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Today's rambling: Girly stuff
Written on Friday, Apr. 05, 2002 at 7:44 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Apparently, Geoff forgot to shave today. Which wasn't so bad. His hair's this sort of indistinguishable brown times it looks reddish-brown, but yet it also has slight tinges of never looks just plain brown. Anyway, despite the fact that his hair is fairly dark, his eyelashes are pale blond-white. And his facial hair isn't so easily seen, either--you could tell he wasn't clean-shaven, but it wasn't readily obvious...though sometimes I caught a glint of auburn and gold. Lent him an almost rugged look. It was quite sek-say, hehe ;)

Frank, on the other hand, could shave just before coming into the store, and then minutes later it seems as if his cheeks and upper lip are covered with dark stubble. He was blessed with Italian blood, so I suppose there was no way out of this. When he grows a bit more and loses some of that "stick figure" appearance, that stubble will probably be very attractive. Most girls probably think it's attractive now, but what can I say? It's hard to think like that about him when I think of him as a friend. ^_^

I'm not exactly sure what possessed me to talk about male facial hair. I just liked that look on Geoff, hehe...Not that I would want him to grow any of it out...

I adore having so many guys as friends. Not that many of them are the sort I would ever hang out with outside of work, but they're so much more fun than females can be! They're not catty--if they have a problem with you, they won't hesitate to tell you--they like to joke around...and since most of the guys I associate with are older than me, they don't make fun of me as a younger guy would.

I think Zenon's starting to think of me as more than just a coworker. No, I don't think he's regarding me as girlfriend material, just a friend. Today, he spontaneously rushed up to me, put an arm around my shoulders, and started jumping up and down. I was compelled to jump up and down with him, laughing as he squealed like an excited kid...until he banged his head on a large yellow outlet that was hanging from the ceiling. Then he walked away, complaining about hurting his head. *giggles*

He followed me to the back freezer later (or maybe it was before that). I was trying to find donuts, but they were stacked in a way that prevented me from getting to most of them. Zenon came back and asked which ones I was looking for, but we couldn't find either of them. Right as he was about to walk out, he yelled really loudly (for no particular reason), and then he left. As I followed him out, I saw John standing a few feet off...Zenon was heading for him. Grinning mischievously, I called out, "Woww, that was good!"

John looked at me with wide eyes, unable to believe what I'd just insinuated (I don't come out with that kind of stuff very often). Then Zenon started pointing to the buttercreme icing that was spattered on his face and clothes, and John made an exaggerated shudder before leaving. I started laughing and followed him out, since I was heading back to the bakery, and when I called out his name he began running. By that point, I'd turned the corner to the dairy aisle, and Geoff had seen John running. I was laughing so hard my eyes were squeezed shut, and I staggered a few steps until I'd caught my breath. Geoff was laughing just because I was laughing, and when I told him the story he cracked up, too. It's one of those things you just had to be there for, I suppose; it doesn't sound so funny writing it down! ;)

I got stopped by 3 people in a row, all asking where stuff was located. Thankfully, I knew where all the items were...which is a very big shock, as I know where hardly ANYTHING in this place is! I can sort of guess as I'm walking past the aisles, but if someone comes up to me and just asks for a random item, I'm at a complete loss. I'm hoping that, if we got any Mystery Shoppers today, one of those three was the shopper. *giggles* If I get a perfect shop, they'll stick my picture up on the bulletin board in the clock room, and then everyone can point and laugh at me! YAY!!!!

Mmmm, I shmell my pizza out there. I had to let it cool down, but now that I can smell it my tummy's starting to rumble.

I think I'm getting carpel tunnel (sp?) in my left wrist. It's been hurting all day, and there's this tingly feeling in it right now. Maybe I should invest in some of those things that make you type correctly...the wrist pads or whatever they are. I just can't seem to make myself keep my fingers up the way they're supposed to be! I'll just go back to the hunt and peck method, ha ha...and then I'll take an hour just to type out one response to my MSN friends because I suddenly can't find the keys fast enough!

