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Today's rambling: I lub yooou...
Written on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002 at 12:22 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Why is it that I always want to talk to Mom, but yet by the end of our phone conversations, I'm put in a bad mood? Part of today's reason was that I was so depressed over not being able to find a way home that one weekend in October. All she kept saying was, "I'm sorry, I can't help you there." Yes, thanks, I know you can't help me, or else you would have already. Ugh. It annoys me when people feel the need to state the obvious. I don't really know what kind of response I did want...all I know is that wasn't it. So I got really irritated by that point.

The only bright point of the conversation was when she told me Geoff talked to her, hehe... ;) Out of the blue, apparently, he'd gone up to her and said something like, "Amber is talking a lot with my roommate." No, it wasn't like that...well, that was the general gist, but it had this tone like he was almost jealous that I was striking up such a correspondence with his roommate. *chuckles* Maybe I'm reading too much into it. I was just amused over the fact that he felt the need to tell Mom. ;) He told her a few other things, too, but I don't really remember what they were.

He actually took a lunch break today, which was surprising. Usually, if he takes a break at all (unless it's with me, ha ha), he just takes long enough to eat (which is like 5 or 10 minutes) and goes back to work. Mom told me awhile ago that whenever he goes on break now, he's always by himself. That's right, keep missing my company, my boy. Hehehe...Anyway, so today at lunch, Mom was there and so was Kay. Kay asked how I was doing, and Mom joked, "I don't know, ask Geoff, he talks to her more!" (What a lie!)

Geoff went right into a description of how I was feeling kinda lonely, but I was doing alright otherwise...Stuff that I didn't even think he'd been paying attention to, he was telling Kay! At least my precious words aren't going in one ear and out the other, hehe...

Okay. It's now two hours later. I went over to Lauren and Amanda's room because Lauren, Kevin, and I were trying to work on our Writing stuff. I'm going to rant about all that tomorrow. : For now, I have to take a shower and get to bed!!

OH! Guess what! All this time, I'd been led to believe that if I went south of the Equator and flushed a toilet or something, the water would swirl in a different direction than it does here, all thanks to the Coriolis Effect. But my Earth Science professor told us tonight that that's all a big lie! The Coriolis Effect is much too weak...blah blah, something as simple as the way the water is poured down the drain or the way the pipes are built can affect the way the water swirls.

I am so devastated. The first thing I'd planned on doing when I finally visit Australia was to flush a toilet and watch the water swirl the opposite direction! :

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!