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Today's rambling: Guy problems (who'da thunk you'd hear ME saying that?)
Written on January 27, 2002 at 7:49 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I was talking to Debbie in front of the donut case today. A few feet away, where the frozen section begins, Leroy was stocking some things in an endcap. Further off against the wall, Geoff was stocking stuff in the freezers (the ones with the glass doors, hehe). I glanced over because I saw Leroy looking in my direction, and he exclaimed:

"Amber! Look who's here!" Just to make sure I knew exactly who he was talking about, he decided to point over his shoulder to Geoff, who by that point had also looked over to see what in the world Leroy was talking about.

I didn't know how to react. I really don't mind when Leroy or Don or even Ben decide to tease me about Geoff (though Ben doesn't really say anything about it), but to do it with Geoff there is just...ugh! I'm not exactly embarrassed because he's there; it just makes me uncomfortable because I don't want to alienate him or anything. At this point, our friendship is still in the building stage, so that sort of teasing could easily tear everything apart.

In the end, all I did was look at Geoff with the expression of "What's this guy talking about?" and duck quickly back into the bakery. Later on when I saw Leroy, I asked him what that was all about, and he glibly replied that he was just trying to start trouble. Heh. Nice job. He said Geoff had made no other reaction except to look at him with the same "What the heck?" expression that I'd worn.

I figured that'd be it, but later on that day I had poor timing and went into the back freezer to get baguettes. Geoff, Leroy, and one of the night kids (Dan) were standing in the doorway talking. I slipped past them, and as I was pulling the box off the shelf, I heard the freezer door close. I almost shouted out for them to not lock me in, but I knew they knew I was in there and so they were only joking with me. Geoff ended up opening the door just as I got there and grinned at me, saying he'd "forgotten I was in there".

Walked out of the freezer and dumped the huge box I was carrying on the ground while I shut the freezer door and turned the lights off. Meanwhile, Geoff and Leroy were heading toward the dairy cooler. Thought everything was safe 'til Leroy said to Geoff, "You should've gone in, then you two could make out!" (or something very similar to that.)

Aiiiieeeee! Totally humiliate me, why don'tcha?

It's not that I'm exactly angry or anything. Like I said, it doesn't bother me if the guys decide to tease just me. I'm only afraid of how Geoff's reacting to this. If I knew he didn't care, then it would be a total relief and I'd just go back to not caring what the guys had to say. But what if he's really uncomfortable with it? Actually, it would be funny if he was uncomfortable for the same reasons that I am (thinking that perhaps I didn't like it)! Hehehe...

As it is, I think I'll still invite Geoff to lunch tomorrow if he's working the same shift as me. I'll just have to remember to go back to work on time!!! Yesterday I just didn't want to leave, and so I ended up staying for over 45 minutes...Zenon actually had to call me back! >_< Frank had been back there too, though...I'd felt bad and told him he could join Geoff and I, but I'd secretly (and guiltily) hoped that maybe he wouldn't, hehe! :oP

Mom's saying now that she thinks he's definitely falling for me, and it seriously FREAKS ME OUT. Why is it that everyone I don't want to attract seems drawn to me like bugs to a zapper? ( analogies are so hip!) Yet the guys I want to attract are repelled like...bugs from repellant! (damn, I'm good.)

He calls me virtually every night, takes breaks with me sometimes...I mean, I'd been suspecting he had a thing for me for quite awhile now, but Mom kept saying, "No, he just thinks of you as a friend!" so I felt somewhat relieved by that...Mother knows best, right? Hehehe...well anyway, now she's saying that she definitely thinks he likes me, and it's scaring me!

It's not that I don't LIKE Frank or anything. I've already expressed my feelings about him quite clearly in here. I just don't want things to change! He knows I like Geoff, so I think he's smart enough not to try to ask me out or something equally as foolish...but then again, he's a guy. And guys are strange creatures.

At any rate, I'm going to finally cut this off because it's nearing 9 o'clock and Rose Red is going to be on. I don't know why I'm even thinking about watching that, because I know it'll freak me out so badly that I won't be able to sleep. There was a little half-hour thing about the actual house earlier today on ABC...I didn't know that the movie was based on something real! But paranormal stuff like that always intrigues me, even if it scares me at the same time. Oh well, we'll see what happens! If I have to sleep with the lights on tonight, then so be it. ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!