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Today's rambling: Paint me a picture
Written on September 30, 2001 at 1:42 a.m.
while feeling a bit
The current mood of Berry at

Another night, another diary entry! Wow, I'm only a few minutes later in this entry than I was with last night's! Hehe, I have a funny story with last night's entry. For those of you who have D-Land and have it set so it saves your login information, you'll understand this and hopefully laugh as I did!

I wrote out my ENTIRE entry, saved it, blah blah, then decided to preview. Well, as I said, I'm using Tiff's computer, so guess what I found out? I'd just put MY entry into HER diary!!! I had a good giggle over that! So I copied the entry, deleted it, then signed into my own diary. Hehe...funny how I'm so accustomed to, after clicking the "log in" button, going straight to the member area! Didn't even register that it wouldn't be MY diary I was logging in to!

So, are any of you wondering what happened today? Sure you are, don't try to hide it. ;) Tiff, Jenny, and I didn't get to bed 'til after 4 am, and consequently didn't wake up 'til after 2:30 pm! I woke up first, and normally I would've just tried to stay asleep, but I'm so uncomfortable with the whole 'getting ready' part of the day (y'know, washing my hair, all that stuff) that I decided I'd try to get as much as possible done before either of them woke up. Of course, this bathroom is shared with the girls next door, but thankfully they weren't in when I first started getting ready!

I didn't get very far, however, before I heard Tiff and Jenny stirring around. Therefore, I started hurrying and stuff, but it's all good, 'cause I looked cute anyway! *grins cheekily*

Tiff, Dustin, and I then went out to this really cute petstore...the only things I DIDN'T like were 1)The very cramped fuzzy critter section (the cages weren't cramped, but the area where you could look at them WAS) and 2) The sick-looking blue Macaw that was in a big cage up front. It just made me think that the employees probably don't take very good care of their pets. But I don't know that, so I shouldn't pass judgment!

We went to the mall afterward, and I got MarioKart 64!! *does her happy Berry dance* The guy was all nice to me, hehe...I felt like such a dork because I've never bought video games from Electronics Boutique before, but if he thought I WAS a dork, he didn't say so! He said hi and asked how I was (this was as he was passing), and I was like, "Good, how're you?" (y'know, the normal polite stuff) and he said he was good and smiled at me. Ha ha. ;) So then I figured, "Hey, this guy is nice, I guess I'll ask HIM how to get this video game!" And I did, hehe...he went to look for it, and it must've been really hidden, because he was searching for awhile! So when he finally found it, I laughed and said, "Had to look for awhile for that one, huh?" to which he replied, " made me work for that one!"

Why I just shared that, I don't's not as if it was at all important or meaningful, but it was still something to talk about in here! ;)

I also bought a romance novel, and a set of Louis L'Amour audio tapes for Dad as a Christmas present. Isn't that funny? The guy pisses me off more than anyone of the male species should, and I saw those audio tapes, got all mushy, and decided to buy some for him. Heh! Well, we've been getting along pretty well lately, and the tapes were only $8 anyway. ;) Naw, I hope he likes them...and that he hasn't already read/listened to them, because Louis L'Amour (or however you spell it) is like his FAVORITE author!

In between all this, I still felt really sappy and lonely and "I wish I had Matt"-ish. ;) Come on, now, you didn't HONESTLY think I could go without mentioning him, did you? ;)

This town at night is still so much more beautiful than in the daytime, I think. I mean, it's pretty both ways, but at night, with the full moon shining over the mountains and trees, it just hides all the ugly parts and seems to accentuate all the beauty. I've always had a particular fondness for mountains (well, the kind you see in places like PA and Virginia), probably because much of my life has been spent literally at the foot of mountains in Virginia.

In the daytime, the mountains remind me of Virginia and Skyline Drive, but at night looking at them, I get this aching feeling that just makes me want to go back down to VA for a little while. If it weren't for the fact that this bowling thing was scheduled for the same night that Mom is going back down to Virginia, I would be going with her! Being up here has given me a very strong need to be back in the country. *forlorn sigh*

Hmmm....let me see if I can share more of my feelings about being up here at college. I wish I could be one of those people who can paint vivid pictures with their words. You know, describe things and have people be able to visualize exactly what I'm talking about? I have all these feelings and images in my head, and I want to put them into words SO badly, but I just can't find the words capable of describing things!

Every time Jenny mentions the name "Bailey", I think of that annoying German Shepherd of Adrienne's!

*coughs* But I digress. She was just telling a story, which is what made me think of that.

Janette's in the room with us, too, and even though Tiff's not in the room right now, it feels like a great big slumber party or something, LOL! Janette's not staying overnight (I don't think), because she lives in an apartment nearby, but with all of us stuffed in this small room, it just feels really cozy and friendly! They're just chattering away, and despite the fact that I kinda feel left out (because they're talking about things I don't know about), it's still nice. Meanwhile, I'm sitting here blinking over and over to try to put moisture back into my contact lenses!

If I get to go to college, it's definitely got to have a setting like this. I still think I'd like to go to Clarion, but it's one of those things where I'd have to go up and visit before I blindly said "Yeah, I'll go there!" This place is so small town-ish and cozy...I want to say it's a rural setting, but I don't know if it could really be described as such! There are trees lining the streets, and squirrels, and I've seen several rabbits that look like my little Binky back home! The outside of this dorm building, at least, is really pretty...the insides are a little unfriendly (to me), but then again I'm just overly sensitive to the 'feelings' of places.

For example, last night we were passing through this town, and it just seemed to repel me! Some small towns kind of draw me in, while others make me feel really lonely and empty. I know, it's really weird, and as I mentioned before, I can't really explain the feelings I get sometimes, but just the same it's how I am! So this particular town made me feel like there were ghosts lurking in some of the buildings...I'll bet there probably were, I mean the buildings were just so OLD looking! But then one of the next towns we drove into was friendly and welcoming! *shrugs* Maybe I inherited my uncle's sensitivity to these sorts of strange things!

Laura, what about me??? Aren't I a good friend, too? *sniffles pitifully* You make me feel neglected! Hehehe...but it's okay, because I still love you anyway! ;)

One of the apartments we passed tonight on our way to Dustin's dorm (from the parking lot) had two guys sitting outside. We walked back and forth a couple of times because we had to go out for food and stuff, and the one time when we walked back to the car, there was only one guy out. He looked down at us, and then as we turned the corner toward the parking lot, I turned to look back, and he had walked over to the corner, too! Okay, so it's not like that MEANT anything, but it made me think up something...I can't even remember the situation, but I was like, "Well, I'm just gonna go back up to that guy sitting on the porch..." Guess it was one of those 'had to be there' situations.

I think Tiff's out of the shower now, so I'd better close this up before she gets out! Not that she'd kill me for being on her computer (she said I could use it again), but in case she wants to get back on again, I don't want to be hogging it up!

Hopefully she wasn't let down by this visit, LoL! Tonight I was thinking, "She's probably thinking 'I'm never inviting her up here again!'" But I'm not going to be paranoid like that! ;) After all, then I'd be like Dustin! BWA HA HA!!!! *another cheeky grin* If you ever end up reading this, Dustin, I am ONLY JOKING!!!! :oP

Okay, I'm going to go now! *more hugs fer Jam 'n Lola* I wish I had MSN or ICQ or something, LoL! But it's okay, it's better that I DON'T have them, because then I really would be rude, sitting here hogging the computer!!!

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Content and design � Amber.
Image is of Robert Plant (surprise surprise, eh?).
No part of this design may be copied or used.
Thanks to Diaryland for the venting space!