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Today's rambling: I'm hot!
Written on Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 at 2:06 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My day took a turn for the better as soon as I returned from the little girls' room, lol! Amazing how a trip to the bathroom can brighten one's day...That's not what made things better, though. ;)

When I came back into my room, I saw that Geoff was online. So of course I started talking to him. I can't help thinking that Tim must have said something to him about the whole "I've been after him since last October" statement, because he was acting a bit...warmer, I guess is the term. At one point we were talking about how bands 'back then' didn't have to be "hot" like they do today. They just had to be "cool". :P I commented that I wouldn't make it in either era, and he replied with something like "you're hot AND cool - i.e. wench". Hehehe...It's just not something he would've said before. I can't explain it. But yeah, I'm hot. ;) The 'wench' part was referring to my future DJ name of "The Workday Wench". *giggles* I know, it sounds really lame, but the more I think about it, the more I like it! LOL...

I don't remember if he said anything else along those same lines, but the conversation in general just perked me up. I never complain about a conversation with Geoff, even if I'd just talked to him the night before. ;)

I should probably get going soon. I want to run up to the Language Lab so they can tape the French Lab for me (which is due on Wednesday...eep!), and then I have to go back downstairs to the Writing Center. We're working more on our Reading Reports. The creepy part is, these computers are set up so that the professor can kind of 'spy' on what we're writing. And if she wants, she can take snippets of our work and broadcast it to the entire room! So I think, just to make me feel more at ease, I'm going to type "Hello Dr. Rosati!" at the top of my work. :P

Anyway, I'm going now.

More stuff...

Things definitely took an up turn today. :) Well, they dipped down again during Writing, because I'm positive my reading report sucks, yet I don't know what else I can do to it. I'm not big on peer criticism, because half the time THEY don't even know what they're doing. I really ought to wander down to the Writing Center and ask them for help. Oh, cripes! I've got to get my Writing homework done, and then TOMORROW I've got to get my French stuff done! I tried to record that lab thing today, and the tape broke. Would you believe it?

So yeah, all that stuff sucks, and I'm going to hang myself. Not really. Anyway, after all of that was over and done with, Kristen and I went to the Union Committee meeting. Turns out, very few people liked that comedian that was here on Saturday! I thought he was hilarious. Guess it all depends on your sense of humor. *shrugs* No biggie.

After the meeting (which only lasted like 5 minutes), I went straight down to the radio station to get my sit-in done. I'm so glad I went. Chelsey was awesome! She let me read the weather first, and then she told me to get various CDs (so I could memorize where certain groups of them are kept). She let me pop the CDs into the machines, which sounds retarded but it was actually nice to get the hands-on experience. And then she was like, "Do you want to introduce yourself on the air?" Without waiting for a response, she jumped out of her chair and told me to sit down.

I was so nervous I'd screw up. It didn't help that Todd, the next DJ, was joking that he'd try to mess me up! :P He's from TKE (Tau Kappa Epsilon), and it made me start thinking about Matt again. Not in the longing sense, as I used to think about him, but just sort of wistful. Matt was an INCREDIBLY fun person. It saddens me that we're no longer friends, because I really did feel close to him, but I no longer want to date him or anything like that. Anyway, Todd was really funny and friendly, and it made me start thinking nice things about that particular fraternity again. Not that I think they're all sweethearts or anything, but all the guys I've met from there thus far have been really great. So I don't have anything personal against them.

*giggles* In my search to find a link to Matt info (so that I didn't have to do all sorts of background info), look what I found: "I went back and was telling Geoff (a guy who works in frozen food) about it..." Can you believe there was actually a time where I had to specify who 'Geoff' was? Now he's like a staple of my diary entries! Hehehehe...

Anyway, I totally digressed on that one. Back to the on-air thing. Chelsey basically told me what to say, but when it came time to go on, I was like, "Hey, this is Amber, sitting in with DJ Chel! You're tuned in to 91.7 WCUC"...That was the good part. I think I actually sounded DJ-ish at that point. But then I was trying to introduce the next song, and I paused because I didn't understand the title! All in all, though, I think I did good. Chelsey has been my favorite person to sit in with thus far. Sure, Ryan was cute and Mel helped me out with a little bit, but Chelsey was the first person to actually let me get some hands-on type training. That's what I need, not all this "here's what this does, and over here is this and this.." because I end up forgetting it. I need to actually have the opportunity to work all those little buttons and knobs and tuners and things.

I'm going back to sit in with her next Monday. :) I should have all 8 sit-ins done by Friday, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to keep coming in with people! I'd like to sit in with Chelsey and Mel every week, since I think they were the most helpful. Chelsey seemed really enthusiastic about the website, hehe...At least I know I'll have HER vote at the General Meeting on Wednesday!

Reading through my older entries was fun. The two I wrote while visiting Tiff and Lycoming just make me laugh. I didn't even understand what was going on in the first paragraph of the first one point I was like, "Someone just emailed Jenny!" and reading over it now, I'm like, WTF? But I was greatly amused at the part that went something like, "Who the hell would want to go to classes?" Hehehe...And look at me now!

I think I'll go back and read through a few more entries before I finally buckle down and start in on this stupid homework. I wish I'd had the foresight to do this Writing stuff earlier, even though she didn't tell us about it 'til today! It was still on the website! : Geoff said he'd probably be online later...We'll see if that happens. ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!