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Today's rambling: Cruelly turned down
Written on Saturday, Jul. 06, 2002 at 7:44 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

The community 'fair' sort of thing that's put together for a week every summer ends today. The last day always includes a fireworks display, but this year I didn't much feel like going. At work, when Linda asked me if I'd be going, I said no. My mind went back to the image of her talking to Geoff just moments before, and my curiosity as to what was said, and then the light bulb clicked on. Why not invite Geoff? Even though I was really tired and everything, I figured that if I could persuade him to go, then I'd forsake a couple extra hours of sleep.

I thought I had him, too. I asked him if he wanted to go, and he actually seemed interested...but he didn't really commit, because if the display started late, he didn't want to get home really late. I asked him one last time before I left, and he was actually going to come up...but I could tell he would've rather just gone home after work, so I told him he didn't have to.

"It's nothing personal," he assured me, to which I retorted, "Yeah yeah, just spurn me again, that's okay!"

Right before I said good-bye, he said sorry again, so I smiled cheekily at him and said, "Well, it's not the first time!"

"Oh, don't start!" he exclaimed, retreating back into the dairy cooler.

I seem to have inherited my father's family gift of guilt-tripping. :oP

Of course, this turn-down put me in a bad mood. But I guess it's all for the best anyway, since now I can get to bed relatively early. Tiff called tonight and asked if I wanted to go to the fair thingy, and I felt bad telling her no! :( Especially now that I've admitted that I would've gone to the fireworks if Geoff had agreed to come up, hehe...It's not that Tiff's less important, but I mean, come on: darkness, fireworks, a cute guy...Tiff, do you see where I'm coming from? *giggles* I wouldn't want to sit cuddled up in the darkness with you, and I'm sure you return the sentiment! ;)

Frank text-messaged me last night (though I didn't look at my cell 'til today) and asked if I was busy late afternoon/evening-ish on Monday. When I told him today that I wasn't, then asked why, he said he had to work, and he never told me why he'd asked in the first place! Maybe he'd gotten his hopes up during the two days Geoff was off (though I can't imagine how), and then I dashed them today by going on break with Geoff. Heh...or not, but I like to build my ego up that way.

Precious and few are the moments we two can share...

I'm currently downloading that song. I like Oldies, if you haven't been able to guess by now. If you do too, that song's very pretty. If you don't...well, then nevermind. We can never be friends if you don't listen to what I do. (I'm just kidding, by the way. ;) )

Yuck, there's a small bug flitting around my desk lamp (which has turned into my bedside lamp), and I hate that. One night I saw a mosquito in my room, so I drew my Siam canopy all the way around 'til I was safely walled away. Hey, the stuff's made out of mosquito netting, so it SHOULD keep bugs out, right? Hehe...anyway, it was sort of cool. If I had to sleep outside, like the Swiss Family Robinson, I'd be all set with my Siam bed canopy.

Okay, my eyes are getting heavy now. But I'm downloading a couple of new songs, so I guess I'll have to wait. I am, however, going to close this entry. I wish I could think of something to write in my Hogwarts thread...bleh, sorry Jam! : Once college comes around and, y'know, I'm procrastinating a lot, I'll have plenty of time to RP. *giggles* ;)

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!