My duckie friends are now named Oliver and Olivia. Sure, I'd never name my kids like that, but these are just fun names for ducks, so it's not as if I needed to think about which names would be perfect together. I was going to go for Oliver and Lucinda, but I like Olivia better, hehe...And hey, it's basically the same name, but one's the feminized version! How uncreative is THAT?? ;) I still like Oscar and Isabelle best.

With all these thoughts I've been having of traveling to Arizona and Salem and whatnot, I've been struck by the itch to just go around all of New England...and then go down to Virginia, because I haven't been there in quite some time and I'm feeling a bit homesick for that place as well. Page County is just a small little place, but it is so GORGEOUS, with the Blue Ridge Mountains all around...aww, I'd give just about anything for a trip on Skyline Drive! *wistful*

**WARNING: If you're a guy, you probably won't want to read the next paragraph, ha ha**

I bought some St. John's Wort today, as well as a nice little Nair Waxing kit. *cackles* Ah, suffering through pain to be hair free! I was cursed with having very dark hair above my lip, and when a kid made fun of me in 10th grade (wait, I was made fun of for that in 6th grade as well), I decided that was the end. I'd already been self-conscious enough, but with people calling me "Mamber" and all sorts of other absurd-yet-stinging names, I decided enough was enough. So I started with those stupid cream things, and you know what? They don't work? They make the hair break off, which is no better than shaving, and we women know what happens when you shave comes back darker than before. So I've given up on that worthless, smelly stuff. Sure, waxing isn't exactly pain-free, but I actually don't really notice it as much as most women seem to. So it doesn't bother me. I like the warning on the box, though, which advises you NOT to wax the inside of your nose or ears. Darn, and that was going to be my next spot! Oh, and you're not supposed to wax around your nipples, either. Umm...Thanks, but I wouldn't really WANT to, anyway. *cringe*

**Okay, guys, girl-talk is over.**

I finally decided on trying this St. John's Wort stuff because I'm tired of being moody and I'd like to try to, if nothing else, at least even out my moods. It doesn't feel as threatening as getting prescription anti-depressants, because this is just a harmless little plant that's been crushed up and put in a capsule. I wonder if I'll actually be able to tell if it's working, hehe...I'm supposed to take one of them three times a day, but I already know that won't be happening because my memory sucks (so maybe I should've invested in some gingko instead?).

I don't really like the idea of finding happiness in a pill, but I'm not looking for this stuff to make me feel peppy all the time. I'm just looking for something to help even my moods out! As long as I don't spiral downward like I did just a few days ago, I'll be alright. Helps keep that dark part of me caged up, hehehe...

Speaking of dark, I'm nearly finished with Angelique's Descent. I've always liked Angelique in the show ("Dark Shadows", for those of you who haven't been keeping up with me)...well, her 1700's self, anyway, when she had the pretty hairdo, hehe ;) But I have to admit that I didn't sympathize with her very much. When she tried to keep Josette from marrying Barnabas, I kept yelling at the screen, "Josette! Just say no!"

But the book is from Angelique's point of view, and I can't help but sympathize with her! Barnabas led her on from the beginning, saying he wanted to marry her and then going off and getting engaged to Josette instead...Angelique had every right to be angry with him! *nods* Still, there's a difference between being furious with a guy and turning him into a vampire...

Alright, since most of you are now asleep, drooling on your keyboards, I'm ending this entry. I can't even really MUD tonight because I'm tired and my wrist is bothering me. Bah! I really hope there's nothing seriously wrong with it...I don't have insurance, so I'm not going to the doctor! Not that I would anyway, unless I was struck with stabbing, horrendous pains...Doctors and I don't get along. I've never even been to...well, that female doctor most women know and love. Ha ha...What is with me and talking about this stuff? Oh well. Good night, dear Diary!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!