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Today's rambling: Reading = "Dateless Loser"
Written on Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 at 12:10 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

What Goddess Archetype are you?

Ooo...I feel like running through moonlit forests.

What Flavor Icecream Are You?

Whee, vanilla, my favorite! But vanilla people are supposed to be dull. *sigh* Such is the story of my life...I don't like the animated effect of this graphic...there's too much to read, and she didn't let it stay up long enough to finish all at once!

i'm an eyeshadow. what type of make up are you?

quiz made by muna.

*gazes out at you softly yet deeply*

Har har. What's up with the whole 'ppl' thing? Ugh, abbreviations. Not that I should talk, using "LoL" in abundance, but 'ppl'? Goes right up there with 'u' and all those other things. I dunno, it's not so bad if you're just using the 'ppl' thing in a chat room or something (I will NEVER condone 'u''s THREE STINKIN' LETTERS, people!), but on something you want to have shown around the Internet!

Sorry, quiz-author person. Don't mean to make an example out of you.

i'm a rabbit.
what kinda pet are you?

quiz made by muna.

Fuzzeh boonehs! Awww! They're cute, but they make me think of the poor bunnies I had to give away because my lame-ass FATHER was such a RETARD and all but kicked Mom and I out on the street!!!!

*coughs* Excuse me. Got a little carried away with myself.

A few items of note today:

This morning as I was talking to Geoff, Leroy came up behind me and tried to scare me...which surprisingly didn't work. Then he stood there and made his usual jokes, and at one point he just stared at me. I grinned widely at him, and out of the blue he goes, "You're so pretty!"

He must've felt he was leaving Geoff out, because a moment later he looked over and said, "You're so pretty too, Geoff."


Every time I ask Geoff about my CD (which, granted, has only been 2 or 3 times), he says to remind him before he leaves. This is hard to do unless I keep my eye on him at every moment, because when he leaves he never stops by the bakery to say good-bye or anything - he just leaves! So how am I supposed to find him and remind him beforehand? Anyway, today I thought I'd be cute and write a small note, then leave it on his car. THAT would remind him, right? I took into consideration the fact that he might not even SEE the note 'til after he was well away from Genuardi's, but took the risk anyway.

Look, Geoff, I began, I know I'm in lust with you...

I pretty much forget what I wrote after that. It's one of those "shoot and fire" sorta things. Not like I was writing a love letter, after all!

So at any rate, time passes and passes, and then finally I went on lunch. It was just by chance that I looked outside, but I saw his black Acura pulling out of the parking spot and driving away. He left!

So tomorrow he shall face the wrath known as Berry. That sounds SO lame. *tinny voice* "Hi, my name's Berry and I'm really ticked off at YOOOOOU!"

Before I left tonight, I was talking to Don a little bit. Nick comes sauntering past, and he said something to Don as well. Which somehow prompted Don to say, "We need to find Amber a guy! She can't get a date!" (Note: I felt really loser-ish at that point.)

"That's because she reads all the time!" Nick exclaimed. Nick's 33, but he likes to have a good time. Good times seem to include things such as pot. I love the boy to death, but I definitely don't like his partying habits. Anyway.

My jaw dropped to the floor. "What does reading have to do with anything?" I demanded.

"You go home every night and read!" he said. "You need to get out more!"

"I don't want to date guys who don't like to read," I protested, though it was more of a murmur and they didn't hear me anyway.

Pbbbbttttt to them.

It's not that I necessarily need to find a guy who likes to read as much as I do - not only would that be a rare find, but if I WERE to find someone like that, we might never actually talk to each other! - I just want somebody who appreciates the fact that I do like to read. I'm certainly not going to try to change myself just to attract guys. I've never been like that. I couldn't be with a guy who didn't share at least some of my interests (which is why I'm so adamant about me and Frank never dating). And I wouldn't like myself for being so stupid as to change!

Relationships are a compromise, I know. Neither person can really stay EXACTLY the same if they expect the relationship to work. But at the same time, neither can they be expected to change themselves just to fit better with the other person. I dunno, I'm probably making no sense. But I couldn't believe Nick would say my dateless status is because I read.

Yesterday, I was a decorator all day. Around one o'clock this middle-aged woman approached the counter and asked if we had any small birthday cakes for sale. Karen is getting worse and worse with her laziness, so the cake shelf was all but completely empty. I told the woman that I'd make one up for her if she could come back in a little while, so eventually we settled for 2:30. The cakes we put out on the shelf are very basic, but since I was essentially taking an order for her, she asked for all sorts of things like whipped cream frosting instead of buttercreme, blah blah blah...

Got the cake done well before 2:30, actually, and she ended up being late. Most people around this place don't show much appreciation at all for special stuff like this, but she smiled happily at me and said, "Are you allowed to accept tips?"

Eyes widening - I hadn't really done THAT much! - I grinned but told her that no, we weren't allowed to.

"Are you sure?" she persisted. "Not even if I sneak it to you?"

I had to laugh at that, but I still declined. Even if we were allowed to accept them, I'd still decline. It's one thing if you're a waitress and the tip is left on your table, but entirely another to be handed the money; I feel like I'm being greedy and selfish if I actually take it! Anyway, the woman explained that she'd been to another store where they gave her a really hard time for stuff, and she said that I was "so nice" to her.

She even went up front and told Kirsten about how nice I'd been!

I think she caught me on a good day, ha ha...Although I do love to make people like her happy. Most people I couldn't care less about, because they're so arrogant and they have the attitude that yes, I should be going out of my way to do everything for you, even though you waited until the very last minute. But this woman was so genuinely appreciative that I felt really great about helping her. She's the second person to have offered me a tip, LoL! I guess I must be doing something right!

Lola has a little counter on her diary, counting down the days 'til I arrive. The odd part is, if I'd been able to figure the code out, I would've had one of those on my diary already! ^_^ I can't believe my vacation's a week away now. I still feel like I have so much to do! I want to find a new swimsuit, I need more clothes (my wardrobe literally consists of 3 or 4 T-shirts...I just don't get out enough to necessitate more clothing)...eesh! But I'm looking forward to going! :oD

Okay, I've rambled on long enough! I have to work again tomorrow...oh joy. I usually look forward to the night shifts because Frank works nights (more often than not, anyway)...but he was off today, AND he's off tomorrow! : Saw him today with his littlest bro ("The Cute One", as I call him), but I was on my way to lunch and he just kept walking past so I didn't make any effort to stop and chat.

Right. I said I'd rambled enough, so now I'm going!

Added Note: I forgot to announce that I liberated my poor gerbil from the petstore! Didn't get there on Sunday, so I went Monday after work. The owner (well, one of the two owners) was working, which I hate, because he scares me. But at any rate, I told him that I'd come to buy back the gerbil I'd given him, and he seemed sort of irritated (though that was probably just me)...but he GAVE her back! She was so listless in that cage, but as soon as I brought her back she was running around and being her normal gerbily self. I am SOOOO glad to have her back!!! :oD

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!