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Today's rambling: Late sleeper
Written on Saturday, Apr. 20, 2002 at 6:39 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Oh, craptastic!

I am known for my ability to sleep late. If all the clocks were removed from my room, I could probably sleep for 24 hours straight...though I've never tried it, so don't hold me to that. However, I tend to like to get up as early as possible, without of course feeling as if most of my brain is still shut down.

Normally, on my days off when I'm allowed to sleep in, I keep waking up at random points (only to look at the clock, groan in dismay, and go right back to sleep). Today was different. Today, I slept like a rock, not waking up at all...until 5:45 in the evening. The funny part is, the meager washed-out light shining through the space between the blinds and the wall was the same sort of light that I see in the earlier hours of the morning (this sentence is an English teacher's worst nightmare, I know). So my first thought upon looking at the clock was, "Five forty-five in the morning??"

I don't even think I got to sleep until almost 5-ish, so I quickly realized that it couldn't possibly still be morning. I feel like such a bum...and I know that getting to sleep tonight is going to be all but completely impossible. Which wouldn't matter so much, except that I'm going to have to wake up at 5 in the morning!!! Yeesh!

My head feels like it's been stuffed past capacity, and my nose is beginning to get stuffed. I hope this is allergies and not something more sinister, like a cold. Won't the customers love me when I hand their cakes over tomorrow, followed by a juicy sneeze...(I just grossed myself out there...)

While I was on break yesterday, Linda the salad bar lady and Ellie came back. I don't particularly like either of them. It's not that they're unfriendly, but all they do is gossip and complain. So it shouldn't have been any surprise to me when Linda, reading a headline from the newspaper, said "Senate refuses a bill to drill in Alaska...that's dumb." A minute later, she asked, "Why would they refuse it?"

"Because of the environment and the animals, something stupid," Ellie replied.

Were I a dog, my hackles would've been sticking straight up. What close-minded morons!!!!

Linda went on to complain about how we get most of our oil from overseas, when we could be self-sufficient and get it from our own country. There's sense in that, of course, because it would stop funding to those war-mongering folks over on the other side, but here's what I wanted to pipe up and say:

"What we need to do is find alternate sources of energy."

Instead, I kept quiet and left after a couple of minutes, letting the two old women gripe. I still felt like smacking them silly, however.

When I told the story to Debbie, she pointed out that they think as they do because they grew up in a time when oil was the biggest source of energy, or something along those lines. There was more to it, but I forget it now. I guess it was just shocking to me to actually hear someone knock the environment that way. 'Something stupid'...I guess Ellie wants to live in a veritable wasteland of oil drills and smoke-fuming factories.

Wow, Geoff actually read my emails (unless it was the person who's been signing on and off)...He didn't reply, though. Oh well. My head hurts too much to worry about it. I just felt like mentioning it, though.

I feel all greasy and dirty because my hair isn't washed yet. I have to wash it every day, but since I woke up so late, I just haven't felt like getting to the shower yet. I'll get there eventually...I just hate feeling like a little dirtball...

Mom attempted to keep Adrienne away from home all last night, in an attempt to keep her away from the cocaine. I think she even made the woman sleep here! *giggles* I was in bed by the time they got home, though. It's a nice try, but I'm sure as soon as Adrienne got home today, she got her fix. We need to tie her up and toss her in our laundry room for several days until the drugs get completely out of her system. Yet even then she'd probably go back, just because she wants to. Whatever. Not everyone wants to be helped!

I am still yawning. Why does that somehow not seem right? I remember in Health class back in 7th grade, our teacher told us that going to bed after midnight meant that we weren't getting the same good quality sleep that we'd get if we went to bed before midnight, no matter how long we slept in. Well, it was something very similar to that. I forget exactly what she said (obviously, as 7th grade was many years ago). Interesting thought.

And with my second unneeded yawn, I'm going to close this entry. It's sad, I know, but there'll be more!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!