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Today's rambling: How to start a fanclub...
Written on Monday, Aug. 05, 2002 at 12:51 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Well, today (technically yesterday) was quite productive! Mom and I went out and bought yet MORE stuff for me, hehe...I got mostly notebooks and pens and stuff, but I also bought two photo thingies, and a 2-gallon aquarium. Oh yeah, and since I was tired of waiting around for an opportunity to arise where I could see "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", I just went ahead and bought the DVD. *chuckles*

It was interesting, I'll give you that! I enjoyed watching it, BUT...If I'd seen it before I bought it, I don't think I would have wanted to own it. For me, it's just not one of those 'wanna watch it repeatedly' movies. I liked the bunny though, hehehe... ;)

"It's just a flesh wound!"

Alright. So after I did all my shopping, I came home and put some pictures in the frames. Well, one of them is an actual frame (with 4 slot thingies in it), and the other one is a flip-through thing that you can set on your desk (or wherever you want it). So when I'm feeling desperately homesick, I can just look at all my friends (and probably feel even worse, but we won't think about that, hehe)!

Then, I set up both my 2-gallon aquarium and the 1-gallon that Mom bought for our third betta (one is in our 29-gallon aquarium, and the other is going to go in the 2-gallon). It seems sort of pointless to set up the aquarium when I'm just taking it to college with me (and will therefore have to take it all apart anyway), but I want to let it cycle and everything so that the fish doesn't die when I put him in his new home (it's a fishkeeper thing). Blah blah, set those both up (they look very nice), and then I changed the water in Aramus (aka "the third betta")'s little cup. I figured I'd warm up the water a little bit--any other fishkeepers out there, don't start yelling!--but that turned out to be a HUGE mistake!

When you buy a fish and take it home, the biggest rule is that you're supposed to let the bag float on top of the aquarium for 10-15 minutes, to let the water temp inside the bag gradually adjust to the temp inside the aquarium. So putting Aramus into slightly warmed water, when he'd been in cool was just a disaster. I thought I'd killed him. Thankfully, it was just a shock to him and now he's fine, eating his food and everything. *breathes a huge sigh of relief* I can't wait for him to go in his new home!

I'm planning on getting a female betta to go in with Porthos, once I move him over to the 2-gallon aquarium and I've given another couple of days for the tank to cycle. I want another betta because they're the easiest to travel with (since they can breathe air if necessary), and two males can't go together, so it'll have to be a female! Have to get her at least a week before I leave, though, just to make sure Porthos will get along with her...

I know, this is all boring you, hehe! Ah well, it was a nice day for me! I was even feeling energetic enough that, after popping a Moody Blues CD into the stereo, I emptied and filled the dishwasher! And then I did a load of laundry! Now, if only I could get energetic enough to clean my room's a disaster area.

I don't suppose anyone out there would have ideas on how to a)Start a fan club (actually, how to make it official), or b)How to organize a fan gathering/convention? A girl (from the Tenth Kingdom forum I frequent) and I are trying to go about researching both of them, but there is surprisingly little information on the Internet about both! So I'm trying to find help any way I can. :P As for the gathering/convention thing, I don't need to know about starting a HUGE one...we want to start small, of course. ;) But eventually, if we could get bigger...

What I'd like to concentrate more on, right now, is the fan club part. There was already an attempt at starting one, but the creator just sort of gave up on it, I guess, so I'd like to try starting over. I was going to ask some folks from the American Gerbil Society, but I think it's a different process for something like that than it would be for a fan club...

Anyway, I'm going to go for now. It's after 1 in the morning, and I have to be up at 6 am! But, guess what?


That just makes my day look so much brighter. ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!