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Today's rambling: Oh well, maybe next time!
Written on Wednesday, Aug. 07, 2002 at 8:40 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Well, if anyone was expecting big proclamations of didn't happen. In fact, nothing happened.

Because I never told him. >_<

Honestly, though, I'd rather not tell him than just blurt it out at the wrong moment. Can you imagine us talking about our jobs or something, and then all of a sudden I say, "Are you aware that I like you?" Hehehe...Obviously, this is something that requires the right moment; you can't just say, "I HAVE to do this on THIS day, no matter what!"

I'm still sort of disappointed that that moment didn't come about today, though, hehe...

BUT! This Saturday, he and I have a 'date', so to speak...We're just going up to Johnny's, so it's not anything major, but at least he agreed to it! Actually, I originally asked him if he wanted to go up there tomorrow or Friday (Karen had asked me, and so I asked him), but he's off tomorrow, and I'm off on Friday--as I belatedly remembered--so those plans fell through. Instead, he said "What about Saturday?"

I said okay at first, then remembered that I had to work until 6, so it wouldn't really work out. Apparently, he didn't agree. I was talking to him in the freezer, while we were both getting stuff, and I teasingly suggested that since neither tomorrow nor Saturday would work, why not just go out tonight? "Why won't Saturday work?" he asked me, so I had to repeat that I didn't get done until 6 o'clock. But like I said, it must not have bothered him that he gets done at 4:30 (I think) and I get done an hour and a half later, because as he and Ernie were leaving (to go to Johnny's!), he saw me in the clock room and said, "Saturday, right?"

So I guess we're going out after all! :P I doubt that 'Right Moment' is going to come along, though, since we're not really going to be by ourselves. Karen will probably be up there, and with my luck, Ernie'll be there too, monopolizing all of Geoff's attention!

Bleh. Anyway, today was pretty uneventful...though yet again, Evan managed to tick me off. I was on the phone with a customer, and I put the phone down to go check something. Well, in comes Evan, laughing obnoxiously as usual, and he walked straight back into the bakery...and hung up the phone. Jason's eyes were wide with shock, Evan started laughing louder...and I glared blackly at him. His gaze met mine, but the Evil Glare of Death must not have permeated his brain, because he just kept on guffawing. I was ready to stuff him in the proofer and leave him there.

I burned my arm, too...well, more specifically, I managed to burn the tender part of my wrist, just a little bit beneath the pulse point. That hurt. The skin there is so sensitive, so it makes a really terrible place to get hurt! Trust Amber to figure out a way to do so.

Don keeps trying to suggest that Geoff is gay, and Linda said that it was time I stopped asking Geoff out, because by now it's his turn to ask me out. Can't people just stop meddling? It would be one thing if I agreed--even privately--with what they were saying, though that still gives them no excuse to try to tell me how to do things. But as far as what Linda said...I don't CARE that I'm the one who has to do the asking! Well okay, sure I wish that he'd, for no reason at all, just ask me out. And I'm so awkward that it would take a lot of pressure off of me. But I don't mind being the pursuer. If I did, don't you think I would have given this up months ago?

As for the homosexual accusation...well, Don would be more of a candidate for a Rainbow Flyer than Geoff. (And I have no idea where 'Rainbow Flyer' came from, but just go with me here.) Why are people automatically assuming that he's gay just because he's not fawning all over me? They all think I'm a nice, pretty girl, but that doesn't mean he's going to be interested! As it is, I think he is interested, but I don't know that he's interested in a relationship more serious than the one we have right now.

Poor guy. That disgusting rumor was started all because of me! If I'd just kept my distance, it never would've started. But if he knows about it, he hasn't said anything, so I guess that means it doesn't bother him. More likely, however, he just doesn't know about it. Not that he needs to...

Y'know what's really cute? Sometimes, when he's being particularly weird, he tells me that he said/did it just to make me grin. ^_^ Go ahead, say 'aww'. ;)

Okay, it's a couple of hours later, and so I guess I can finally post this!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!