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Today's rambling: Can you say "hypocrite"?
Written on March 13, 2002 at 11:25 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I get to work 8-5 tomorrow, pick up my two paychecks...Hmm, there was something I'd had in mind to buy with money from said checks. I think it was just food. Ah well. Then I'm off Friday and Saturday, whee! I only work Sunday and Thursday this week! Nice for the time off, but come payday, I'll be weeping bitterly.

Oo, get this! John had to close the store on Sunday, and I just found out that when you close the store on a Sunday, you have to close it on Wednesday as well. John has his daughters every other Wednesday (I can't imagine how a tyrant like him had kids), and today happened to be that other Wednesday.

John did not show up for work. He didn't even call to SAY he wasn't showing up. When they called him, he informed them that he "had his daughters". John is not going to be in management's good graces tomorrow.

What gets ME is that during that little "chat" we had the other day, he got on my case because I didn't come in on Tuesday and didn't even call or anything. Forget the fact that my hours for that day had been crossed off several days before he decided he needed me to work. Technically, I was no longer scheduled for that day. But he'd been told the day BEFORE Tuesday that I had no ride and therefore couldn't make it in. Yet he still got on my case about it, even saying that my not showing up could have warranted a written warning.

And then he goes and pulls a stunt like this. Hypocrite. I hope he gets fired.

I, meanwhile, am going to do my best to just do my work and then leave. Then I don't have to worry about people like Joanne running off and tattling on me.

I'm not looking forward to waking up tomorrow morning. All day, I've watched my gerbil, Henry, keep declining. He's an old guy--he and William (who died several months ago) were my first gerbils, and I think they were probably about a year old when I adopted them from my mom's friend. That was in July of 2000, so he's about 2 or 3 years old now...and gerbils only live an average of 2-4 years. Nonetheless, it's heartbreaking to watch him suffer like this. I wish I could do something for him. I gave him dry oatmeal last night because he couldn't even get his mouth around a sunflower seed (his FAVORITE food), and he was eating a little of that. But today he can't even hardly walk, and I think he's almost--if not completely--blind. His body's cold, and he's fallen over several times...I can't even pick him up to comfort him because he's gotten to the point where he bites (because he has no idea what has him). This is the part I like least about owning pets.

So yeah, my mood has plummeted. Mom was in here saying that she'd take Henry's cage to her room for the night, because she's positive that he won't make it through the night (I can't say I disagree with her, either). But I told her I'd rather have him in here. It doesn't matter who finds him dead; I'm still going to be just as upset. *sigh*

On a somewhat brighter note, I finally found the list of courses one has to take to be a Communication major. The courses I least look forward to are the Accounting, Management, and Economics courses, but thankfully they're all really basic. Oh yeah, and then there's "Introduction to Computer Information Systems", but hopefully that'll be easy too? Hehe...

Then there's the requirement that you have to do...what was it, two (?) co-curricular things...You have to work with either the TV station or one of the two radio stations (one's FM, the other's AM), and then you can either work on the newspaper or the yearbook staff. NONE of these options bother me, hehe...Well, the newspaper and yearbook might be a little hard for me because I'm not good with journalistic writing (despite having taken Journalism in 12th grade), but I've been wanting to join WCUC and TV-5 anyway, so that would hardly be a terrible requirement!

Thus, I believe I'll go for a Communication major (though I'll probably still write "undecided" on my application). It's quite a step away from my childhood dream of being an author, but I'm sure I could still keep that as a hobby without stilting my imagination by taking classes for it! ;) Besides, I hate learning grammar. It's not my bag, baby.

And now that I've bored everyone, hehe...

I feel certain that if Hannibal could grow legs and climb out of his aquatic home, he would become a serious threat. First, I'd find my gerbils gone...then he'd come after me. This fish is seriously frightening sometimes, especially when it comes to feeding. *chuckles* Okay, I guess he's not THAT frightening, but he is quite the aggressive little thing.

(That was SO much more interesting than talking about college classes, right?)

Ugh, almost midnight. Guess it's time for this girl to go to bed. I'll listen to my Guess Who CD again, follow it up with the Moody Blues if I haven't fallen asleep before then...and then if I'm still awake I'll lay there and worry about whether Frank is actually going to stop by tomorrow and say hello. He told me the other night that he doesn't work on Thursday, but that he'd stop by and say hello.

Frank, please, get over me! We might be a good pair by all superficial accounts, but beyond that it's just ASKING for trouble! Please, go! Go, find someone who can put up with all your car talk!


Alright, bubye!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!