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Today's rambling: Odd...
Written on February 26, 2002 at 1:50 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I called Mom in here so she could look at "The Soda Fountain Bouquet".

"Oh yeah, I used to make those!" she exclaimed. (She used to work as a florist for Giant--a grocery store chain--and they actually sent her to Hixon's--a floral school out in Ohio--to learn, so combined with her natural talent, she's quite good.)

"How much did YOU charge for them?" I inquired, seeing the way her eyes sort of popped out upon seeing's price.

Her price (or rather, the store's)? $9.99. And the $124 arrangement I was speaking of before was also a bouquet she used to make...and according to her, she used to charge $24...and even THAT was getting expensive! So it just goes to show you how these florists try to rip you off. Mom's going to make that soda fountain bouquet for me to give to Kathy. *thumbs her nose at expensive florists*

Another thought that came to me a couple weeks ago but just now resurfaced...Does anyone remember when I wanted to make every Friday "Story Day"? I'd write all my entries in third person and make it sound like a story? I had to laugh when I realized I only did that once. My memory is terrible! Maybe I'll try to do it again...

I hate typing in the AOL browser!!!!! I seriously need to find a new server. But I'm afraid that any new ones I find will end up being worse than this, and so I stick with the familiar. That's a familiar trend with everyone, I suppose...except for those enviable risk-takers. ;)

Gah, it's nearing 2 am!!!! Berry must be up at 9:30 to get ready for work! If only Geoff would work the late shift, then I wouldn't have to watch him leave before me... ;)

No, actually, I've decided quite firmly this time that I'm resigning him to just "Friend". You can't honestly say that I haven't given this thing effort...he's just not taking the bait! Well, not that there's much worth taking, but still! I'm not terrible, Diary, am I? But I'd rather have his friendship than nothing at all, so I don't want to be too pushy and ruin everything I've worked so hard to accomplish.

Ah, I can be so wise at 2 in the morning...

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!