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Today's rambling: Previously discovered discoveries
Written on Monday, Apr. 22, 2002 at 6:11 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Allergies suck. I woke up today with a sore throat, only it wasn't actually my felt like the back of the roof of my mouth or something. Strange...but it still hurt. At any rate, it's not as bad now, but my nose has been on a rampage all day, and I went into a sneezing fit in the shower. Mom went to the doctor today for the same symptoms, and he prescribed Clarinex for her...So whenever she gets home, I'm 'borrowing' some, ha ha ha...

The news station that I watch is thrilled to pieces because they've just installed the brand new, state-of-the-art STORM TRACKER. It's so cute to see people get this excited over something that most people couldn't care less about. Sort of like me when I first discovered we had recycling bins in our little 'trash huts'. At any rate, I felt like sharing that little story.

Something else which I just noticed today...I'm not really noticing all those noises which, when I first moved to this apartment, seemed loud and unbearable. The sound of the washer and dryer going right through my bedroom wall. That loud whooshing sound the bathtub faucet makes when you first turn it on. The hollow echo when people go up and down the stairs outside. All of these used to really bother me, but now I'm used to it! Sort of funny how that happens. People who've been living in apartments and move to a house probably get disconcerted by that abrupt silence--no car doors slamming, no neighbors yelling, no hearing the guy upstairs going to the bathroom...

But then eventually they get used to the silence. And if there ever came a time when they had to move back to an apartment (as happened with me), they'd be unnerved by the sudden presence of noises!

I just love figuring out stuff that most people have known forever.

30 views on my new website! Granted, one or two of those are from me...I've tried using the "ignore my IP address" feature, so that whenever I go to view my own site the counter doesn't count me, but it only works once or twice before mysteriously resetting. So I gave up.

Hmm...I wonder if I should get that plane ticket reserved now. John didn't say anything to me about my vacation plans, and all the notes had been taken out of their little envelope, so I can only assume that no mention is good. If he'd had a problem with it, it would've been the first thing I heard. And I can't just keep waiting, because then I won't be able to get a ticket at all...or if I do, it'll be like $500, which I certainly can't afford! So I'll check one more time with Lola (just in case she's changed her mind and doesn't want me anywhere nearby, ha ha), and then I'll book! Wheee!

Alright, I've run out of things to say now.

Wait, I've just been given something else to rant about! Someone using AIM sent me one of those retarded "We have had problems with your account, click here, sign your soul away, blah blah.." messages.

I think that just about everybody and his grandmother knows by now that those messages are FRAUDS. The funny thing is, if someone needed to get in touch with me about my AOL account, don't you think they'd contact me from AOL as opposed to a program meant for non-AOL users? There's an almost clever reason behind this, however:

AIM users can't get in trouble for sending those IMs the way that AOL users can. If I'd just gotten that IM from an AOL user, I could've forwarded it to the AOL police and, while they probably would've done nothing about it, the fact remains that they have the power to do whatever they want. But AIM, strangely enough, is outside AOL jurisdiction. So I have no way of forwarding that IM to anybody. I could've replied and told the person they were about as smart as your garden-variety nimrod, but chances are they either signed off immediately after sending out their spam, or they've taken preventive measures so that no one can IM them back.

If nothing else, I got a good chuckle out of their blatant stupidity. Isn't that all that counts?

Now I've run out of things to say.

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!