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Today's rambling: MUD and assorted fowl
Written on Thursday, Apr. 11, 2002 at 11:34 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

*waves at Tiff* Thank you for the Note! Maybe I'll go browsing through our vitamin selection at the store tomorrow, hehehe...

Alright, so tonight I have decided that unless I know the person, I am NOT going to MUD with them. Both times I've tried to be sociable and possibly make friends, I've ended up dead. The first time was with that guy who asked if I could kill a hawk...and as I swiftly found out, I couldn't. At least I got my stuff back that time, though.

Tonight, I was on my way to Tear when I met up with another guy. As soon as I got to the place he was in, he left, but then he came back, looked at my character, and asked if I wanted to go with him to gain experience points. I joked that as long as he didn't get me lost (thinking of an experience that happened to Jam), I'd go. So he led me all over the place, even letting me ride his horse when mine got too tired to move...and then we went under a plateau or something like that. Out of nowhere comes a Trolloc!

And so, I died. Again. He was a high enough level that he could defeat the Trolloc, but I was only at level 5 (trying to get back up to 6)...Anyway, we kept talking even after I went back to "The Circle of Light" (why does that sound like a Lion King song..?). You'd THINK he would've offered to keep my stuff for me and return it when/if we found each other again, but all he told me to do was just get a kit, since that was "pretty much all [I] had here." Pah! I had a dress, and a shortsword, and a backpack...*sniffles*

Why is it that Tiff meets all the nice, friendly folk who DON'T get you killed, while I keep finding the people who insist on leading me into trouble? Maybe I should follow her around after all, ha ha ;)

In other, non-MUD news, Barnabas and Olivia were back today. I was quite glad to see her! They were both exploring the porch, and had come right up to the back door when I slid the curtain back. Olivia cocked her head and looked at me as I unlocked the door and began to open it...then of course, they both waddled back a little bit. I had bread in my hand, though, so they didn't go TOO far. :oP I crouched and held out a piece, and tentatively Olivia came up and snatched the piece out of my hand.

It was SO cool! *giggles* After that, she kept coming back up to me (at one point I thought she was actually going to come into the house), but Barnabas stayed back. ;)

I know it's technically not good to feed these animals, both because they'll become dependent on human handouts and because they might become a nuisance to people who don't want ducks roaming their porch...but I can't help it!!!

Everyone's probably getting bored with me talking about ducks and geese, hehe...

Mom just said that she's working 8-4:30 tomorrow, while I'm POSITIVE my schedule says 10-6:30 (or 10:30-7, but either way it's not 8). When I told her, she just acted indifferent about it, finally saying "Maybe Linda's working late," so now I'm irritated and hope that it turns out we both have to work at 10.

Since I'm going to have to wake up at 6 am, though, I guess it would be a good idea for me to go to bed! Bleh...Oh well, at least Geoff will be there, ha ha!!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!