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Today's rambling: WOO HA!
Written on January 16, 2002 at 12:04 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Cadbury had her babies!!! Oh my gosh, you don't know HOW ironic it all was. I was planning on waiting 'til tomorrow to clean out the cages (and then put Caddie into Pierre's old crate because it was larger and Cassidy-less), but Mom was downstairs tonight and she told me that she wanted to get the cages cleaned now, because it looked like Caddie was ready to deliver at any moment. Rabbits pull fur from themselves to make a nest, and she had little clumps of downy black fur in her mouth. So cute!

So anyway, it is SO good that Mom had gone down to check! Later on that night, she called excitedly up the stairs to say that there were babies. There are 6 of them, but I don't think one of them is going to make it. 3 of them, I think (maybe it's only 2) are solid black. They are SO ADORABLE! They have no fur yet, really, but they have little whiskers, and tiny claws...awww!

Anyhoo, Frank called me around...shoot, what was it...9 or so, I think. I had to reluctantly give up watching the little babies (though I'm sure Cadbury was glad I left, since I was probably making her anxious), but I wanted to talk to mah Frankie anyway. Told him about how I planned on calling Geoff and all, and of course he was totally supportive of me! He was going to hang up around ten, but I was like, "No, don't leave me yet!" So we kept talking 'til almost 11!

He told me that Nicole was the one working in the office tonight, which I was so glad for...had I not known who would be working (or if it had been someone I didn't like), I might not ever have called just because of that! I wasn't worried about the part of the call where I'd be transferred over to Geoff, strangely enough. I was just worried about calling the store, period! But once I found out that Nicole would be the one answering, I was almost totally at ease.

I talked to her for two or three minutes, and then she transferred me to Geoff. When he answered, I was like, "Hi, it's Amber!" and waited for him to pause and then give an awkward, "Oh, hi..." But he said hello all nice and cheerful-like, and then I asked, "Did you have any plans for tomorrow?"

He laughed in an almost-rueful sort of way and said that he did. So I tried to conceal my disappointment. ;) Then I told him about how Mom was going away to Virginia and stuff, and the excuse I started off with was that she wanted to know if he was still interested in the furniture we have to get rid of. We talked about that for a few minutes, and then he was like, "Did you need a ride somewhere?"

So I started explaining the deal with my gerbils. I wanted to see if the pet shop would take them (he knew exactly which shopping center I was talking about because he was there like once, hehe), and these were my only two days off, blah blah blah. I also threw in the fact that there was nobody else around, or else I wouldn't have called him. that made him feel good, huh?

Of course, I assured him that it wasn't any big deal because I knew that he had moving to do as well, and how could he be expected to help anyone else? But he was like, "I feel bad, though!" *warm fuzzies*

At any rate, after thinking on it for a few minutes he said that he'd probably be finished with everything sometime in the early afternoon. Then he asked for my phone number. ^_^ I know, like it's really all that important. It's not as if he said, "I'd really love to do something with you soon. Can I have your number?" But still! Don't ruin my moment! ;)

We probably talked for only 5 minutes (if that), and before hanging up he said that he'd try to call me tomorrow. So the pessimistic side of me (I prefer to call it my realistic side) is saying that he won't call at'll turn into those past "stand-ups".

Still, I was so excited that I dialed up Frank's cell phone and told him the good news. You could hear the big grin in his voice as he talked to me. He was so happy for me, LoL! *warm huggles to Frank* I'm going to have to call him tomorrow night, of course, to let him know what happened. With any luck, the news will be good news!

I'm thinking of inviting dear Geoff to dinner as well, bwe he he...We might not have much by way of casual restaurants around here, but there's enough to choose from!

So anyway, I must go now. I'm getting tired again, now that my second wind has faded into less than a zephyr (I love that word, LoL!). It's after one in the morning, so I should be in bed, anyway! I was so tired this morning that I actually had a headache...see what getting all happy and excited can do to you? Screws up my sleeping schedule... ;)

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!