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Today's rambling: Our future room
Written on Thursday, Oct. 03, 2002 at 7:26 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

More good stuff!

Oo...first, let me do some quick differentiating. Remember that if I talk about Kristen with an E, I mean my roommate. If it's with an I, then it's the girl at the radio station. :P Like anyone will remember that...I really need to make up a cast page. Anyway...

Kristin and Amber (who are roommates) came up tonight to give me the memo from WCUC...the one I have to give to Dr. Kuehn stating that I'm allowed to take over the radio station's website. Amber was just chattering away, talking about how it was so weird being up on the third floor again, exclaiming over how she likes the color purple too...all this stuff. I'm not complaining, of course, because I love both those girls and it was great being able to talk to them...but yeah, moving on! ;) They both live on the ground floor/basement, which is a little-known level of Givan Hall. I was never interested in it before, because the rooms are for 4, 5, and 6 girls (like, one is made for 4 girls, one for 5, etc.)...and having more than one roommate seemed too much to me. But I was curious to see what the rooms looked like, so Kristen and I both walked down with them.

Those rooms are awesome! They're really big first off, so there's room for beds and desks and dressers and wardrobes, but then there's this big area in the middle where they've got a little couch and coffee table and everything! It's really brightly lit, it's not nearly as stuffy as it is up here...Kristen and I were both like, "We have GOT to move down here next year!"

That was the one for 5 people. We wandered over to the room that's supposed to hold 6 people (but right now only has 4, I think), and that one was even neater! Well, I guess it's because they don't have all 6 people...But two of the girls have their sections arranged so that they're almost private little corners. The girl against the far wall (whose section was decorated like a purple faeriescape) had a couple of big wardrobes set up so that for the most part, it was as if she had her own little corner of the world. The girl next to her had hers set up similarly, with some kind of netting over the big opening so that it's still almost hidden. It gave me the feeling of being little, when you drape sheets and things over chairs to create a secret alcove.

The only downside, that I just thought of, is that I think they have to use the first floor's bathrooms. That would suck, having to climb up and down stairs every time you wanted to use the bathroom (or take a shower!). I don't remember seeing bathrooms downstairs, but I'll have to ask Kristin or Amber the next time I see them. LoL...Every time I talk about them out loud, I feel really weird, because I feel like I'm talking about myself and my roommate in third person! :P

All in all, today was a good day! I'm feeling a tad guilty, because I should be in Earth Science right now, but I needed to be away from it. That class is wretched.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!