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Today's rambling: You caught me!
Written on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002 at 12:41 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I should congratulate Pam on her ability to irritate me at just about every meeting. We were talking about Kevin (I'll explain how that came about in a sec), and she asked if he was cute. I said he was, and she was like, "Not like some old guy from work, right?" I don't expect everyone to understand my affection for a guy that's that much older than me. But at the same time, I don't expect them to be so insensitive as to make fun of it, either. What tends to irritate me more with Pam is that she's not really making fun of me so much as Geoff. Well yes, she IS obviously insulting me, by implying that it's retarded to like a guy his age. It would probably be different if he was like Harrison Ford or Mel Gibson or something...y'know, one of those guys who still looks good even though he's gotten older? But since Geoff just looks like an average guy, his age works against him in her eyes. Well, as Geoff would say, she can go F* herself. Like I care about her opinion. If I cared only about looks, I'd be out whoring myself like half the other teenaged girls around here.

Sorry. I didn't mean to get into that heated a rant. :P

Anyway, this morning I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, and I saw Katie walk up to the sink next to me. I've talked to her a few times, and she was the one who drove us out to Dairy Queen the one night, but I wouldn't consider her a good friend or anything. She's from New York, and she's very masculine in the way she looks and acts, which sort of clashes with my personality. And she listens to rap all the time too, which kind of repels me, hehe...So anyway, I didn't figure she'd say anything to me, but she actually looked over, grinned, and said, "I saw you with a guy last night!"

My first internal reaction was "Really? Wow, I wish I'd seen me with one, too...what is she talking about?" My first verbal reaction was, "What?"

"Last night at dinner," Katie clarified, still grinning. At that point, it clicked: Kevin!

I started giggling then, thinking it funny that anyone would consider Kevin and I even remotely interested in each other. Pam came out of one of the stalls and asked what was going on, so Katie told her that I'd been sitting with a guy at dinner last night, and Pam was like, "Aww, that's so cute!"

Having a mouthful of toothpaste, I couldn't do much more than laugh. It's kind of funny that I didn't even think of Kevin at first...not because I don't consider him a 'guy', but since I don't think of him in the "Ohhhh, a CUTE GUY" sense, it didn't immediately register. :P

I need to go in a couple of minutes, because it's almost time for French class. I spent all my time between 10 and now finishing that stupid assignment for Writing. She told us these responses just had to be casual and "off the top of my head", so I hope she doesn't go critiquing how pathetic these are. She's got us all so intimidated about our writing that, in the case of Kevin and I, we can't even seem to write anything anymore! She told Kevin that his writing wasn't 'sophisticated' enough, and I haven't even really had the courage to present my rough drafts to be scrutinized. I wish I'd decided to get another professor.

At least my French stuff is finished...all but one question, because I accidentally taped over that one on the cassette I taped from the Language Lab! X_X

I'll write more in this entry later. So if you come back to check, scroll to the bottom for some bold print that indicates I have more boring stuff to say! ;)

Here's the rest! ;)

Let's skip Writing. I don't want to think about that. Y'know, I think my professor is a great person--she had me laughing my ass off during class--but I don't like her teaching methods. But as I said, we're going to skip that part of my day.

Since I knew I'd have to be at the station from 5 right through 7, I had to each dinner immediately after Writing. Luckily enough, Kevin and Lauren had to eat then as well, because they both had various meetings (or rehearsals, in Lauren's case) to go to. As soon as I finished eating, I had to rush up to my room to get my sit-in log and the notebook with all my website ideas, and then I hurried down to the station for the General Meeting.

I don't know why I worried at all over that little 'presentation'. I knew it wasn't going to be anything formal, but even so, the thought of talking to more than one person at a time was daunting for me. Thankfully, I didn't have to talk to the whole group of DJs (those that showed up); Mel just dismissed everyone except the Executive Board and we clustered together. She told them what I wanted to do, and then I tossed out some of the main ideas I'd had for it. And everyone was okay with the idea! A couple of them were just like "Sure, whatever" (not in a mean way, just sort of not enthusiastic, hehe), but a couple of them (like my name twin, lol) were really into the idea. Brian kept asking me different questions, like if I was in a web-design class, and did I know how to use Flash, blah blah. If only I knew how to use Flash! He told me that if I knew how to use it, he could get me a copy! How cool would THAT be? *giggles* The only thing is, I'm not a big fan of Flash stuff. Like, in modicum it's good, but so many sites use ONLY Flash to present their pages and I don't like that.

