are treated poorly, but considering that this would just be a one-semester sort of job, I think I'd be able to handle it. I've worked at Genuardi's for over a year after all, haven't I? ;)

Speaking of Disney World, I found out last night that Gary Puckett will be performing on May 30, which has both Mom and I really excited. She's going to try to book our timeshare for that week, and she told me to see if I can find any friends who want to come along. Unfortunately, none of my friends can afford the trip! : So I'll probably just end up going by myself (well, with Mom too obviously). Still, that doesn't bother me much as I'll just be glad to go! I miss Disney World. It's a great place. I'll probably be getting in line for the Haunted Mansion like 50 million times, since that's my favorite ride! :P Oo, and Spaceship Earth...Wheeeeeee, this is going to be so great!!!! :-D

Okay, I really should go now, and at least start studying for my map quiz! Be productive, Amber!!!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!