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Today's rambling: Wretched Afternoon
Written on Thursday, Oct. 31, 2002 at 10:52 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Well I tried to make it Sunday,
but I got so damn depressed
that I set my sights on Monday
and I got myself undressed...

That's the song that's playing on WinAmp right now, hehe...

Anyway, I had a great morning, but the afternoon was crap. It started with our little meeting during the period when we'd normally have Message Design. Aaron, the jerk who didn't show up to either of our classes last week, decided to take charge and tell us all what to do. As I haven't completely escaped my shy shell yet, I didn't tell him where he could stick his directions. He told Jess to write out a paragraph saying why we chose the library as the focus of our message, told these other two guys to make a Works Cited page (which wasn't required and IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DO, as we didn't use any 'works')..Oh, he told Jess to make some graphs as well, another thing that's not needed. Jerk. As far as the whole paragraph thing goes, Jess and I decided not to do it because it would just be redundant. We already had to write out a Needs Assessment paper, which tells why we chose the library! Why would the professor want to read a paragraph that says the same thing as the two-page paper?? I can't stand this kid. I'm thinking about telling the professor that he doesn't deserve the same grade as the rest of us, because he's done next to nothing. I'm not saying he should fail, but if the rest of us get A's (as I'm certain we will, because we've all done good jobs), he most definitely should not.

But that's just my opinion. And Jessica's, lol...

Tomorrow at 2pm, I'll finally be able to register for classes. Today, I stopped reading my Sewing For Dummies book (which was what I got in the mail today) and brought out the tentative schedule I'd made for myself to see how many of the classes I wrote down were still available. Not a one of them. I knew the Communication classes would be gone, but NONE of the other ones I'd written down were still available! Well, Health was, but only because that class is huge. Most class sizes are only between 25 and 30, and there's a shortage on teachers in the Comm department, so all us Comm majors are pretty much screwed.

At any rate, I was nearly in tears. In fact, had Kristen not been in the room, I probably would have been crying. However, I managed to find enough classes that, assuming they're still open tomorrow, will get me 17 credits...just enough to count me as a sophomore next year. But then I went to dinner, forgetting that "The Gang" had gone out to a movie this afternoon. They were all making inside jokes from the movie, making me feel really left out...which was partially my fault, as I hadn't wanted to see it, but NOT my fault because I had class. Anyway, I'd been in a bad mood because of the schedule, and then I was kind of left out of their conversation which made me feel worse. THEN, I come to find out, Kevin got the last seat in the history class that Lauren and Amanda had gotten into. They'd wanted me to take that particular one too, but now obviously I can't. I had to excuse myself from the dining hall then, because I very nearly started crying.

The only thing that calmed me down was the reminder that it was a silly reason to be upset. Yet at the same time, I still feel it's a rather valid feeling. They didn't do that on purpose, I know, but I still feel like I'm being left out. I'll still get to see them outside of classes and everything, but...ugh, Ashley put it so much better than I can. It's like all my friends got the same class, so they're all together, but I'm left on the outside. Does that make sense? It just really bummed me out. But I think Jessica and I will be able to get into the same Health class, so that'll be nice!

As far as history goes ("US to 1877"), I'm still going to take it. If possible, I'll get it with the same professor that the others have so that at the very least, we'll probably have the same homework. Then it'll be a little more comforting, even though I won't be able to sit with them. The class itself will probably be boring as dirt, but at least it's not "US since 1877", which goes over everything that's happened up 'til the present day. Once the 20th century comes along, I lose all interest in US history. The 20's, 30's, and 40's--to me--were so unromantic. I like learning about the times before electricity and other conveniences took over. Not that it'd really be fun LIVING then, I'm sure, but it's still more fun for me than the 20th century. Bleh.

I don't think I'm going to be going for a minor in French any longer, either. As of right now, French is counting in my general education requirements. If I made French my minor, however, I'd have to find all new classes for my gen. ed. reqs, and that would suck. So I guess I'll just learn as much French as I can, and that'll have to suffice! I can't even get into FRENCH FILM next semester because it's all taken up. Go figure! I wouldn't have thought that to be a popular course!

I'm going to take either Humanities or Anthropology, depending on which one is still open. Neither really strike my fancy, but I'd rather have Humanities. They both count as a First-Year Values Flag, which I also need. I'm technically all set, it's just that I'm not taking any classes that I WANT to take!!! *frowns*

Okay, I'm going to post this and then find something else to do. I've read quite a ways through Sewing For Dummies, but I have this sneaking suspicion that it won't really help me. I need someone to be able to SHOW me these things! Lauren suggested that I ask the costume designer down at the theatre if she could possibly teach me, but I haven't gotten that far yet, hehe...I told Lauren that she'd have to walk down there with me, since I'd never be able to find that room by myself!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!