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Today's rambling: Quickie
Written on Wednesday, Apr. 24, 2002 at 11:39 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

My weird dream from last night:

I was in my friends' backyard, but I was working, stocking cakes and such. The store manager came out and told me that he couldn't see the stuff, so I asked (seriously), "Well, do you want me to put glasses on them?"

So I got a bunch of black plastic frames and put them on all the cakes. As if this would make them more easily seen. By the way, the cake table was out in the middle of the backyard (which is sort of adjacent to my old yard). Frank was out there stocking pizza stuff, but he came in as I was walking out with my armful of black plastic frames.

As I was out there, the sun dipped lower and lower, and just as it was getting a little too dark to see, there came a plane flying overhead. Rather close overhead. In my dream, there was an airport in the yard across from the one I was standing in, so I was wondering why this plane wasn't landing there. Instead, it was dipping and zig-zagging all over the place. Finally, I heard a computerized voice saying, "Fuel leak! Fuel leak!"

Unsure as to which way I should run (since this plane was going all over the place), I just stood still for a few moments and waited to see where it would start to fall. It ended up crashing to the ground (which wasn't very far) just a few feet in front of me. As I ran backwards, the helicopter used by our local news station flew in and landed (toppling sideways in the process). I ran back toward the plane as other managers crowded in, and I remember crying out, "Oh my god, is it going to blow up?" Meanwhile, EJ was swinging live wires around, sending sparks everywhere.

One of the reporters from said news team crawled out of the helicopter and began interviewing some old guy (I don't know why, since he hadn't been there before), but I just knew that I'd be interviewed as well, since I'd been the only one out there to witness this erratic flying behavior. Sure enough, the reporter came over to me and said she wanted to know what I saw...but then all of a sudden Dad was there, putting an arm around me and cozying up so he could be on camera, too. As I was trying to describe what I saw, gesturing and whatnot (as I often do), I kept finding him in the way, which was rather irritating. My description didn't come out nearly as nicely as I'd wanted it to...Geez, Dad just can't get anything right, can he? :oP

Today at work, I felt as though I was stoned or something. I found out this morning--after I'd taken the allergy pill--that Clarinex has side effects including sore throat and fatigue. I don't know if my sore throat was part of that, but I'm POSITIVE that I suffered from the fatigue part. Not just today, though of course I felt it more today...At one point I had to sit down, because I just felt weak and exhausted. I don't know if I want to take that stuff anymore, hehehe...

Why would you want to take medication that has side effects just as bad--or worse--than the thing you want to get rid of? Like some pills can give you 'flu-like symptoms', a pill that's supposed to fight depression ('Without sexual side effects!') could possibly give you seizures..."I took this medicine for depression, and I was amazed to find out there were no sexual side effects! Of course, I fell to the ground several times, in the thrall of a seizure, but by golly, I can still have sex!"

And these allergy medications with their side effects of sore throat, dry mouth, fatigue, and assorted other uncomfortable symptoms. Is there no happy medium?

Geoff teased me because of my nasaly voice today. Not that I minded, of course. He perked up a bit when I told him about Leroy's plan to get a bunch of people to go out to Johnny's for my 21st birthday. I wonder if Mom's theory could be true after all...Noo, I still just don't get it.

I was talking to Nicole today while waiting for Linda to be finished working (since I had to get a ride home with her). Told her about the emails that Frank and I had been sending back and forth for the past couple of days (nothing serious...just getting on each other's cases), and she goes, "I think he likes you."

Heh. Yeah, you and everyone else on the planet. I'm still gonna wait this one out, however. This semi-crush I have on him is apparently one of those "out of sight, out of mind" things, which is a relief.

Oh yeah, while I was still working, Jason was trying to put an order through on the computer. Nick came over and apparently hit a wrong button, which forced Jason to do the whole thing over again. As he left, he shouted back to Nick, "Don't touch anything you're not supposed to!"

"Alright, I won't touch Amber," he replied (or something to that effect). Took me by surprise, to put it mildly. Nick likes to tease me, but I've never heard him say anything like that before, LoL!

Another man to add to my list...looks like my drought is over. *falls over laughing*

Don't quote me on that one.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!