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Today's rambling: Quizzes and majors
Written on Monday, May. 06, 2002 at 12:59 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Which Star Wars character are you?

I care 'alot'. I really do.

I'm also glad I didn't turn out to be Jar Jar. *cringe*

Which Woman of Beauty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

Thanks to the fact that almost everyone from the Netland White Tower used one of this guy's pictures as their character picture, I'm so tired of the artist! It's terrible, because he does AMAZING work, but I see him just about everywhere and I feel like he's been overused! :P

I always wanted to be a toaster...Hey, there's nothing better than toasted buns! Ha ha ha...

Alright, last one!

Which Royalty Are You? Find out! By Nishi.

As a Princess you recognize there is so much about the world you need to learn. You may sometimes be naive but other times you are wise beyond your years! You are sharp, observant, joyous, and interested in your own personal growth. You have a very caring heart, and are a sweet and beautiful woman.

Gee, thanks. ^_^

Am I the only person who thinks the princess in that picture looks like she's wearing clown makeup? Look by her jawline, how the white (which I assume is supposed to be moonglow) just stops. And her lips are really dark...

Hel-LO, Clown Princess!!!

Right. It's been awhile since I've had some quizzes in here, so I figured I'd make up for lost time, hehehe...

Mom told me tonight that she'd been telling Ben on Saturday about how I was taking the SATs...and apparently, he was very impressed. *chuckles* I think that, in a way, he's kind of like a friend/father-type to me. He doesn't try telling me what to do or anything, and half the time he's just a goof, but every so often we actually have serious conversations and he really seems to know where I'm coming from.

Anyway, back to Mom's conversation with him. She got to telling him about how I took French in high school, how I skipped to level 5 (which, in my school's terms, was kind of like the AP level) he suggested that I major in French and become a French interpretor (the salaries are around $250,000). Heh.

I love French, don't get me wrong, but I'm not THAT good with it. I can read it and write it really well (or at least, I could, before I started forgetting everything), but I'm slow at speaking it...and trying to listen to it? I'm even worse at that! I know it takes practice, just like playing the piano or something, but my biggest impediment is how self-conscious I get when speaking. And when I had to figure out what my teacher was saying, half the time I was afraid to respond in case I'd gotten everything wrong! I'll just see how things go when I take my French class (because of course, I'll be continuing my French career, hehe!). If I feel I'm doing that well, then at the very least I could minor or concentrate in that subject, right?

I'm still planning to major in Communications. Looking at some of the webpages one of the teachers made for his classes has intimidated me more than a little bit, but then again I used to get intimidated when kids in older grades talked about their classes...and then when I moved up a grade and took those same classes, I discovered they weren't AS horrible! ;) I'm sort of sad at the thought of not pursuing a path toward my childhood dream of being an author, but I just can't stand formal English classes. They just ruin any enjoyment I get out of writing. And I don't think Clarion offers a major in Creative Writing anyway. Maybe they have some classes...I used to like getting assignments to write stories. I just hated having to learn grammar, because it just didn't sink in. My grammar's not atrocious anyway, is it? Well, it is now because I've been out of school long enough to adopt the "I don't care if I end sentences in prepositions" attitude. *grins*

Talking about all this academic stuff has reminded me that I wanted to check something out, so I'm going to draw this entry to a close. *waves to Megan* I see you're at home now (hee hee!), so I hope your finals went well!! :oD

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!