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Today's rambling: How revealing!
Written on Monday, Apr. 22, 2002 at 10:09 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Ahhh, there's nothing like talk about cars and cop-related video games to put a damper on any foolishly romantic notions.

You see, folks, I had indeed been harboring some silly little romantic notions about little Frankie (that sounds like some kind of mob name). You just can't help but be drawn in by his cute grin and those big dark eyes of his...le sigh! But I've been loath to admit such a thing to anyone, because I've declared for so long that I DON'T like him like that!

The worst of it is, even though I started to feel as if I might like him as more than a friend, I still like Geoff! Not like it's a terrible thing to like more than one person, but if Frank asked me out, how could I possibly say yes to him when my attention would be divided by Geoff? Maybe I'd make it an open-ended dating sort of thing...people didn't always date exclusively as they do now, after all. Guys and girls both went out with lots of different people, only narrowing it down to one when they felt a strong connection with that certain person.

Unfortunately, I don't think everyone has the same ideas about dating that I do. :oP

This all sounds so completely superficial and conceited that I'm not even going to go any further! Suffice it to say, when Frank called me this evening and started talking about cars and video games (non-Mario video games, might I add), I felt myself relievedly unburdened of all warm and fuzzy 'more than friends' ideas.

I'm going to admit something else that goes against everything: I've been watching that ABC show "The Bachelor". I feel so TRASHY! But it's like rubbernecking at an accident scene; you feel sickened by what you see, yet you can't help but watch just to see what happens!

So yes, since that day that I wrote so disparagingly about the show, I watched all but one episode (which I guess means I only watched two, but that's more than I'd originally intended). Thursday is the finale, when apparently he's going to be asking one of the two girls to marry him. I only hope they both have sense enough to NOT actually get married, hehe...well, I think they're all talking about having long engagements, but I wouldn't even go through with the engagement part! I'd think of the whole thing as a really drawn-out, exhaustive process to find someone you'd like to seriously date. I'd just do the engagement part so that the TV folks would be happy. ;)

Mom brought home the Clarinex, and of course I took one. I think it worked...but then, my throat is still sort of sore, and I still have to blow my nose every now and then, so maybe it actually didn't. On the other hand, though, I haven't had any sneezing fits as I did pre-pill, so maybe it IS working! Or maybe it's all a head-game, and I'll only be relieved from my allergies if I think I am.

Either way, I'm going to go see how hard it is to convince my darling Jam to MUD with me. ;) I think this'll be the first time I've had to ask her, as opposed to the other way around!

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!