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Today's rambling: Ranty Berry
Written on Thursday, Mar. 28, 2002 at 10:20 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Hehe...well, at least someone got a kick out of my mold-eating experience. ;) No, it's okay, even though none of you told me, I know you had a good laugh. At least, I guess you did...

I really wish I wasn't so tired so that I could go MUDing for a little while. I don't even really like WoT anymore, but is fun!

My stuff from came the other day...don't remember if I mentioned that. So I got Voyage of the Jerle Shannara - Antrax, and I'm already well past the halfway point. :oP The third--and last--book of this series hasn't even been published yet, which has never happened with me and the Shannara series before because I'd read the first two series well after they'd been published! I don't think I'm going to like this waiting thing. ;) Especially if there's no real conclusion to this one, as happened with the first book. At least with the Heritage of Shannara series, each of the four books had enough of a conclusion that it didn't drive a person mad wondering what happened next!

Hmm. Oh yeah. Today. Mom had to drop me off at 10 because she had to go get her stitches taken out, so I sat back in the break room from then 'til 11:30. It was the dreaded salad bar shift, but to make matters worse, I had to work with Linda...another one of those women I can't stand. She's not very nice. And she's strict, too. Well anyway, as soon as I came in, Jason called me over to the freezer where he was putting stuff away.

"I want to preface this by saying that I think you're a really nice person," he began (something similar to that, anyway), and the warning bells began in my mind. At any rate, turns out that "some people" had complained that they didn't really think I should be in salad bar because I wasn't "productive enough" and blah blah blah. I knew immediately who had said this, and it wasn't "people" was Linda. There is absolutely NO ONE else in that section who could've said that. Another reason why I don't like her.

I very nearly started crying--it hurts my feelings, being told that I'm not wanted!--but thankfully I was left alone after that so I calmed down. Wasn't very happy for most of the day, though, obviously. The only thing I can say I was pleased about was the fact that after Jason said that, I snapped back, "Well, I don't want to be over here anyway, so I guess we're even." He said that he knew I didn't like it over in that department because the other person had said so (more proof that it was, in fact, Linda who was whining)...and so he said he would try not to schedule me there anymore.

I need to stop being such a pacifistic pushover. People are constantly picking on me because they know they can, but they leave people like Ellie alone because she'll tell them in no uncertain terms to "F- off". They don't bother with Joanne anymore because she holds her ground, too. But people like me? I guess they like to take out all their aggressions on me because they can't do it on anyone else. That's fine. Once I'm in college and I get my dream job as a radio DJ (ha ha), I'll show them all. You little peons. I've got a job that pays more than you'll ever make! BWA HA HA HA!!!!

I never thought of Genuardi's as being a career. It's always just been a job "until I can find something better". I don't understand how anyone--even the managers--can stand the thought of being there forever. And it's not just this grocery store, it's ANY grocery store. What made you decide, "Oh, I won't try for anything better, I'll just earn next to nothing for the rest of my life"? Even Geoff boggles my mind! Well, I know his reasoning for staying there. He's like me: insecure of himself and scared that he'd never be able to find anything better, so he might as well stick with what he has because at least it's dependable. I don't think he considers himself to be very intelligent (at least, not intelligent enough that he could get out of this tomb and find a really nice job), and I wish I could tell him that he is! I mean, of course I don't know him as well as I know my other friends, but just from conversation, and writing I've seen, he's definitely got brains, hehe...Hey, he can SPELL, and that in itself is a shock in the world of grocery stores! (The spelling in this place is ATROCIOUS!)

Despite the fact that I understand his reasonings for not moving away from this store, he still frustrates me (sort of like this friggin' AOL browser). I tried to ask him once if there was anything he'd always wanted to do (like me and being an author and/or DJ). But I didn't want to come out sounding preachy like most people do when they ask me about college and various other annoying things, so he never really answered me. I don't want to annoy and nag at him, but at the same time I wish I could push him to just GET OUT of this place and start over! Take night classes or something, so that he could still work during the day, but then once he got a degree (or whatever it is he wanted), quit and find that dream job!

He could do it, I know. I just wonder if maybe he doesn't have anything else he'd like to do. Though I can't imagine he's actually happy at the store, considering his complaints. He's worked there for a good handful of years, so maybe that's another reason for him to stay...I don't know. I guess I should just let it go. ;)

MSN Messenger never loaded. I'd sign on now, but I only planned on being here long enough to write an entry and catch up on the emails I accumulated (since I wasn't online at all yesterday). I'm still really tired, so I don't think I'll sign in at all. I'll be online tomorrow, I'm sure...and Sunday I only work 'til noon so that'll be lovely!

Except for the fact that I'm peeved that ANY of us should have to work at all. Before Safeway, the company from HELL, took over, our store was closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Because they're family holidays. But now of course, since Safeway's all about big business and doesn't give a rat's behind about family, we have to work Thanksgiving and Easter. Thanksgiving I really don't care about--it's not an important holiday, to me, and all it makes me think of is being faced with a variety of foods that I hate. So for me, it's no big deal working. But some people still have families, and they'd like to be able to be at home with those families. Screw the stupid customers; if you weren't smart enough to get everything in advance, then you deserve to not have those items. Like it'd KILL you to get those spices the day before Thanksgiving.

Anyway...Easter. If you don't celebrate it, fine. It's not like I go to church on that day or fact, for me it's sort of like Thanksgiving on the "Holiday Priority" scale, but I don't hate it as I do the former. But as I said before, many people do celebrate Easter, and even though the store closes early, it's still unfair to make anyone work. If I had a family to spend Easter with...well yeah, what the heck, I guess I'd want to spend it with them, hehe...

Again, my admonishment to the Stupid Customers (you know who you are): Get your food in ADVANCE!!!! At least some people are intelligent enough to get everything they need before the day they need it. Not that you can get everything too far in advance, but the perishable items would be good if you got them the day before! Honestly. As humans evolve, are their brains getting smaller? I wouldn't be surprised, considering we don't have to use them for much of anything anymore.

Yeesh, I've turned into Ranty Berry! Well, those things really do irritate me. Another thing that irritates me is that Mom wants to invite Charlie over for dinner on Easter. I'd prefer it to be just her and me, mostly because I can't stand this guy. They're just friends, so she says, but he's so friggin' ANNOYING!!!! All he does is talk...I mean seriously, before we moved to these apartments and she could see him every day (because unfortunately, he lives on the same street), he would call her and talk for at LEAST 3-hour blocks at a time. She'd be mostly silent. He was the one who did all the talking.

I hate people like that. I'm a quiet person by nature, and I tend to like to be around other quiet people. Not that I don't mind chatting with friends, but I usually stay away from the people who don't know how to shut up. It's as if the hinge to their jaw wasn't properly formed at birth, and so they can't keep it closed. It just keeps flapping, and since the person can't manage to keep it closed, why not put the flapping to good use by talking?

NO. Wrong idea. Too much talking gets irritating. And so I've begun to just ignore the man when he infrequently stops by. I retreat to my room and find something quiet to do until he leaves. It's safer that way.

Frank said he was going to call me, so I took a shower and everything, then waited 'til 10 o'clock. He never called, so I decided I wasn't going to wait longer than that half an hour and signed on here. But now my eyes are burning, and it's almost 11 so I should get to bed. I have to be up at 6 tomorrow morning to get ready for work. Wonder if Geoff will be terribly busy and if he'd be open to the idea of lunch. Heh...I'll ask him how busy he plans to be, and if he says he will be busy all day, then I'll just leave it at that and move on. I'm choosing my battles carefully these days.

last or next

Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!