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Today's rambling: Bad Day
Written on Wednesday, May. 08, 2002 at 9:26 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Debonair is going back to the store. I hate being mean and unwilling to give second chances, but my initial beliefs about this rodent were all wrong! It's obvious that he wasn't handled much at all by whoever owned him before the petstore. Normally, though, such behavior can be toned down by handling and such. And he hadn't bitten me at all, so I was confident that it would just take a little while of handling and such to get him used to humans.

Well, yesterday he tried to nip at me, and today he bit me hard enough to draw blood (it HURT!), and so that's it. He's already bitten Schitzy (again, hard enough to draw blood), and I don't have enough room to get another tank just for this rogue gerbil. So he's going back. It's a shame, but I can't keep him. I'll just have to be more careful now when I choose potential cagemates.

No wonder petstore employees are under the impression that gerbils bite; they get all the untamed ones! Not one of my gerbils has ever bitten me, except for the usual 'tasting nips' (which are normal and don't usually hurt). Blargh. If I wasn't so passive about selling, and if they were more popular around here, I'd try breeding and selling again! But whatever. I just needed to get that useless rant out.

One would think that I'd've been overjoyed today at work; John was off and Zenon was off. But for whatever reason, I was feeling really down. 'Course, it didn't help to have Jason approach me and, without even saying hi first, tell me to start set-ups right away because if they're not finished again, he'd flip out. Yeah, flip off, buddy.

Guess who came to the rescue of my melancholy spirits? Ha ha...Yeah, I stopped to talk to Geoff as I was going on break and told him that I wasn't my usual self and blah blah, so he started making jokes. The thing is, he's always joking around, so I didn't think anything of it. After a couple of minutes, though, he said, "Do you feel better, now?"


Anyway, today overall just sucked. I was in a bad mood to begin with, and then it seemed as if today was Moron Day, so that made things worse. I had a guy come up to me tonight and say that he wanted a birthday cake. I was busy, to say the least, and he wasn't helping me out at all.

"Okay, what size cake did you want?" I inquired.

"I don't know," he snapped, "I was waiting for you to give me some choices!"

All parts of my brain that control politeness immediately shut down. The only part still working was the "I Am Being Civil With You Only Because I Have To, Now Let's Get This Over With Before I Become Angry And Hurt You" sector. Even that part began to short-circuit when, upon being asked what decorations he'd like, the guy asked for lilacs.

LILACS. Who makes friggin' LILACS out of BUTTERCREME ICING, unless they work for a real bakery??!! And even then, you'd be lucky if you could get this crappy icing to stay in the shape of such a flower!!! I never knew that anyone could be so clueless!

It's not so much that he had no idea about cake sizes (he thought a 1/4-sheet was a ROUND cake..). Not everyone does. But usually their brain is functioning well enough that they can say, "Well, I'm having this many people over, what size do you think I should get?" Did I get that from this guy? No. This guy just wanted me to dig into his atom-sized brain and glean from that exactly what he wanted.

Oh. After the lilac question, he asked if I could put palm trees on it. WE ARE NOT A PROFESSIONAL BAKERY, FOR PETE'S SAKE!!! We are a measly little grocery store bakery! We are not TRAINED to do anything more than simple roses! If you wanted a work of art on your cake, you shoulda gone somewhere else!

Ugh. I just hate people.

Ooo, and then this woman called and said that she was supposed to pick up a cake this morning at 9 am. When she called, it was a little after 7 pm. She wanted to know if I could find someone to drive this cake down the road to her place of employment (she was apparently at home). I looked around for someone, but by this time of night we're basically on a skeleton crew. The woman was nice and all, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. And unless I'm feeling particularly ornery, it's hard for me to give a firm 'no'. So I put her on hold AGAIN and hastened up front...where Kirsten thankfully got on the phone and told the woman that we couldn't send anyone out.

So she'll be here tomorrow (supposedly) to get her cake. I was almost hoping she'd abandon it, because it's a yellow cake with strawberries and whipped cream between layers, whipped cream frosted all over the outside, and strawberries on top. *drools just thinking about it*

In place of such a yummy cake, I just ate a few strawberries. ^_^ These things are HUGE...they're like Mutant Strawberries or something. But they're so tasty...I love strawberries. I even chocolate-coated one and ate it, but it wasn't quite as good as a plain one. Ah well. Can't have everything.

I think I'd like to buy another box of strawberry cake mix and make that strawberry refrigerated cake. Now THAT was GOOD. Makes me forget all about that cake at work, hehe...

My only problem is, with all the items in the store being moved around (to make shopping 'easier'), I don't know if I'd even be able to FIND the cake!!

Such is life, though, I suppose...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!