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Today's rambling: Good news, amusing news
Written on Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 at 3:49 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My professor for Message Design agreed to be my new advisor! YAY!!!!! Oh yeah...and lest you think I've been unfair to my current advisor, let me tell you what happened.

At the end of class, I walked up to Dr. Freeman and asked him if he had any room for another advisee. When he said yes and I informed him that I wanted to change, he asked who my current advisor was. After my answer, he laughed and exclaimed, "What's wrong with him??" Just the way he said it made me think that maybe lots of other students have been asking to not have this certain guy as their advisor, but Dr. Freeman said that wasn't the case. Anyway...I told him that I'd gotten the impression, during my first meeting, that he really had no interest in helping me. Dr. Freeman laughed again and emphatically replied, "He doesn't!"

And here I was, starting to think that perhaps I was being unfair to my advisor (if you've noticed, I don't feel comfortable naming him just because it feels mean, lol). But my first reactions were correct; the guy really IS disinterested in helping anyone! I think I was struck silent for a few seconds, but then I recovered and said, "It's not like I want you to hold my hand or anything, but as a freshman, I would really like someone who's at least willing to help." So he agreed to let me switch over.

I am vastly relieved, let me tell you.

But now to the funny part of class. Remember the frat guy I mentioned? His name is Aaron. He's not as bad as I originally thought him to be, and it's not just because of this class period. As I've gotten to know him a little more, he really has become a friendlier, more talkative person. No, I still don't find him as attractive as I did when I first saw him, but at the same time I don't dislike him as much, either. But I digress.

Jessica and I were tallying up our half of the survey responses when Aaron looked at us and asked if we'd be here this weekend. Jessica is going home for the weekend, but I told him that I'd be staying. So he plunks down a ticket on my desk and says, "See, I told you the next party we held, I'd give you a ticket."

I have been invited to a frat party.

The idea of it still dumbfounds me. How on earth did quiet little me get herself invited to a frat party?? I never thought anyone in their right mind would want me at their party, but I've got the ticket! I guess it's not so much ME as just people to fill the house. He was going to give me a few more tickets in case I had any friends who wanted to go, but I just took the hope that Pam will be agreeable to going, lol...She's the outgoing, bubbly type, so I think she'd go with me. I won't go by myself--that's a little too much social interaction at one time, and I guess I'd kind of like to have someone to 'watch my back' as well (though goodness knows if Pam would be guarding me or trying to get me in trouble).

I know that I probably shouldn't even be thinking of going. Cheesy little melodramatic movie lines such as "This is a den of sin!" keep running through my head, and I know that I probably won't even end up enjoying this party. After all, if it's being hosted by a fraternity, all they're going to be doing is drinking and having sex. Do I want some strange drunk guy pawing at me? No, not really. But at the same time, I'd like to go to just one, just to say I've had the experience. I'm not the sort of person who would stay at a party even if she was uncomfortable; if I become uneasy for any reason at this thing, then I'll just go. No one's going to notice me slip out the door, and it'd be better to get out right away than wait for something terrible to happen.

Still, good or bad, I was strangely pleased to find I'd been invited. Just wait 'til the guys back home hear about THIS one! ;)

Later note: *sniffle* So much for the party thing. Hehe...I decided that before I firmly decided to go to this frat party, I'd ask Jess about it first. Since she's in a sorority, I knew she'd be able to tell me whether these guys were 'trustworthy' or not. I don't even know what fraternity it is, but when I told her where the house was located, she looked thoughtful for a minute...and then her eyes went wide. "Don't go there," she warned me. Then she went on to say how that particular fraternity has a 'raping room', and how they're notorious for slipping drugs into girls' drinks. Even if it's not all true, there's still no way in hell I'll be going to that party. Why take the chance? I mean, as Jess said, the wise idea is to just not go to frat parties, period, because there's always the danger of getting pawed at. But when you put drugs into the picture, that just changes things. Even me, with my ability to say no to things, would be helpless in that situation.

The cute thing is, Kristen was all excited to go with me. Kristen! I was quite surprised at that, but grateful that she was as eager to have that experience as I was. Actually, it was really sweet...she was all like, "We are NOT leaving each other's sides. I don't want to lose you somewhere!" She was all paranoid that I'd end up drinking and getting drugged (this was before we talked to Jess), and she didn't want anything happening to me. ^_^ See, that's why I wanted someone else to go with me (besides the social paranoia bit). I just never expected it of quiet little Kristen. ;)

Alright, I'm going to go get some dinner now. It's nearing the time when I should be getting ready to go to Earth Science, and I'm beginning to feel guilty about skipping it! But I really just can't handle sitting there for over an hour, listening to him drone on about various meaningless diagrams. Just this once, I'm going to be naughty. ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!