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Today's rambling: Defies Description
Written on Monday, Aug. 12, 2002 at 6:01 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I finally got my roommate information today! I was hoping maybe she'd call me, but thus far, no luck. I'm SO jealous of Chelsea...her roommate not only called her first, but she said she was bringing the fridge and stuff, AND was paying for cable! I only wish my roommate could end up being that terrific! Hehe...With my luck, she'll be a raving mad loony, and I'll be crying desperately to be put somewhere else. Maybe they'll put me on the floor with the older students...

My room number is 339, so I'll be on the same floor I was when I went to orientation. I just hope I'm away from most of the street lamps; I hate light when I'm sleeping! With any luck, maybe my roommate will be the same way, so we can work out some sort of, if one of us wants to go to bed but the other one wants to stay up, then the overhead lights have to go out (but a desk lamp or whatever would be fine). I'd love it if we could agree not to have the TV or radio on after one person goes to sleep, but I doubt I'll end up being that lucky.

I'm really anal about sleep time, hehe...I technically can get to sleep with lights on, but it takes me awhile. If there are things like the radio or television on, I'd have to be REALLY tired in order to fall asleep. Yes, I almost always listen to a CD or two before I go to bed (unless I'm too tired), but that's music that I WANT to listen to, and if I find that it's not helping me get drowsy at all, then I'll turn it off. I can't stand to have the television on when I'm trying to sleep. Every time I hear an audience laugh or whatever, my eyes automatically want to pop open so I can see what caused the noise. Actually, if it weren't for the fact that I like watching the news in the morning, I'd probably be able to deal without the television, period!

Okay, I'd probably go through withdrawal without ANY television.

I didn't even get an email from saying that they'd shipped my CDs, which most likely means that my order hasn't been filled in other words, I won't be getting them until probably around Thursday! Blast it! Why couldn't I have gotten out to the mall earlier than Friday, so that I would've KNOWN about the shortage of Yes CDs, and I could've ordered online in time to get it before Geoff's birthday?

I had it all planned out today. When I saw Geoff tomorrow, I was gonna tell him that we were going out for a little while. Assuming he was done at 4:30, we could go up to Johnny's 'til 6, when I could catch a ride home with Linda. It was an infallible plan! Only one and a half hours, so it's not as if he'd be out late (he has to be in at work at 5 am on Wednesday)...and he wouldn't even have to drive me home! It was perfect!

Until I saw that he works 10-6:30 tomorrow. *throws herself to the floor and sobs*

It just never works out for me!!!

I'm hoping to possibly catch him online, so I can see if he'd be interested in trying to get in earlier tomorrow, thereby (ideally) letting him finish earlier. I have my doubts I'll even get to see him, though, much less persuade him to come in earlier.

Frank is irritating me (yet again). He's only 20 years old--21 in a few more months!--yet he worries and rants like some embittered, 40-year old man. The tiniest, most insignificant little things tick him off, and he'll complain about them all day as if they were a life-and-death matter. I told him bluntly today that if he keeps going like this, he's going to have a heart attack by the time he's 30. I know I get worked up over unimportant things sometimes--I don't know of anyone who doesn't--but I don't allow EVERYTHING to anger me! And with the things that DO irritate me, usually I'm over it within a short while. With Frank, he could be complaining about it ALL DAY.

*sighs* I wonder sometimes why I put up with him at all, hehehe...

Adrienne called a little while ago, and I was afraid that she and Mom would be talking for so long that I'd miss any possible chance of catching Geoff online. But then Mom came back inside, her conversation finished, and I could tell she was agitated. Automatically, I knew it had to do with the house. See, a couple of weeks ago, Adrienne said she'd seen a car with Massachusetts plates drive up to our old house. A woman and two kids got out and were walking around...and both Mom and I believe that it was LouAn (aka La Whore). She has two children around the age that Adrienne estimated these two children to be, and she lives in Massachusetts.

