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Today's rambling: Ehh...well...
Written on Monday, Sept. 23, 2002 at 11:44 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at


Today hasn't been all that stellar so far. Not terrible, by any means, but not terrific either.

I had to walk down to Chandler by myself because Kristen left early. Thankfully, I ran into Tara. I've only talked to her maybe twice, because she's friends with Miranda and so we've met, but she's a really cute girl. Anyway, she asked if I was eating alone, and when I said yeah, she was like, "Now you're not!" Yay! ;)

The only down side to it was that I'd been intending on sitting with Kevin, Lauren, and Amanda and apologizing for not showing up the night before. But I saw them as I was taking my tray over to the drop-off place (whatever it's called, lol). I apologized profusely, but Amanda wasn't there, and apparently she was the one who was angry, hehe...So I expect to get an earful later. ;) Hopefully, it'll be about as painless as it was apologizing to my dear little brother. *chuckles*

In CIS, I asked my professor what all I missed on Friday, and as I suspected, I really didn't miss anything. Our labs are due by midnight tonight, but I completed mine the day it was assigned. I just don't know if it went through or not. >_< I emailed her and told her I'd done it, but apparently she didn't read her emails or something. I just KNOW it's gonna end up that this lab didn't go through. I'll be so ticked off.

Anyway, after that class, I decided that I'd better get downstairs and meet with my advisor. After all, I'd emailed him ages ago, and he was probably expecting me to drop by last week! So I waited down there for him, and any preconceived notions I'd had of him were quickly shattered. I'd thought, from the picture of him I'd seen on the Communications page, that he seemed like one of those cute little old men. Heh. Not so. He's not mean, really, but he's one of those people that you don't quite know how to take. He's not overly friendly, by any means. And I'd been hoping he would be. So I left that little meeting feeling really stupid, because I hadn't thought up any questions or anything to ask him beforehand; I'd just gone down to kind of say hello and blah blah blah. I don't know, I can't really explain it, but I was really dissatisfied over that whole thing.

I forgot to bring my wallet with me, so I couldn't stop by Gemmell to buy more cold medecine (and by the time I climbed all the way back to my room, I certainly didn't feel like going back down). I wish I'd remembered, not just for the medicine, but because I was accosted by a bunch of guys in suits handing out 'free gifts' (aka little New Testament books). I stuffed it in my sweatshirt pocket, and maybe I'll actually page through it or something one day. I can't throw the thing out, because I'd feel like I was jinxing myself or something, like I'd be immediately struck by lightning. Maybe I'll give it to Kristen...hehehe...

Anyway, if I'd had my wallet, I could have completely evaded those men. It's not that I have anything against religion, I just get kind of leery when people come out of nowhere at me like that.

Umm...I called the bus company, and found out first that I had the wrong number (I had the tour bus number, hehe). The woman gave me the right number, and so I called that one up. A man answered this time, and said that there were no buses out of Clarion that went to Reading. There were some in DuBois, he said, and I swear it sounded like he told me they departed every day at 15 am. I was so flustered that I didn't want to ask him to repeat himself, so I'm just going to call again later and hope I get someone else.

But even if I DO get someone else, that doesn't help me at all! DuBois is like an hour from here. How am I going to get there? I know there are a couple of girls in this wing (including Jess, the RA) who live in DuBois, and maybe if I get desperate I'll ask one of them for a ride, but I don't know any of them well enough to feel comfortable doing it, you know? I think Jess is probably going to want to stay here the weekend that I want to go home...Actually, I'd wanted to leave on a Thursday, so she'd probably have classes and wouldn't be able to take me anyway. Gosh darn it. This means I have to wait until Thanksgiving vacation to go home. I could cry. Seriously. This is so completely depressing that I could sit here and just cry my eyes out.

It's not that I hate it here. I don't. Sure, there's nothing to do, but the campus is pretty and I'm getting along well with pretty much everyone. It's just that I need to get home for a couple of days. Just a couple! It's not like I want to go home forever or anything! Even if I had a car, though, I'd have to pay for insurance and all sorts of other crap, and I just can't afford that along with tuition. But I've got to think of something.

So that's why my day hasn't been so great thus far. It doesn't promise to get any better, either. I'm starting to feel rather ambivalent about French class now. Not that I'm doing bad or anything--my last quiz grade was a 92, so I'm still getting A's--but I'm just not doing as well as I'd hoped to be doing. That sounds so conceited. But if Kent, the kid who can't even pronounce half the words, can get higher grades than me, what's going on? I'm not a studying sort of person. I've never even known HOW to study. But it's never really affected me, because I'm good at memorizing things. I think I just need to start paying more attention when I take these quizzes, start looking over them more carefully after I've finished answering everything.

I know I'm good with this language. I just don't feel like I'm doing as well as I should be doing.

I'm going to do a sit-in tonight after Writing class, and then I'm planning on going down to the station about an hour and a half before I have to read the news so I can sit in with that DJ. My advisor was impressed with my eagerness to get involved with the radio station, at least...

Okay, I'm going to go see if those cleaning women are finished in the bathrooms. I'm sure we're not restricted from going in there while everything is being cleaned, but it just seems wrong to use it while the women are trying to clean. :P

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!