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Today's rambling: Roommates
Written on January 02, 2002 at 8:33 p.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

I finally got "Labyrinth" on DVD!!! We went to Suncoast Video and asked one of the guys if they sold that particular movie. The girl next to him had it confused with "Legend" for a minute, but he walked out from behind the counter, strode confidently up one of the aisles, and plucked "Labyrinth" out from behind a couple of other DVDs.

"Oh, I love you!" I cried exuberantly as he handed the slim case over to me. "I haven't been able to find this anywhere!"

*giggles* I think I caught him offguard a little bit. ;) Probably not many people walk into a store and exclaim that they love the clerk. ;)

As we were walking through the food court of the mall to Suncoast, Mom spotted an older man that shops at Genuardi's. Yeesh, we see customers even when we're not working! Hehe...actually, though, he was one of those nice sorts (rare these days), so we stood there and talked for a few minutes before going off to get my DVD.

We didn't drive all the way down there solely to look for that, however. At about one o'clock this afternoon, a police car drove up to the house and handed us more of the same papers...the ones that told us that we're bein' kicked out on February 8th. Mom flipped, of course, because we have absolutely no place to go. But she called this place in the newspaper, and I think we're getting some help.

At any rate, it's called Locators, Inc. or something like that, and they needed a fax number so they could send stuff to us. We don't have a fax machine, so we just gave them the number of the fax down at the store. Therefore, we had to drive all the way down there! It was alright, though, 'cause I got to talk to Geoff. ;)

Apparently, he's gotta be out of his place by the end of this month. >_<

"Hey, we could be roommates!" I exclaimed jokingly. When I told Mom about that, she actually said he could live with us! LOL! But I seriously doubt he'd agree to being around me 24/7. ;) Ah well, it was funny anyway.

When I saw Frank, he called out, "I'm sorry, what's your name again?" Heh. It's all because of that little comment I made last night online, hehe...He wants to come over some night so we can watch "The Fast and the Furious" (or whatever it's called), but I'm hoping he'll forget about that. I have no interest in movies like that (he's obsessed with cars, so it's his favorite movie)...I wonder if he'd agree to watch "Slipper and the Rose" if I had to suffer through his movie? *smiggles*

Hugh Jackman has the perfect features for a 19th century duke. Hehe...I don't know what made me think of that, I just think he could have actually BEEN someone from that era. Anyway...

Tiff is supposed to be coming over here after her dentist appointment, and I'm not exactly sure when she'll be here (I keep thinking I hear a car in the driveway), so I'm going to cut this entry short now. I probably won't be on for the rest of the night, 'cause we're gonna go watch movies and stuff. Yay! :oD *huggles Tiffeh*

*huggles to Jam and Lola and Demmy and Ikkin and Yitty and all those other people, too!*

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Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
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Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!