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Today's rambling: Body Talk :oP
Written on Friday, Apr. 26, 2002 at 9:32 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Eeeeeee, Lola, you need to sign on right NOW!! I have to talk to you!!!!

Ugh, if only I had her cell phone number! Or ANY phone number! I've got a flight thingy here that I can reserve for $297 (unfortunately, I have to go down to Philly; the cheapest flights from Reading were $450-something! X_X), but I don't want to go ahead and book it without first making sure that she's alright with it! Granted, this was the only flight result they gave me, so I certainly HOPE it's okay! :oP

C'mooooooooon, Lolabeans!!! *sends out fierce telepathic messages*

Blah. I'll just leave the page up, and hopefully it won't time out or anything like that. *crosses fingers*

Today at work, Geoff made the brilliant observation that I "get to wear a hat" (to work). He can't wear hats, he said, because his hair is too "sproingy". Nice vocab, eh? He's always making fun of his hair (which looks fine, but you know how people can get...), and so of course this has planted the urge within me to just reach out and ruffle it, to see if it's as bad as he keeps saying it is. *giggles* Don't ask. I don't know, either.

At any rate, I walked over to him while he was putting shipments away in the freezer, and as he walked by me I stopped him and said, "You'll have to excuse me, but..." And I reached out to ruffle his hair. ^_^ He didn't pull away or anything, like "Oh geez, what is this girl doing??" so I guess that's a good thing!

OH! For whatever reason, I told him the story of how Linda asked me how old he was. Guess what? Since October, I have been misled!!!! He is not 33, he's...*takes a deep breath*...34.

*falls over giggling* I know, it's not a HUGE thing, but it's just so weird to think about when all this time I've been thinking he was a year younger! After getting over my shock, I said to him, "Your birthday's in August, right? You told me in October, at that bowling thing, that you were 33!"

He pointed out that that was still somewhat close to his birthday, and as such he hadn't yet been able to keep in mind that he was a year older. "I try to push it out of my mind," he explained. So there you have it. We are not 13 years apart, we're 14! Gah! Well, that just shoots him right out of my range.


Applications are being taken for anyone wanting to be a bachelorette on the next season of "The Bachelor". You have to be at least 21 at the time of signing up, however. LOL! Right, folks, like I'd actually do something like that! If I even made it to the show (as in, didn't get rejected way before the initial 25 are picked), I'd be ousted on the first night! I just couldn't go through that sort of stuff. Granted, those fantasy dates would be so much fun...Blah. The point is, I could never actually do something so impulsive as to sign up for a show like that.

Frank accused me of flirting with this really old guy (I like older guys, but not THAT old), so at first I shot back, "Well, he is a guy, so I figured, 'what the heck?'!" Then a moment later, just as I was about to walk away, I turned back and teasingly accused, "You're just jealous!"

"Yeah, I am!" he laughed. :oP

I had to work in the salad bar today, which sucked royally. Every time I get scheduled there, I'm put in a bad mood! John had me over there on Saturday, May 4th, as well. I reminded him that I was taking my SATs that day, so I got out of it. *grins* One small victory...

We went out to Kohl's after work, and I finally found myself a really nice pair of boots for work. The only bad part is that they're Skechers, and as such I'm afraid to get them dirty! Hehehe...oh well, that's what I bought 'em for, so a little dirt will be okay, as long as they work better than your average sneakers!

I also bought two pairs of shorts and two shirts, and I would've bought this awesome bathing suit (shorts instead of the horrid underwear-like bottoms)...if they'd actually made the damn things in NORMAL PEOPLE SIZES!!!! Ugh, why the heck do skinny girls want to wear shorts anyway? Like they need to hide anything!

Okay, sorry for that, hehe...Just because you're skinny doesn't mean you're not self-conscious. Even though I think you're silly. :oP

Blah blah, I hate wearing shorts. My legs are so ugly, and the worst of it is, I seem to have inherited yet ANOTHER trait from my father's side of the family, and I'll sum it up in one word: veins. Yes, spider veins galore. I HATE it. So I'm overweight. That's fine, I could somewhat deal with that fact while I'm in shorts, even though at first I'd be painfully aware of how chubby my little legs are. But did you REALLY need to add these veins??? They're only getting worse. I used to only have one really obnoxious one, but now lots of little ones are also sprouting up. Not so bad if I'm just wearing shorts (because only that aforementioned obnoxious one shows), but a bathing suit? Absolutely out of the question. I have extreme dislike for my body.

I mentioned to Geoff today that a certain snack which proclaimed itself to be healthy actually had more calories than their label admitted, then made the crack, "So I'm just making myself fatter by eating them!"

"Good, fat is alright," he said (or something similar), "There are too many skinny pricks in the world anyway."

Should I be pleased, or somewhat embarrassed, or is it okay for me to just remain bewildered?

Lola is still not on. I'm going to start MUDing, which will hopefully draw her online, and then I'll spring the news of this airline ticket on her! Cross your fingers, everybody! Who knows how long this deal will last!!! I could probably just sign up now...I mean, the flight lands there at around 8:30 pm, so it's not as if they'd have to wake up early...maybe I could find one semi-earlier? BAH, this is why she needs to be here!!!!

I'm not very good at planning vacations.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!