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Today's rambling: C'est si bon
Written on Monday, Apr. 29, 2002 at 7:43 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Good things happened today! Of course, you just know Geoff is going to be mentioned here. ;) But I'll leave that for later.

I was the only person in the decorator's section today (Joanne requested off, and Karen never works on Mondays), and all I had were two orders...the rest of my time was spent making birthday cakes for out on the shelf. At first, I was panicking about the orders because both requested roses. I've had minimal practice with roses, and they never turn out well. Then again, what do you expect when you've had no one to actually show you how to do them! Anyway. I managed to do two crappy looking roses on the first cake, but I asked Mare to make the third because I just couldn't seem to get it right. That cake was due by 10, but the woman who ordered it had the audacity to ask for it at 8:45. If she wanted the fraggin' thing earlier, shouldn't she have SAID so when she placed the order? Cripes.

The second cake wasn't due until 2 pm, so I used the time in between to make birthday cakes for the floor. I put roses on all but two of them, because I was bound and determined that I would get the practice. By the end of the day, I wasn't making anything like Karen's flowers (granted, the icing was WAY too soft, which made holding a firm shape rather difficult), but they still looked much better than my previous efforts! I watched Mare make her roses, that's how I finally got the hang of it. Just a little more practice, and I think I'll be just fine! :)

Now, onto the other part. Around...11:30-ish, this old man came up to me and asked if we had dinner rolls. He'd never been in the store before, so I walked him over to the bread aisle, which is the next aisle over from dairy (where Geoff happened to be stocking items). After I finished with the customer, I walked over to Geoff and said something like, "I'm so helpful!!!"

He made some kind of joke, as usual, and then a couple minutes later, he said, "Is it break time yet?"

"Do you want it to be?" I replied, and he said yeah. Sooo, I told him that I was between projects and therefore could probably get away. He asked something along the lines of "Is it going to be a problem?" and I think he might've said he'd wait if it was a problem, but maybe I'm just getting today and yesterday mixed up. ^_^ Either way, Zenon let me go on break, and so I traipsed to the back, meeting up with Geoff by the dairy cooler. After he'd put everything away, he asked if I wanted food (I'd just finished eating the middle out of a vanilla cream donut, hehehe, so I said no), and then he walked out to buy himself something.

Since John worked today, I got up earlier than usual, which apparently surprised Geoff. "You can't take a full break today?" he inquired.

"No, John's here, and I don't want him to start yelling at me," I replied. So Geoff stood up as well, and we walked out together.

Later on that day, probably around 1:30 (maybe a little before), I called his store phone and asked him if he'd be taking a lunch today. He said yeah, and told me to let him know when I wanted to go. At five minutes before two, I called him again. :oP We met up in the break room...actually, as I was walking toward the break room, he opened the door, walked out a few steps, and said, "Oh, there you are!"


Mom was back there as well, though she was in the smoking room (hehe, that sounds funny...a smoking room...). She gave me one of those "OooOOOooo" faces, and I just grinned at her. Unfortunately, even though I got to spend my lunch with Geoff, I also had to spend it with Ryan...and then Linda (the salad bar lady) as well. Ryan was okay, but Linda's just...ugh. She bothers me. So I didn't feel like I could really talk all that much (and Geoff couldn't even really be wacky, either, because although Linda would chuckle, it was a fake sort of chuckle)....All the weird stuff Geoff wanted to say, he'd mouth silently to me. And then of course I'd have to hide my mouth behind my hand as I fought to control my giggles...

When THAT break ended, I swung my legs around to the other side of the bench, and Geoff immediately asked, "Is it that time again?" Once again, we walked out together. I just know Linda's got ideas buzzing around in her head, hehehe! It makes me wonder just how many people think Geoff and I are dating...I know there were a couple of people who asked me if we were, and I had to tell them no...but think of all the people who might think we're dating, and haven't asked?? ;)

On the ride home this afternoon, Mom remarked, "Geoff was following you around like a little lost puppy today!" Hehe... :oP

So yeah, overall it was a good day! I didn't get to say bye to Geoff because I couldn't find him on my way out...and I think I might've gotten in a teensy bit of trouble with John because right as I was leaving the department, he was trying to say something to me. I couldn't understand him so I asked him to repeat it, but there was a customer standing at the counter so he went over to wait on her. There was a guy there waiting to be helped as well, but my apron was off, I was already 5 minutes late, and there was no way I was staying. If he was the Mystery Shopper, at least I didn't have my name tag on. Ha ha...oh wait, he could just write me down as the "dark-haired girl", and everyone would know automatically. Darn. Oh well. They only come around on weekends, anyway. Usually...

But other than THOSE two things, I enjoyed myself! Got compliments on my cakes, had a full view of mon beau gar�on for much of the day...(*grins*)...Can't get much better than that!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!