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Today's rambling: A depressing outlook
Written on Thursday, Aug. 29, 2002 at 10:31 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Today was sort of depressing. I only had two classes, so I got to sleep in, but maybe that was a bad start to my day. Then in Message Design (a course for Communications), the professor was telling us about how the way we think and act is all based on what we've perceived from the media. So in other words, our thoughts aren't even really OURS, they're just something we've been fed from the media. Rather sobering thought.

I kept forgetting it was Thursday...For some reason, it feels like it's still really early in the week. I hope time always goes by this fast! Except when I have a big assignment due, ha ha...Anyway, as I said, I didn't realize it was so late in the week, and I still haven't been able to find out about that bus thing (because every time I go down there, NOBODY'S at the desk!!!), so basically, I'm stuck here the whole of Labor Day weekend. All of the friends I've made live within an hour or two of uni, so they'll be going home. The thought of being here, holed up in my room by myself for three days, makes me want to cry. I'm not exactly sure what I'll do. If I see Kevin at all tomorrow, I'm going to ask whether or not he's staying. He lives near Erie, which isn't too far away, so I assume he'll be going home. :

Geoff didn't call again today, though he had good reason, because Mom told me that he's been working insanely long hours each day. He's starting to look bad again, like he did when C-SOP was there to rearrange the frozen food section. Still, that doesn't stop me from being depressed over not seeing or talking to him! He did come online for maybe 5 minutes tonight, and we 'talked', but it wasn't even anything worth repeating. In fact, it was all nonsense. Not that I wanted us to start spouting words of love or anything like that, but usually we'll get onto SOME sort of semi-serious topic...We're usually very good at holding conversations. I guess he was just too tired to worry about it. When he said he had to go to bed, he told me that he'd just popped online to say hi, so that made me feel a little better. They're having another store tour thingy tomorrow, I think (Remember months back, when I was ranting about how we had to clean everything because all the head honcho people would be walking through to inspect?)...After that's all over, I'm hoping he'll call or something.

My Earth Science class is every bit as boring thus far as I'd predicted it would be. We're not going to be learning anything about astronomy, because there are 2 courses offered on that subject, and I was rather disappointed. I don't know how interesting/boring astronomy would be, so I don't want to take a full course on it. Earth Science is supposed to brush over a little of different sciences, but the professor said he'd be going over very little (if any) astronomy. So how would I know if it interests me? It's not very fair, in my opinion. But I'm just a lowly student.

Thankfully, Writing II only meets on Mondays and Wednesdays, so tomorrow I only have CIS and French. Oh, shoot...I forgot I was supposed to read another section of Chapter 1 for CIS! But we didn't really go over the first two sections she told us to read on the first day, so I doubt I'll be in any trouble. We've still got the second section to go over, anyway. Did I mention here that I finished that lab that's due next Wednesday? Our book comes with a CD, and the various labs are all on there. The one I had to do was about Operating a PC, and there are 25 questions. At the end, it tells you how many I got right, and the percentage...and I got all 25 correct.

But it's not like it was any kind of accomplishment or anything! This stuff was so SIMPLE! How to turn on the computer, how to bring the computer out of sleep mode, how to use the Ctrl + Alt + Del key sequence...Basic stuff that any garden-variety computer-user is going to know. So I won't be surprised to hear that everyone else in the class got a perfect score as well. The only way you really COULD get a question or two wrong is if you skim over the words really fast, as I did with one of them (thankfully I went back and reread it!). I mean, before each set of questions, it even has a small section pointing out the various functions and how to work things! So there's no real way you could get the stuff wrong!

Part of me hopes that class stays as easy as it is right now, but part of me hopes that maybe I'll actually learn something NEW, too. I think we're going to have to make up a small webpage later in the semester, so that'll provide something of a challenge, I'm sure. Once we get into Internet stuff, maybe I'll find some more interesting stuff, stuff that I don't really know all that well right now. I don't claim to be any kind of computer expert, but I know how to turn the thing on, which that Lab almost suggests I don't! If I didn't know how to turn this machine on, though, or how to open programs...then how would I have been able to do the lab?

Anyway, I think I'm going to go to bed. I'd been planning on watching part of The 10th Kingdom, but it's already 10:30 and I have to be up at 7 tomorrow morning. I hope Miranda agrees to work with me on that stupid Writing assignment!!! And I should save t10k for this weekend, since it's almost 7 hours long. That'll eat up a sizeable chunk of time! And then there's always sleeping in real late, which takes up most of the day...As long as I get a phone call or two, and my friends are online, I'll HOPEFULLY be okay! But I still don't look forward to those three days...

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!