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Today's rambling: Boredom...yay.
Written on Wednesday, Mar. 20, 2002 at 8:58 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Which "Natural Wonder" are you?

Too bad I couldn't include the sounds that went along with that result...they would've been perfect for one of those machines people use to help them sleep, hehe...

Today was another boring day spent at home. Then I work tomorrow, another one of those LOVELY evening shifts, and then I'm off again for 4 days. Bleh. I wonder what I'll find to do during that time. Hehe...Just a few days ago I was like, "Ohhh, I can't WAIT for another day off!" and now the thought just bores me. Maybe it's because things aren't quite as dreadful at work as they had been before...Not to say that they won't be getting that way again, but I'd rather be at work, being with friends and generally DOING SOMETHING, than sitting here wishing something exciting would happen.

Joanne is also of the opinion that Geoff is waiting until I'm 21 to ask me out. Despite the fact that I don't trust her at all anymore, I can't help being drawn into such conversation. ^^; She probably wouldn't have said anything about him to me yesterday, but she happened to be taking her break at the same time that I came in. I walked into the break room to hang my coat up, and Ben and Leroy were both sitting there.

"Oh, it's my two favorite boys!" I exclaimed, grinning at them as I walked into the adjacent room. Leroy replied:

"If Geoff heard you say that, he'd cry."

So Joanne, having been in the same room with them, heard every word. And she told me later that day that she thinks Geoff obviously likes me, because otherwise Leroy wouldn't be saying things like that. I'm more inclined to believe that Leroy said that because he knows I like Geoff, rather than the other way around, but when I told my theory to Mom, even she gave a dubious "I don't know," as if she agrees more with Joanne's theory! :oP Who knows. I just enjoy talking about Geoff. ;)

Ugh...Back when I was sick and was eating Jello, Mom had bought me some of the Jolly Rancher flavored stuff. It was watermelon and green apple. I'd wanted her to return them, because the thought of eating green apple anything made me feel even more sick to my stomach. But we never remembered to return the stuff, so tonight I decided to try it. The green apple was every bit as disgusting as I'd figured it would be. I used to love that flavor in candy form, but it's too tart for me now. Watermelon, however, was still one of my favorites. But the jello form sucked. So the rest of the containers are going to be thrown out. I hate wasting food, so throwing stuff out bothers me...But it's not like I'm going to be eating it.

The strawberry cake I made, on the other hand, is quite good. ^_^ I like it a lot, hehehe...

Can you see how bored I am? I'm talking about food. Not exactly something anyone wants to read, right? Heh...If those Diary Reviews people were to ever review this diary, I would flunk right away because I don't "delve into my emotions" enough. Oh well. I don't agree with half of their opinions anyway, bwa ha! And if I were to start talking about what I'm feeling, it would probably come out as a whole bunch of drivel about Geoff, and even I wouldn't want to read back over that. ;)

I saw my banner up on Diaryland for the first time last night...Not that it particularly matters, I just thought it was cool. *grins*

Tonight, I tried doing something constructive...I attempted to finish the essay I'm writing for my college application. All I need is a nice closing sentence and it'll essentially be done, but I'm unsure as to whether the thing is good enough to be sent in at all. I let Mom read what I had written a few nights ago and, to my surprise, she actually started crying! No, not because it was that bad. :oP But I can't go by her opinion alone because she's a bit partial to the subject; that is, the words evoke more emotions for her than they would for anyone else because I'm writing about something she's experienced.

Well, I'll decide after I've edited some more and made a final copy. Thankfully, an essay isn't required...but I'd still like to have one! If nothing else, though, I know that at least Mom'll like it. *rolls eyes*

Now that I've had my space heater on for awhile and I feel nice and toasty, I'm tempted to put on my coat and shoes and change the bedding in my gerbil tanks. I'm sure they'd appreciate the change...I'm just feeling sort of languid and lazy now... >_<

Ah, what the heck. I think I will. It's something constructive, if not exactly creative...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!