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Today's rambling: Jailgerbils
Written on January 30, 2002 at 7:05 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

*sings* Mad the swine, mad the swine, I've come to save you....

Umm, anyway, I guess I don't really have all that much to say this time around. Tomorrow starts my little free period, but unfortunately I won't be able to enjoy it because I have to pack! I just hope we have some empty boxes...

Last week, I think it was, there was a breakout in the Rodent Room. I'd forgotten to put the lid back on the cage with my four female gerbils, and they all jumped out and had a 2-day free-for-all. Walked into the room one night and saw...Parvati, I think, perched on top of a box. She tried to run, but I quickly scooped her up and put her back in her cage. However, I'd foolishly thought that since I was now in the room, I could keep an eye on her while I searched for the I didn't put the lid back on. Minutes later, I looked over and saw her out again. Needless to say, the lid went on right after she was returned to her home. It was amusing watching her spring up and latch onto the mesh...I was waiting to see her climb across like a kid on the monkey bars.

Padma, Hermione, and Ophelia were much harder to find. I saw signs of their passing all over (chewed boxes, that sort of thing), but no gerbils! Caught Hermione in the closet, and the other two were hiding in a box of stuff. I never would have found them if I hadn't brought Pierre in to ferret them out. He didn't actually find them, really, but he put enough fear into their little hearts that they started thumping their hind legs in warning. So that's what led me to them.

You'd have thought that I'd learned my lesson from that, but no! That very same night, I forgot to put the lid back on Chloe's cage! So the next day I was passing the room and thought I heard the sound of tiny claws on an empty cardboard box. Peered inside and there was Chloe, standing on her hind legs watching me.

The lids have all been firmly attached since then.

And that's about as exciting as things have gotten. I'm eagerly awaiting tomorrow night because that's the conclusion of Rose Red. You'd think they would have shown all 3 parts on consecutive nights, but of course that couldn't happen! So by the time I see it tomorrow, I'll probably have forgotten half the stuff that happened in the prior two parts. It's not nearly as creepy a movie as I'd feared it to be. Not that there hasn't been any creepy stuff, but nothing overly violent or anything. There's this one guy named Emery (or however it's spelled...I know that's not it), and I don't really know exactly what kind of special abilities he has at this point, hehe....he sees warnings and dead people (but they're all grotesque looking)...Unless I'm missing the point completely, I'm kind of hoping that he'll be explained better in this last part. And then there's this other woman who's an auto-writer, and she hasn't had ANY importance whatsoever as of yet. So hopefully she's got something to do in the last part.

Of course, Stephen King himself had a bit part: the pizza delivery guy. Hehe, he got the door slammed in his was amusing. *shrugs and moves on*

I had a dream last night that Geoff asked me out, so I had Mom drive me down to the store (because she had to work anyway) and I waited for him there. He was in the back room working or something, but I waited up front...and he never showed! So Mom started complaining to Nicole about how he always does stuff like this...

It's pretty bad when I'm stood-up in a dream.

I can't think of anything else to write, so I'm going. Wonder when Andrew is having that scheduled downtime...I'm seriously thinking about getting a gold membership. With all the money he's paying just so we can all bitch and moan about our daily lives (not that every Diaryland member does that), he deserves some money! Hehe...

Hannibal is swimming in the corner of the tank closest to me, a sign that he wants food pronto. I think I'd better comply before he grows legs and comes after me or the dogs instead.

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!