So anyway, Mom told me that there are more people at the house, and she believes my 'darling' grandfather might be one of those people.

How LOW DOWN and SLIMY can this family possibly get? So my father lets the house foreclose, lets his own FAMILY get kicked out on their asses (not that he could give a damn about either of us, the callous bastard), and all so he can secretly buy back the house?? What the heck is he going to do with it? Is he planning on moving back down here? I can't imagine WHY he'd want to live there again, when our immediate neighbors despise him. Or maybe he's thinking he'll rent it out and earn some extra cash. It's not as if he doesn't already have enough money; the private investigator that Mom hired has uncovered several rather interesting tidbits. I guess I'm not really at liberty to discuss them here, though believe me...I'd love to just rat him out.

Part of me wanted to drive over with Mom today, just so that I could drive a stake through their black hearts (if indeed it IS my former family).

I'm sickened at the thought that I'm actually related by blood to these people. If I could somehow take out the genes of that family, I would gladly do it. However, the best I can do is to refuse to have anything to do with them. It's not as if they notice, or care (for they're all self-centered), but it's my one small triumph against them.


I've had "Locomotive Breath" by Jethro Tull in my head all day. I don't even know the words to the song, but I had the general tune in my head. I'm not a big fan of this band, but I like his voice in this particular song. It's not pretty, it's just sort of neat. *chuckles* I'd never make it as a reviewer. "It's just sort of neat!" I'd rather listen to The Moody Blues, because Justin Hayward's voice is so gorgeous...and of course I like listening to Queen, because Freddie's voice is just absolutely amazing.

Augh. More stupid talk about baseball players considering a strike. Let the whiny little babies go on strike! What, you're not making that extra million you wanted to? *rolls eyes in disgust* Once upon a time, baseball was played for the sport, not the money. Now, you've got these egotistic crybabies who'll strike at the drop of a hat. I, personally, would feel no loss if the entire major league just stopped playing forever. Maybe we could go back to when it was FUN to play.

Speaking of going back...Last night I was watching a Disney Channel movie called "The Color of Friendship", and yet again it made me wish I could've lived back in the 60's and 70's. I would've definitely been one of those young adults who was out there protesting things like war and apartheid and all those other major issues. It's not that I'm glad those things ever happened, but the sort of passion those protesters had! The generation I've grown up with is apathetic and cynical, and it seems like their idea of a protesting a baseball strike. What would it be like to have that passion? To be a part of something so big, and have that sort of camaraderie?

I know, a lot of that is just idealized and glamourized. I know that for every positive aspect I've found about that era, there were probably just as many negative aspects. But I could give up some of these luxuries just to spend even a little time back then.

Oh well. Those are just my wistful musings. I just heard a commercial for the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire, and so of course I'm longing to go there again. I tried persuading Geoff to go with me, but he was having none of it. He doesn't want the actors to start talking to him and stuff, hehe... :P I told him that they usually only talk to the little kids anyway. "You should go just to see the shows," I informed him. "Especially if the Duo of Woo is still there; they were hilarious!"

I then, of course, had to explain exactly what the 'Duo of Woo' was all about, and so he grinned and said, "What would you do if they made you go up there?"

"They don't make you," I protested, "you have to volunteer!"

"I'd talk to them beforehand and make sure they pulled you up there," Geoff told me in his usual mischievous way. When I said matter-of-factly that I'd turn tail and run the other way, he laughed and said that that would be just as entertaining. :P But hey, if it got him to go... ;)

I think I've run the gamut as far as topics go. Mom just called from Adrienne's and said that the large group of people at our old house is just a bunch of strangers. That's relieving. Maybe Dad's not quite so slimy as I'd been thinking.

But don't quote me on that. I don't know him quite as well as I'd always thought.

(On an added note, I copied off of Lola and turned my unused option into a field that says what I'm thinking. ;) I might change it later to make it into an imood-y sort of thing...)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!