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Today's rambling: Take a trip back with me!
Written on Monday, Sept. 16, 2002 at 11:55 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Kristen and I enjoyed ourselves last night by taking a trip back in time to the land of 80's cartoons. See, I found out from her that stores are selling Popples again, and it made me think back to when I had a cute fuzzy Popple. Now granted, these new ones are completely different from the originals in that their fur is decortated with silly stripes and polka dots (whereas the originals were basically solid colors)...but I still want a Popple!!! I wish I still had my old orange one...

I looked around for information on A.G. Bear, because I was curious as to what the 'A.G.' stood for. I've had this bear since I was about 4 years old, and the only thing wrong with him is his unkempt fur. I think he's the one stuffed animal I actually toted around with me everywhere. But he's still got his blue jacket, he's still got his voicebox...I looked around on eBay ages ago to see if anyone was selling these bears, and I didn't find ANY that were in the condition that mine's in. Some had the shirt but were missing the voicebox, others had the voicebox but were missing the shirt, and for the rare bear that still had both, the voicebox wasn't working! I'm pleased to say that my A.G. bear still growls back to me when I talk to him. It's been very comforting.

Anyway, I ended up distracting Kristen from her homework, so she slid a chair over to my desk and we began perusing various sites. Care Bears, apparently, are also going to start being sold again. I hope the company doesn't screw THOSE up. If they start putting polka dots on the poor things, I'll refuse to buy one. You can't put POLKA DOTS on a Care Bear! I thought the purpose of selling these toys again was for the people who grew up with them (in which case, they'd like to see the toys in original form, since that's what they remember). I guess the newer audience doesn't really care. *sniffle* Youngsters. Hmmph.

Does anyone remember Maple Town? Oh wait, I disabled my Notes, so you can't tell me anyway. *giggles* Kristen didn't really remember that cartoon at all, but I loved it! I had the rabbit family, and their house, and the father's little mail scooter was so cool! I never ended up getting any of the other families, but I had Bobby Bear, and Wilde Wolf...A whole bunch of them. Mom told me not all that long ago that she'd planned to get me the whole set (she thought the show was cute, too), but I guess I must have lost interest or something. Kind of a shame, really, since that stuff was so cool.

All of my old toys are currently down in Virginia with my uncle, and after talking with Mom last night, I'm paranoid that rats are going to get into everything and destroy it all. Yes, they're only toys, and we're not supposed to hold such attachments to material objects. It's just that all that stuff is a part of my childhood, so it means more to me than if, say, one of the stuffed animals that I've bought recently were chewed up. I think that's the same fate that befell my orange Popple and Red Butler (from Rainbow Brite)...when I was little, Mom took a big box of stuff down to Grandma's house to keep, but the rats chewed everything up. My uncle is living in that house now, and I'm sure all my stuff is in some unchecked room somewhere...Anyway, I'll stop thinking about that.

I used to watch Thundercats so much when I was little that my parents started calling me Ambero (if you've never seen the show, then you have no idea what I'm talking about). And I used to watch He-Man and She-Ra a lot, too, but I was never interested enough in those shows to get the dolls. I used to go around the house chanting "I am She-Ra, Princess of Power!" or some such (and the 'power call'--or whatever you'd call it--for Thundercats, too), but I don't remember ever having dolls from those shows. Oh, except for some toy that I got out of a fast food meal...It was that strange alien cat-thing from Thundercats...the little wussy thing that always hung around Liono (or however you'd spell his name, hehe)...

Sure, the 80's might've generally been a rather gay decade (I'd rather live in the 60's/70's time frame, as I'm sure you all know by now), but they still had some really cool cartoons! ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!