So anyway, I did really well during that. I even saw Bill Adams at one point, and he asked me if I was available during certain times during the day. I think I wrote in here before that they're so desperate to fill certain air slots that they're trying to get some of the trainees primed up faster so they can shove those people in the dead time. Hehe...My schedule is so scattered that this semester, I can't do the usual 3-hour blocks. However, I think he's going to try putting me on Tuesdays from 12 to 2 or something like that. Nice way to get me phased in, doing a shorter shift. I don't know for sure whether I'll be in or not, but at least I'm noted down as being willing. He also knows that I'm the one willing to do the morning show next semester, hehe...

After the meeting, I went to do my sit-in with Mel. I was going to wait until 6:30 because Pam said she'd come down then, but Mel won't take more than two people at a time and she said that someone else was planning to come down at 6:30. Since the General Meeting was over at like 5:30, I just did my sit-in at 6. Pam came down 15 minutes before 6:30 and just hung out in the background. This guy Paul (who was also there last Wednesday with me) and I had to go into the other studio to read the Community Calendar and the weather. That went fine.

When our sit-in time was done and it was Pam's turn, she went into the second studio. I don't think Mel likes her very much, because of what happened during Pam's first run with the news-reading...anyway, she said something about wanting to screw with Pam. So instead of playing the weather sounder, she just announced that Pam was going to read the weather. As if being caught offguard wasn't bad enough, here's what happened next. Larry walked into the main studio and started making farting noises, then walked out. Mel shouted for him to come back, and when he did, she told him to walk into the other studio where Pam was and start doing the same thing to her. You see where this is going, right? :P

Completely nonchalant, straight-faced, Larry walked up beside Pam and started making those same noises. "Am I still on the air?" Pam asked, clearly picked up by the microphone. Mel turned on her mic and piped up, "Yes, we're still on the air!" and so Pam kept reading. Every so often, Larry would continue making these noises, and Pam would giggle but keep going. Finally, when she was done, she folded her arms on the table and said, "You'll have to pardon me, I'm feeling a little gassy tonight."

I cracked up. As if it wasn't funny enough for Larry to be doing what he did, she gave a great comeback! It was great. She definitely reacted better than I did. ;) That was the most I've ever actually liked her since I first met her, hehe...

We got our tests back in DJ training. I got a 58 out of 60. Would've been higher than that, if I'd had more confidence in myself to answer that second extra credit question!! But I can't complain, because it also could have been lower. I got two extra points; one for pointing out that, in the 'put in order' section, one of the steps had been listed twice on our handout. The other point I got was so awesome: one of the questions was "What will happen if you play a format 2 at any other time?" Since I couldn't remember the real answer, I wrote, "You're whipped with wet noodles?" (and one of my little silly smilies, hehe) He wrote +1 next to it and drew an arrow pointing to that arrow! LoL! I looked at Pam and said, "See? It pays to be cheeky!"

Blah blah...Oh yeah. Our next test is to make a 30-second promo for our future show. Everything in it can be made up, just as long as it has a few mandatory things in it. We have to go down to the production room and make it, and tonight at training we were taken back in small groups (because the room is small) to be shown how to run everything. Here at Givan Hall, the RA's were holding a piercing social (sounds sanitary, eh?), and Pam was desperate to go so she could have her ears pierced. So she left before our group went into the production room. I don't know how she expects to get her promo done, since she won't have a clue how to work the equipment! Most likely, she'll end up getting Jess to show her. I'm going to be firm in not showing her. It's mean, and probably rather stupid, but y'know what? If she actually wants to be a DJ, she should care enough about it to stay through training. I'm not going to bail her out of that problem; she'll have to do it herself.

But anyway, my night was very good! :) I've got an idea of what I want to do for my promo, and I think it'll go really well. I was so paranoid about it when I first started training, because I thought it would be SOOO hard. I guess it's just being down in the studio so much, getting an idea of how things run and all that, that's made me more confident. Now, so long as I can find a certain sound effect, I'll be all set! :D

That's all for tonight. Since it's Wednesday, it's the day that Geoff said he'd call me. 20 minutes 'til 9, and still not a ring! *scowls* If he doesn't call me tonight, and I don't get to pour out all my good news, I will call him up tomorrow and yell at him. But then I'd sound like a harpy, so maybe I'll just be very nice about it. ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!